Wild Malicious Consort: Good For Nothing Ninth Miss

Chapter 813: Not to be underestimated

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Chapter 813 should not be underestimated

Regardless of what the Zhou Batian was fearing, the Yun family was destroyed on his site. She did not anger him, and she already gave him face.

Not surprisingly, when Yun Dance appeared in front of that week, Zhou Batian saw the fear in her eyes clearly.

Obviously, the last time the Zhou Dynasty and the Dragon Xuguo battle, the strength of the cloud dance was shocked.

However, at this time, the cloud dance did not feel like playing with him.

Directly with the strength of today, after a ruin of his palace with one hand, he was asked to immediately send people to bury the cloud home.

In this world where the strong is respected, everything is imaginary, and strength is the basis of command!

A move to destroy a palace is enough to shock the Zhou Batian and the entire palace.

After that, under the eyes of countless shocks and fears, the cloud dance left.

The aftermath of the Yun family was also properly buried on this day!


It is night, silent, quiet and extraordinarily quiet.

Outskirts of the woods.

Between the secluded woods, the breeze blew, and occasionally a few worms passed.

Suddenly, a group of people fell, and the quiet woods instantly became lively.

At the moment, the hundredth person who has been hiding somewhere in the woods, was still in a state of being asleep, and he was awakened when he heard this abnormality.

Bai Qingshui and Ling Xuan looked at each other and nodded at the same time.

Daddy, the figure of Bai Qingshui disappeared into the dark woods.

"Who?" is like a ghostly cold voice.

The next second, his figure has appeared behind the cloud dance.

Under the night, Yunwu heard a slap in the face and looked back. "Although I haven't seen it for a long time, I really don't know?"

After seeing the cloud dance, Bai Qingshui’s cold face had a soft touch, and then he lowered his head.

"the host!"

Yunwu nodded slightly and glanced back. "Other people, still can't come out."

After the words, there was a subtle sound between the trees.

After a while, hundreds of people will be assembled, neatly arranged in a row, and it is particularly attractive under the moonlight.

"Master!" The sound of the brushing sound echoed in the quiet woods.

The cloud dance is slightly shivering, and after walking around the crowd, the look is more and more dull.

Although they were not seriously injured in front of them, almost everyone hangs up and the breath has not been adjusted.

The number of people is significantly less.

It seems that this war has lost people.

The power of the flood gates should not be underestimated.

If she is dealing with the beast door, her current strength is not enough, and their strength needs to be greatly improved.

"This is the strength of the upper bounds. It is so hard to deal with the floodgates. How to conquer the whole world, you can't do it with your current strength. Then you will repair and cultivate here. If the place is not suitable, find your own place. I hope that when I come back again, you can fight against the beast door!"

"Yes, master!"

After disbanding everyone, Yun Dance left Bai Qingshui alone, making Xuan Tian and Gao Yu.

"This is the medicinal medicine I got in the upper bounds, which can help them cultivate." In the Yunwuzi space, he took out the medicinal herbs and handed them to Gao Yu.

Then I looked at Bai Qingshui and Ling Xuantian and handed over a book to them. "This is the cheat of controlling power. The primary is enough for them."

How could she tell them that her current strength is still unable to penetrate the advanced...

Bai Qingshui and Ling Xuan Tian turned their cheats and nodded. Their current strength, even if they can only learn the methods of primary control, will have a great effect.

The power of medicinal herbs is by no means limited to this. It is only necessary for them to unblock the power generated by the medicinal herbs in the body and completely blame them.

With this cheat, the body will not have a power that exists but is useless.

As for cloud dance, the power of her body is too strong. If I want to control the magic of the body, the primary and intermediate methods of the cheats cannot be controlled, and only advanced methods can be used for control.

Unfortunately, she has not yet penetrated the mystery.

But now she still has something to do with her, or give it to them first, and make the best use of it.

"Then I have other things to do, and they will give you three. I will ask people to send them to the drug regularly. You can take it yourself."

Looking at the three people, the cloud dance is a firm trust.

The three of them led the soldiers, she was very relieved, and she looked forward to seeing them make more progress next time.

"Yes." The three people have the same voice.

Cloud dance nodded, I wonder if it was still early in the sky, actually gave them a tens of kilometers of night running, said to be dozens of kilometers, I did not know how to run back and forth several times.

No power is allowed, only real combat can be run, which can make them somewhat unbearable.

Until the sky was light, the clouds danced and they could rest, and everyone mourned.

Looking at the crowd lying down, the cloud dance mouth slightly hooked, disappeared into the woods.

With them, she seems to see her sight in modern life.


Cloud dance walked on the road, bowed his head and meditated all the way, wondering what to think about.

Suddenly, a fast horse appeared at the corner of the intersection.

"The people in front let go!" A hormonal horror interrupted the thoughts of Yun Wu.

The cloud dance heard the words, and the fast horse was close at hand. She passed by and quickly passed by.

If it is a second later, it is estimated that it will be kicked and smashed by the horseshoe.

Just as the cloud dance was irritated and unhappy, after touching the person's face, the twilight changed slightly.

Zhou Tianyu?

She saw him, and he rushed to the road but did not look at her.

How could he appear on the border of Long Xuguo? What is happening?

Thinking of it, Yun Dance called Jin Ling and chased it up.

After about half an hour, Zhou Tianyu finally stopped at the front of an inn.

Cloud dance looked at the inn slightly.

The prince of Zhou Dynasty came to the inn of Long Xuguo. This is a big deal. It’s a big deal. Come here, let Mrs. Zhou take the risk to come here. She really wants to see it, then go in and see. Look.

Walking into the inn, Yunwu saw Zhou Tianyu go directly to the second floor.

When she followed Zhou Tianyu to the second floor, when she saw the two people sitting around Zhou Tianyu, the look became a bit abnormal.

Because she saw two people who shouldn't have had an intersection sitting at a table talking.

Zhou Feiyu and Meng Bai!

How are they together?

I saw Zhou Tianyu and Zhou Feiyu saying a few words, and their faces were a little angry. After a while, they got up and left, and only Zhou Feiyu and Meng Bai were left on the table.

Cloud dance eyes are puzzled, Zhou Feiyu said what made Zhou Tianyu so angry?

"How do you use the transmission array?" Meng Bai looked at Zhou Feiyu with some doubts.

Zhou Feiyu looked out the window and looked back. "Is she out of danger?"

Meng Bai nodded. "It's already safe, but I don't understand. Since you will use a transmission array, why not save it in person?"

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