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Chapter 822 Human World

However, the sight of Yun Dance was attracted by the kettle at the waist of those people in the caravan.


The sharp claws, piercing the air, went straight to the camel that was guarded behind by several caravans.

"Oh..." The camel beast, carrying several sacks, was directly torn open.

At high temperatures, the **** smell quickly spreads.

However, the **** smell seems to stimulate the group of half-orcs, and the attack is more fierce.

The caravan has a total of more than 20 people, and the strength is not weak.

However, it is not comparable to those half-orcs who are generally ferocious.

In addition, those in the caravan seem to want to protect the materials on the camel, and some are tied.

The fighting scene is getting more and more bloody.

The cloud dance lurking on the other yellow sand dune has never been acted, so I watched the fight like that, throwing a medicinal medicine into my mouth from time to time.

In addition to healing, some want to fill the hunger.

One afternoon, she was physically exhausted.

However, her sight, from beginning to end, was only locked in the kettle on the waist of the group of caravans.

When I saw that the caravans were knocked down one by one, they were torn, and the kettle was taken by the half-orc, and the mouth was dry.

Cloud dance brows can't help but gradually pick up.

damn it!

Those half-orcs want to rob things and grab things. This side of the robbing and killing people can also be considered, this also has to drink the little water left, really **** insatiable.

There was an injury in Yunwu. Originally, she was planning to wait for the loss of the fishermen when they were both defeated.

Can watch the caravan gradually lose, the half-orcs are more and more brave, and the water of those people in the caravan is gradually being killed by the half-orcs.

Cloud dance can't stand it anymore.

Mother's, go on like this, don't talk about water, even a grass has not gotten awkward.

Moreover, she now needs water too much, and she can follow the camel.

Several businessmen were beaten to the ground by half-orcs, their looks were painful, and the corners of their mouths were overflowing with blood, as if they were unable to fight.

When a half-orc, attacked again, there were still several caravans guarding the few camel beasts.


Under the yellow sand, a cold mantra passed.


The weapon pierced the sound of flesh and blood.

However, this scene has not waited for anyone to react.

The purple figure in the yellow sand swiftly swept, and immediately attacked the next half of the orcs!


Under the hot high temperature, the cold mangling flashed, with the chilly glare.


The **** smell quickly infected the area.

When everyone reacted, seven or eight half-orcs had fallen on the yellow sand, and the blood stained the yellow sand.

The remaining five half-orcs, along with the caravans, looked at the purple figure that did not know how to appear.

Cloud Dance picked up a kettle on the ground and poured it up into the dry mouth.

The water is a little warm, probably because of the high temperature.

But when the water enters the mouth and slides into the esophagus, it seems that there is a feeling of living.

After the cloud dance drank the water in the kettle, he took a sigh of relief.

At this time, she looked at the half-orcs who looked at her one by one, and the caravans.

"Nothing, I just passed by, you continue!"

Cloud dance swings.

However, her footsteps did not move, but looked at a camel beast on the side of the caravan.

After walking for an afternoon, I felt that my feet had to be worn out. If I could have a camel, I would have been better.

However, the eyes of Yun Dance look at the eyes of these people at this time, but she thinks that she is also the person who wants to pay attention to those materials.

"who are you?"

At this time, a hoarse voice came.

The opening is a dark man with a dark complexion and a half-orc with a tiger's head in the upper part.

In front of this, the girl who suddenly popped out and killed seven or eight of her companions in one breath, really made them alert and rose 100%.

From now on, they have not felt a slight fluctuation in the momentum of this girl, which makes them unable to determine the strength of this girl.

Even if I want to tear this girl away for revenge for her companions, I will not dare to take it.

"It is said that it is passing by." The meaning of cloud dance is obvious.

She really just passed by, but she only saw one of them.

The half-orc thought that the cloud dance was in trouble.

Looking at the cloud dance, the dawn is fierce and fierce. "Do not hesitate, look for death!"

court death?

Yunwu heard the words, looking at the half-orc of the strong man, the mouth slightly sneered a sneer.

"You are not a person. I don't blame you if you don't understand people. However, if you forcibly distort me, maybe I will be like you! Look for trouble."

After a hot afternoon, Yun Yun’s heart was full of irritability.

The half-orc looked at the smile of the corner of the cloud dance, and his face changed slightly. It was a naked provocation, like a naked blow to their dignity.

"Good arrogant tone, well, then I will let you see and see, in the desert, who is looking for trouble in the end." The half-orc was violent, a strong breath, suddenly picked up from it.

The other four half-orcs also sighed in an instant, and the long sword in their hands flashed.

I want to go to the cloud dance.

The bottom of the cloud dance was cold, just in the moment when the three half-orcs shot, the ancient Wu knife smashed the air in an instant, without any vindictiveness, but it was dyed with a strange murderous, a strange flash.


The blade cut through the air!



The half-orc was just opening, a clear sound, the handle sword has been cut into two paragraphs.

The other four orcs, when they were forced by the force of the remnant sword, took a few steps back and barely stood firm.

I saw that the half-orc who had just opened the mouth had a blood mark on his neck. At this time, he was braving the blood quickly.

The half-orc was stunned at the neck and stared at the cloud dance; "Who are you?"

"She, she is an assassin..."

One of the half-orcs, the twins flashed a stunned stare at the cloud dance.

Assassins are still at the top of this desert.

However, there has never been an assassin who can have such a killing and a rapid outbreak of thorns without a half-point force.

This girl, where is the person coming from?

Upper Bound? Phoenix? Still the fairy world...

However, if they can't guess anyway, the cloud dance in front of us is just a human being in the human world!

However, at this time, not only the half-orc, but even the caravans looked at this scene, they were all unbelievable.

This girl, it seems that she is only a teenager, so it is so effortless to shoot!

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