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Chapter 823 Desert Dusk

It seems that as long as she thinks, these half-orcs in front of me are just like ants, she can take care of life and death at any time.

Those half-orcs, but the strength of Wu Zun's peak!

What is the strength of this girl?

It seems that she shot twice, but she could not see it at all. It was too unfathomable.

"Who are you in the end?" The half-orc who had been pierced by his neck was reluctant to ask again.

It seems that if you don't ask clearly, it will not be reconciled.

However, for this question, Yun Dance has not been interested in answering.

As soon as he stepped up, he was ready to go to one of the camels in the caravan.

Anyway, in this gathering of evil people, she "robbed" a camel, and it seems that it is not surprising.

The caravans watched the cloud dance coming towards them step by step, and the mistakes in their eyes remained, but the footsteps subconsciously retreated slightly.

At least, they seem to be very clear that they are not the opponents of this girl.

However, the few orcs looked at the cloud dance so that they didn't give face, and suddenly felt that they couldn't get off the stage.

You know, they are the famous sand thieves in the desert. Whoever encounters them is not timid?

But the gimmicks who didn’t know where they came from, so they “looked at” them so much that they felt insulted.

"What are you doing, kill her!"

The half-orc who was licking the wound on his neck, screamed in anger.

The other four orcs, when they were squatting, picked up the long sword and fiercely sneaked into the back of the cloud dance.


"Girl, be careful!"

One of the caravans quickly screamed.

However, the next second!

Not only the four orcs, even the people of the caravan, once again stunned.


That figure disappeared in front of their eyes?

"Hey! Hey..."

The ground yellow sand passed through the sharp weapon, accompanied by the sound of the blade into the meat.

The half-orc who had just licked his neck, looked so painful, and watched the cloud dance full of incredulity, and the figure took a few steps back.

He looked down at the big knife inserted, the **** chest, the look was strange, this breath...


The last sentence has not been finished yet, and the ancient martial arts knife was taken out by the neat, and the half-orc fell to the ground.

"Tell me, don't mess with me!" Under the faint voice, it was extremely cold.

The cloud dance hand holds the big knife and the body is cool.

At this time, in the eyes of everyone, it is so strange, so abrupt, so "sacred and inviolable" general existence.

"You, you have someone who killed us?"

"Do you know who we are? You dare to kill us so many people?" One of the half-orcs was sneered by the cloud dance and sneered, and the eyes were violent and snorted angrily.

"What about my business?" Yunwu glanced at the man and said it for granted.

"You..." The man was convulsed with anger and could not refute.

"Standing to leave? Or lying down for a long sleep? I counted to three, you choose." Yun dance lazy hands around the chest, but the twilight is slightly unpleasant, apparently she is tired of this provocation.

At the moment she just wants to get a camel and then leave here without leaving...

"One two three..." One second of time, the three counts are finished.

"You are waiting for us!"

The remaining four half-human beasts screamed in anger, and the next moment, but quickly turned away, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

But in the looming, it seems that they can still hear them say a word.

"Is your XX, do you count it?"

The caravans "..."

Cloud dance looked at the half-orcs that had disappeared, and regained their gaze.

"Girl, thank you."

At this time, one of the injured businessmen finally adjusted the breath, and stood up and bowed to the cloud dance. "If it wasn't for the girl to save, the fruit is hard to imagine. I don't know how to thank the girl."

Yunwu Liumei looked at the man, and then she turned her eyes and fell to another man in the caravan.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this thank-you is not the management of the caravan, but pretends to be thankful to her.

Forget it, anyway, who is in charge of her affairs is not her, she only needs to get the camel Warcraft.

What's more, she is not trying to save them!

Thank you for not making any difference to her.

"If you really want to thank me, it would be better to give me a camel and a pot of water directly."

Cloud dance said, suddenly put his eyes on the camel Warcraft not far away.

At this moment, the pain in her body has increased a lot. Although she has swallowed a lot of medicinal herbs, she has just hurt her wounds for the "effect".

Of course, for her, the pain of those injuries can be tolerated, that is, in this way, small injuries can also cause big problems.

After you have a camel, you have to find a way to take a break and adjust your body.

That businessman is awkward.

It seems that she did not expect that her request was just a camel with a pot of water.

I thought she was also the material she wanted to escort...

But the businessman responded very quickly, then smiled and said: "That's good to say." Turning back to another businessman: "Bring a camel to take some water."

Soon, a businessman on the other side took a camel and a pot of water.

Yunwu took the camel and the water and nodded to the businessman, and then turned away from the neat.

It seems that it is so refreshing for the cloud dance, it seems that there are some accidents.


Suddenly, a call was heard.

Yunwu heard the words, and Emei turned to look at the businessman who came.

"Is there something?"

The very cold words made the businessman who came with a glimpse.

A cold hoe.

"It's okay, that is... I don't think it hurts to hurt you. Here are some healing herbs, maybe it helps you."

The businessman looked at the indifferent gaze of the cloud dance, his heart shook a little, and no longer dared to say anything like gratitude, he handed the herbs directly to the cloud dance.

The cloud dance looked at the herbs and nodded and picked it up, but the sloppy shackles were full of doubt.

These businessmen can actually see the internal injuries she suffered?

It seems that this group of people is really not an ordinary businessman.

The herbal medicine is a very common healing medicine. For the cloud dance that swallows so many high-quality medicinal herbs, these herbs are not very useful.

The herbs were taken into the space, and the clouds danced to the desert of the hustle and bustle of the sunset, and the twilight was quiet.

It is already at dusk!

Not to mention, the dusk of the desert is actually much more beautiful than the dusk in the weekdays, but unfortunately she has no elegant appreciation at this time.

Still hurry, see if there is any place in front to stay for one night.

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