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Chapter 824 Shacheng

The businessman also looked at the dusk of the sunny sun, revealing a touch of worry, could not help but look at the cloud dance again. "Look at the girl, it seems to have just arrived in the desert. Now it is almost dark, the desert after the dark will Extremely dangerous."

Extremely dangerous?

The danger of the desert is generally the extreme temperature drop.

For this point, the cloud dance has a bottom, although she can't use Yuanli, but the bracelet storage space does not affect the use.

Warm clothes and the like, she has everything in her space.

The danger of falling temperature is not a big problem for her.

However, looking at the faces of these businessmen, it seems that they are not quite right. The cloud dance also asked a little frowning; "What is a dangerous law?"

The businessman was silent and only spoke up; "This desert is different from other deserts. The day of the desert is already very difficult, and it is even harder to get to the night."

When the businessman said it, he was silent and continued. "In addition to the extremely cold and unbearable nights, the most important thing is that there will be hordes of 'desert beasts' appearing in groups."

"The beast of the desert?"

Yunwu heard the words, slightly frowning.

"The beast of the desert is the most ferocious and unique beast in our desert. In general, the beasts of the desert only move at night, but when it is very hungry, it will also appear during the day. A group of companions come out, the number of attacks is extremely strong, even if we are the strongest masters of our desert, once they encounter the hordes of desert beasts, they are not their opponents, especially once they are blocked. There is only one dead road."

At this time, the middle-aged man who had been sitting on the back of Camel Warcraft came down and explained it with Yun Dance.

The cloud dance looked at him, and the corner of his mouth was not easy to detect.

If he didn't guess wrong, he was the head of the caravan.

However, the "beast of the desert" in his mouth is so powerful and powerful?

If it is, it is really tricky.

"The beast of the desert is sensitive and extremely bloodthirsty. If someone is lost in the desert, even if it is hidden, it will be smelled by the beasts of the desert." The businessman saw some doubtful eyes of the cloud dance, added again.

Yunwu heard the words, the brows wrinkled slightly, and the heart could not help but pass a touch of surprise. Is the nose of the desert beast more sensitive than the dog's nose?

If that's the case, then she will not meet in this desert tonight?

If she is not injured, the power is not suppressed, maybe she is not worried about anything.

But now she...

The middle-aged man seemed to see the idea of ​​cloud dance. The savvy scorpion flashed an undercurrent, and then smiled. "If the girl does not disappoint, it is better to follow our caravan. There is a place not far from here." City, where is our caravan, the girl can go there for a night."

A city?

The cloud dance heard the words, and I couldn’t help but look at the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man did not dodge, and he was very serious and sincerely looking back at the cloud dance, as if waiting for her answer.

Silence for a moment, the cloud dance is a slight polite smile; "So, it is troublesome."

In a word, let the middle-aged man glimpse.

It seems that I did not expect that the cloud dance can be recognized as the leader.

However, the middle-aged man is also a person who has been rolling over the wind and waves. Naturally, he knows how to hold his voice.

"No trouble, the inferior and the girl are not acquainted with each other, but the girl is still trying to save, the girl's kindness is in the heart, now this little thing is hanged."

Yunwu heard the words, but did not have much expression.

I don’t know her, but if it’s not because they have water and Camel Warcraft, it’s estimated that she’s too lazy, but it’s too exaggerating to say that it’s saved...

However, he wants to say this, she is treated as a "salvation" of their benefactors. Anyway, she is also infected with a little cheeky by the dragon.

After half a ring!

After finishing the battlefield, the caravans gave up a camel to the cloud dance.

Yun Dance rode a camel Warcraft, followed the caravan's people to the road to Shacheng, she was originally in the direction of the west of the Dragon, and the location of the city they went to is at the south.

A group of people used the fastest speed and finally arrived at the gate of the city before the sky was completely dark.

Under the moonlight, Yunwu looked up at the top of the wall and said: "Shacheng."

Around Shacheng, it was built with that huge stone, thick and rough, but it seems obvious that the walls are like many cracks that have been replenished.

Very old.

However, this is indeed a city.

After entering Shacheng, the businessman drove to a luxury inn with a cloud dance and arranged for her from start to finish before leaving.

Yunwu looked at the thoughtful care of the businessman, and his heart nodded secretly. The original unintentional shot was equivalent to saving a series of troubles.

Looking at the room where I stayed, Yun Dance Liu Mei slightly picked.

It is really an extremely luxurious room. This inn has three floors and the top floor is a deluxe room, which is where she lives.

Just the second store was treated with the usual courtesy when treating other guests, but when I saw the person, the attitude was complimented and extremely respectful, obviously it was very important.

She can vaguely feel that those businessmen who are not businessmen, there must be some behind.

However, that doesn't seem to matter to her!

Forget it, wait until tomorrow, no matter who they are, it seems that they have little to do with her.

Yun Wu took some healing medicinal herbs from the space and used her strength to adjust her body. This power is a bit dazed.

what happened? Why does her power seem to have recovered?

Before entering the city, she clearly felt that the power seemed to be suppressed more and more. Although it is still not completely liberated,

But the force of oppression in the body seems to be a little smaller.

Is it because the force of oppression in the air is small?

Or because of this shacheng?

However, a little power is better than 啥, she used strength to regulate internal injuries.

After a long while, the breath in the body is not so sad.

I didn’t eat anything for almost a day. It stopped, and the cloud dance found that my stomach was empty.

Cloud dance looked at the snacks on the table, slightly frowning, can these things fill the stomach?

Thinking about it, she plans to go downstairs to eat something.

Although the VIP room service here is very thoughtful, I just want to know what I want, but she also wants to know what it is like in this desert.

After going downstairs!

Yun Wu found a place with a low sense of existence and sat down, ordered some meals, and listened to the crowd while eating.

"Have you seen it, she is the person brought by the left alliance."

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