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Chapter 828 Leading Smuggling

"Have you seen it? She was the person brought by the left-handed leader and lived for several days."

"Is it her, I haven’t seen any labor for a few days, it’s too obvious."

"I didn't expect the left leader to be smuggled!"


Yunwu walked on the street, listening to the gossip of the stall vendors, wrinkling his forehead, his eyes condensed, what kind of labor does it take to live in the city?

Going to a quieter street, Yunwu looked around and put his eyes on a grandfather who was preparing a basket.

The uncle looks like he is in his teens, but he is still working.

Cloud dance went to the uncle and looked at the exquisite baskets: "Uncle, do you need to work in the city?"

The old man looked at the cloud dance, but he looked up and let the cloud dance for a moment.

This old man looks like he is in his 70s, and his eyes are so sharp and sharp, it is really strange.

"Taro, except those who only stay overnight, do not need to work, people who live in the city must work, or they will be misunderstood by others, and the gossip is the most terrible."

The old man smiled and looked at the cloud dance, and the smile had a bit more other colors, as if he recognized her.

"Do we know?" Cloud dance looked at the old man's eyes, some uncomfortable.

That smile is really a bit repulsive.

The old man has a beard and smiles. "You don't know me. I can meet you. I haven't worked in the city for a few days. The people in Shacheng know you."

It is said that the cloud dance face is black.

Everyone in Shacheng knows her?

Just because there is no work? Is Zuo Meng helping her or is she harming her?

Knowing the rules in the city, the cloud dance left.

The road to leave naturally attracted more criticism, and those people also said that there was no profiteering incident.

Most of the people who were driven out by the family were violent and rarely obeyed the discipline of discipline, but they were able to take the initiative to work in Shacheng.

It seems that everyone respects the rules of Shacheng, and she has slightly improved her views on those people.

"I still plan to stay in the city for a few more days without paying work. Such people should have been expelled from the city."

"Is it because he is a woman?"

"Ha ha ha..."

The crowd burst into laughter.

The cloud dance walked on the street, and when they heard these words, they stopped and looked at the crowd.

I don't know if it was shocked by the chill in her eyes, or everyone stopped the laughter one after another, and the whole street fell into silence.

"I'm still angry. This is the rule for everyone. Why don't you follow it?" A man who sold porridge threw the spoon in his hand on the floor.

Yunwu glanced at the man and turned back to him. "When you knew this rule, did someone take the initiative to tell you?"

The man shook his head. "Not what?"

"How do you know that?" Yun Dance continued to ask.

"Occasionally learned."

"So was it because of other people's arguments?" Cloud dance disdain.

"I rely on you, you have finished, say you still have reason?"

The man was mentioned by the cloud dance, and his beard was blinking and his face was angry and embarrassed.

Cloud dance laughed, should he be worse than her at the beginning?

"I am just telling you that people who first came to Shacheng don't know the rules here, and you will be reminded of it in good faith, instead of talking about gossip."

Cloud Dance once again looked at the man and sneered: "It’s like you, was scorned by the rumors, can't you still face it now?"


"Don't you, sell your porridge." Yun Dance interrupted his words, smiled and smiled, ignoring the eyes of everyone, and turned away.

Just as the cloud dance left, there was something like a hedgehog at the foot of the cloud.

But the thorns on the body are sharper than the hedgehogs, as if they can wear the sharpness of the shoes.

Yun Dance mouth raised a sneer of the arc, Yu Guang glanced at the thorns of Warcraft, as if not found, quietly walking.

This hedgehog appeared on the left, and although it was extremely fast, it was discovered by her.

Looking at the left side of the cloud dance, I found that only one man who was doing acrobatics explored with his mental strength. The strength of the man was in the middle of Wu Zun, just as fast as that!

It is him, the arc of the cloud dance sneer is more extended and cool.

Just as she set foot on the body of the hedgehog, a painful scream continued to linger in the streets.

The people who are waiting to see the clouds dance out, hear this scream, and the look is a joyous leap.

But the next second, the smile is stuck on the face, and the expression like a smile is a little distorted.

The cloud dance sneered through the crowd and disappeared into the crowd.

And the man who had just been acrobatics was crying on the ground at the moment, and there was a barbed hedgehog lying there, and the thorn on the hedgehog had been dyed red, kneeling on the ground and looking innocent. Looking at the man, it seems to be saying that it is not my business...

The whole street was still silent, and everyone looked at the direction of the cloud dance and looked at each other.

What happened just then?

They obviously saw her stepping on, when was the hedgehog removed?

If she can remove the hedgehog under the gaze of everyone, the strength must be above all of them!

Is that really her strength? Or is it a coincidence?

Who is that woman?

At the moment, this is a doubt in everyone's heart.

After leaving the street, Yun Dance returned directly to the inn.

If you didn't guess wrong, Zuo Meng should now discuss anything with others in the inn.

Otherwise, Yun Dance just stepped into the inn and saw the figure of Zuo Meng.

Because it was close to fifteen, the inn was full of people at the time, and the inn’s desk was full of people.

When everyone saw her walking into the inn, the focus of the discussion was immediately placed on her, and the content was naturally about that she had not worked in the city for a few days.

The cloud dance is slightly frowning, and I am impatient with these discussions. Are the people here all **** pig brains?

Zuo Meng heard someone talking about cloud dance, and when he looked up, he saw the cloud dance standing in front of the door.

Then an extremely sharp eye swept to everyone, and everyone shut up.

Cloud dance looked at the more disdainful eyes of the people. He secretly sighed and sighed. Didn’t he do more to cater to their ideas?

Left League leads the smuggling...

At this time, Zuo Meng had already got up and came to the side of Yun Dance. He smiled and said: "Can a girl find me something?"

"Left commander, I just heard that people who live in the city need to work, and trouble me to get a position."

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