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Chapter 829 Women's Shoucheng

Looking at Zuo Meng, I don't know if it is intentional. The voice of her speech is not too big, but it is just passed into everyone's ears.

"If they say something, the girl is great..."

"Left commander, I don't want to be special, can you understand?" When Yun Dance interrupted him, how could he not understand what the old fox was thinking?

Zuo Meng bowed his head and pondered for a while, his eyes were deep, and he recovered his smile at the moment he was carrying it. "That's good, I don't know what you want to do?"

The cloud dance whispered, and Shen Shen said: "I seem to have a lot of people doing other things, or else, I will be a defender."

Her voice fell, and the laughter in the inn instantly screamed unscrupulously.

"Do you be a defender? Are you afraid of being scared by the beasts of the desert?"

"You look at your small body that can't help but wind up, can you afford to toss?"

"Ha ha ha..."

When the words came out, the laughter of the inn of Zhongshan suddenly became wretched.

Listening to such people's sarcasm and smashing, the cloud dance face is gloomy, and the killing intention has increased a lot. She came here to have fun for others?

But looking at the face of Zuo Meng, she resisted the factors of violence.

She looked at Zuo Meng, as if telling her that if they didn't shut up, she didn't mind breaking the rules of Shacheng, and she didn't mind how much to drive her guard.

In a word, come and play one, come and play a pair!

Zuo Meng was warned by the cloud dance, his face was dull, and he looked back down. "Do you want to leave Shacheng?"

Brushed, the laughter stopped.

The inn is quiet and quiet...

Cloud dance sneer, where is the skill of the cow fork?

"Don't care about their words, the dead can't be changed. Just said that you are a defender, I promised, you go to the tower." Zuo Meng looked at the cloud dance, and his attitude was extremely respectful.

The cloud dance sneered, the old fox made her stay, and the eight achievements were to help her deal with tomorrow's beast.

Her strength has not been seen by others, but he can see clearly.

The idea of ​​cloud dance was also clearly seen by the left axe, knowing that she was a defender in order to find the magic grass.

His purpose is to let her defend the city. Her purpose is to find an easy-to-get-out, wherever she can go to find the magic grass. The position of defending the city guards just meets each other's purpose. Why not?

With the consent of Zuo Meng, Yun Wu went to the city hall to report.

At the moment, the towers are strengthening the fortifications. All the guards of the city guards are almost busy moving sandbags and stones. It seems that they are preparing for the tide.

In this scene, the cloud dance has some curiosity about the beasts of the desert.

After coming to the top of the desert, in fact, the cloud dance really did not really see the desert beast.

Seeing that everyone in these sand cities is so rigorous, she is more and more eager to see the power of the desert beast.


City Hall!

Shouchengwei saw the cloud dance to report, slightly wrong.

For many years, he has never seen a woman to defend the city.

This woman...

Shouchengwei looked at the cloud dance, and his eyes were full of doubts and ignorance. He thought that even if a woman has strength, she still can't reach the qualification of Shouchengwei.

It is important to know that the work of Shouchengwei is very important, especially in these days, you must prepare for dealing with the beast. Can this woman do it?

"Don't look at it, I just came to defend the city." Yunwu looked at Shouchengwei and looked at her eyes, frowning slightly.

I really don't like this kind of gaze!

"I'm sorry." Shouchengwei found his own apology and immediately apologized.

These people are all brought out by the left alliance, and naturally they will not be as ironic as those people.

"Like this, you go to the city to patrol, don't let any fights or indecent situations appear, let me know if they appear."

After all, the defending city guard gave a piece of armor to the cloud dance. This is the logo of the defending city guard. Those who live in Shacheng will become extraordinarily safe if they see this armor.

Yunwu took the armor and learned the nod, knowing that he saw that he was a woman, so he arranged some activities that did not require physical strength, and she enjoyed it.

Being able to walk around the city at will is the purpose of her guarding the city.

However, it seems that the situation of fighting indecent does not need her to come out to solve it?

But if you encounter it, if you are in a bad mood, you can still take the opportunity to solve the problem of itching!

Of course, these will depend on her mood.


Cloud dance returned to the inn to put on armor, and the momentum increased second.

This armor is not known to be made of metal. It is filled with a glamorous silver ray, lingering, and it is particularly shocking. Even if an ordinary person wears this armor, it will be extremely domineering.

The cloud dance mouth is slightly raised, and it seems quite satisfactory. The armor of the defending city guard is really good.

Wearing this armor, the cloud dance naturally goes out to stroll and see if there is anything she wants.

However, when the cloud dance is wearing armor and walking around the crowd of people coming and going, it seems to be exceptionally eye-catching.

No matter who passes by her, she will look at it more or less.

I haven’t seen Shouchengwei, but I have never seen a female defender!

Especially this woman is still a young girl who looks younger and looks younger.

When did this Shacheng come to such a girl to defend the city?

Is the responsibility of defending the city handed over to such a girl, is it too much play?

Of course, for those who change their minds, cloud dance is too lazy to pay attention.

However, the cloud dance seems to have some regrets.

It seems that wearing this armor is too high-profile, but it makes her want to find the magic grass to make it awkward...


Strolled for a while.

Daddy, there was a loud noise in the crowd.

The cloud dance is slightly frowning, and the spirit is exploring the distance.

I found that two people in the crowd are fighting, it seems to have been red-eyed, it is very intense, if you do not stop the estimate, it will become a human case.

Originally, the cloud dance was too lazy to pay attention to it, and planned to go around, but...

"The guardian guard is coming."

Just as Yun Dance just wanted to turn around and leave, I don’t know who shouted.

"Brush!" Everyone’s eyes looked at her when they were.

Cloud dance face is black.

But in the end, wearing this armor that guards the city guard, if she turns around like this, it is estimated that she will be provoked.

In the end, Yun Dance ignored everyone's gaze and walked into the crowd in an indifferent manner.

The two men who had just fought each other were fighting against each other. They did not hear the reminder of that person and continued to fight.

"Brother, I haven't seen anything since I stopped." Yunwu said a little.

"What are you doing? Roll!"

Two roaring words, followed by two hooks and an instant dance to the clouds.


Many people in the scene saw this scene and took a breath.

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