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Chapter 830 looks greedy

Is this going to guard the rhythm of the city guard?

Actually, I have to guard the city guard...

The cloud dance looked at the two fists that were close at hand, and the eyes cooled.

It’s really troublesome!

Everyone who has been watching the crowd has seen this scene, and his face has changed.

Some people tried to stop, but unfortunately one step later, those two hooks, no one can stop, and directly smashed to the cloud dance.

At this point everyone is thinking, the fist of the woman's defending city guard is to eat, and the two people are definitely finished.

The two men used the fists of the whole body to force, and after touching the armor of her body, they seemed to react instantly. The face was pale and the cold sweat flowed, but they could not accept it.

"I still don't want to die." One of them shouted with pain in his eyes.

It is said that the cloud dance stuns in a moment.

At this moment, the fist had reached her face, and as the strength of her fist came to the wind, the broken hair of her forehead was constantly being oppressed.

However, just before the fist hit her.

Cloud dance palms are moving, ready to shoot.

But at this moment, in the air, suddenly there is a emptiness of power, hitting the two.

"Ah..." a scream rang.

In the same second of screaming, everyone saw only two black shadows flying out, and the speed was fast.


Another burst of gas rang.

The two, but the master of the Wuzun level.

Was it hit like this?

The cloud dance looked at the two people who had been planted in the distant huts, and looked back at the crowd as if they were looking for someone.

Just as she just wanted to shoot, she was taken a step early.

Therefore, the blow of the two men’s abdomen is not from her hand!

However, looking at the wolf-stricken two people, she sneered at the corner of her mouth.

Wu Zun?

It seems that in this place, the strength of Wu Zun can be really useful.

I looked at the two people... Yunwu shook his head helplessly.

Everyone saw this scene, surprised and open-mouthed, stunned.

Everyone felt that this attack could not escape, and no one thought that this seemingly weak woman defended the city, but escaped.

This woman knows that it is already famous in Shacheng.

I thought it was the person of Zuo Meng who had been sheltered by the Left League. Now it seems that she feels like she is sheltering Zuo Meng?

It turned out that her strength is so powerful.

"Friends who just shot, thank you." Yun Dance was polite and owed to the crowd, turned and left.


It wasn't her who just shot.

I said how she would have that skill, not a man to eat!

The cloud dance listened to the sardonic sound behind him, and the curvature of the corner of the mouth was deeper.

As for the person who just shot, it seems that he did not intend to show up!

This farce is just like this!


Alternating day and night, it will soon come on the fifteenth day.

Yun Dance was looking for two days in the city as a guardian of the city. He did not find any news about the magic grass. It seems that this magic grass is really not easy to find.

"Today is the time for the beast to move out, but how do I feel that the weather is not quite right today~!"

"What is wrong?"

"How do I see that there is a storm coming?"

"Go, close your crow's mouth."

In a ruined temple, the cloud dance heard a conversation between two people.

At this point, the sky is already a little darker.

Cloud dance looked up to the sky, the original sunset red sky in the air is a bit dark and turbid at this moment, really like a precursor to the storm.

But what is the storm at the top of the desert?

This seems to be somewhat unlikely!

"I don't know how the brothers in the evil city are doing, his mother's, if the enchantment suddenly appeared strange a few days ago, how many brothers can suffer such a heavy injury?" One of them was a mad voice.

Just as the cloud dance just stepped up and prepared to leave, I heard the person’s words suddenly stop.

A few days ago, the enchantment suddenly appeared strange?

The cloud dances are awkward, and the eyes reveal a hint of coldness. Is it their transmission array?

"Don't complain, if you didn't cut that strange power into a hole, the brothers would have been dead for a long time." Another person followed his words.

"Okay, things have passed in the past, and don't mention his mother's mention. There are ears in the wall. If someone else knows that our brothers are trying to break the enchantment, no one else wants to live."

The cloud dance listened to the conversation between the two, and the breath of the surrounding was instantly cold.

There is a crack in the transmission array, not because the transmission array failed, but was artificially destroyed?

After a moment of contemplation, the cloud dance shook his head!

Although the mouth of the transmission array will make the transmission matrix out of balance, she obviously feels that the pressure of the enchantment will cut off the transmission array.

Moreover, it is not fatal to deal with the damage caused by the transmission of the enchantment.

"Hey, you can really think of that idea. If it wasn't for your **** forced break through the enchantment, how could the pressure of the enchantment suddenly increase, and the brothers were almost crushed to death in the enchantment."


It turns out that forcibly breaking through the enchantment will actually increase the pressure suddenly?

In this way, the sudden and abnormal pressure of the enchantment is really caused by this person in front of me.

The face of the cloud dance is completely cold at this moment.

If it weren't for this person, she would have been safe with the Dragons.

If it weren't for him, she wouldn't be so hurt, she wouldn't be lost with the dragon, and I would worry about their life and death.

All this is because of the person inside!

If there is a person between them, there is an accident...

Cloud dance around the killings rise, twilight and bloodthirsty.

Even if it is only for this reason, they will die!

"Oh..." The ruined temple door that was ventilated everywhere was smashed

This loud noise shocked two people who were ruining the fire in the temple.

When I heard the loud noise, the two men’s heartbeat slowed down half a beat, while the brush stood up and looked at the people outside the door.

"What person?" One humanity.

Yunwu did not answer, with a cold killing, step by step to the two.

The two looked at each other and knew that the person was not good. When they were stunned, the right hand couldn't help but smear the long sword at the waist. The left hand was ready to fight.

The cloud dance went to two people and stopped at two meters.

The two looked at the armor worn by the cloud dance, and the twilight was a little surprised.

Should Shouchengwei not be in the tower now?

How would it appear here?

However, when the two of them came up and touched the look of the clouds and the cold, a slight sigh of a second, was attracted by her glamorous face.

A very cold and beautiful woman.

"His mother, it turned out that this Shacheng really has a beautiful woman, it seems that the age is quite small." The man looked at the cloud dance, his face was somewhat greedy.

However, the subsequent greedy look was positive: "I don't know what the girl is looking for?"

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