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Chapter 831 is a crowd of people

After seeing that the cloud dance was a woman, the two men’s vigilance was slightly lowered, and after seeing her face and age, the two completely put down their guard.

Just such a petite little woman, even wearing a defending city dress, does not seem to be much threatening.

Cloud dance looked at the greed in the eyes of the man, and the corner of his mouth outlined a smile, a touch of fascinating smile.

That smile, like the beauty of Han Mei bloom, watching the two stayed for a few moments.

It’s just that they don’t know what is hidden behind the smirk.

"Hey." A touch of cold man swept through the air and disappeared instantly.

"噗通." The person in front of the cloud dance echoed, and the sneak sneer and a trace of greed in the cloud dance, the sly smile on the corner of the mouth was still stiff.

One second, two seconds.

The bright red liquid on the neck of the person on the ground began to flow out.

"噗噜噗噜" is like a fountain.

His look has also changed, and the greed of greed has become a shock and fear, and will never change again.

"What the **** are you!"

Seeing that his companion was killed, another man wearing a blue robe, instantly pulled out a long sword and pointed to the cloud dance, and naturally he was shocked.

At that moment, he only felt the air flowing at a rapid speed. He didn’t even see how she shot, he just...

The horror of his eyes was hidden, but it was still easily seen by the cloud dance.

Yun Dance gave him a cold look, did not answer, turned and left.

"Kill him, do you think you are gone? Shacheng is not allowed to kill! Not to mention you are still guarding the city!" Tsing Yi men snorted and tried their best.

Not just to scare the clouds, but I hope someone will hear them.

The cloud dance was blinking, and the steps of leaving stopped, looking back at the man, indifferent: "Try to break through the enchantment and leave the desert. Can you afford this crime?"

Hearing, the man’s body trembled.

"The defending city will try to break through the enchantment but resist the arrested person to kill, can't it?"

The man's face changed slightly, and the hand holding the sword shivered slightly. In order to make it calm, he had to hang down the sword. "I don't know what you are talking about."

"Oh..." Yun Dance smiled coldly.

Then he glanced at him again indifferently. "If that reason doesn't work, I will change the reason and kill him because he is damn, don't kill you, because you are not worthy. If you want to avenge your dead brother, it is better to be aware. ""

The cloud dance turned and disappeared into the temple.

"I finally advise you, don't try to talk to a defending city guard about the problem of not killing."

She left, took away the killing and cold, but the temple at this time was even colder because of her words.

The air whirls through her cold voice, and the ghostly voice is getting smaller and smaller.

"Oh." The sound of the long sword fell on the temple.


After leaving the temple, the sky was already dark.

Cloud dance is going to go back to the inn.

In fact, she did not know whether Shouchengwei had the stipulation that he could execute the damned person himself. If he did not, he would not be tight. At this desert, everything was too normal.

If that person is smart, he should hide his brother's body and wait for the fifteenth to leave.

The thin corners of the cloud dance evoke a bloodthirsty arc.

Just as she returned to the center of the city again, she found that there were almost no one on the bustling streets. Only a few people were still walking, and the pace was extremely fast.

The cloud dance frowned slightly, and quickly stepped forward to stop the next person. "What are people doing?"

The man was stopped by the cloud dance and his body slammed.

However, the man was hearing the problem of the cloud dance and she was guarding the city armor. The look was somewhat puzzled.

"It’s getting dark, the beast is coming.” The humanity.

Is the animal wave coming?

Hearing the words, Yun Dance raised his eyebrows and looked at the sky. It was indeed dark in the distance.

Today is fifteen, but for a while, she seems to have forgotten...

At this point everyone in the city should go to the city wall just in case, right?

"Shoucheng Wei even do not know these?" After the man left, he looked back at the cloud dance and muttered.


Looking at the empty sky, and then look at the empty streets, the clouds dance in the eyes of a dark and unclear undercurrent.

The animal tide is coming, is everyone going to fight the animal tide?

Originally, for this situation, Yun Dance did not want to participate.

However, I don’t know the difference between the beast of the desert and the last time she saw it in the upper bound. Maybe I can go and see.

Cloud Dance thought of this and turned and walked toward the wall.

Her current status is to defend the city, even if she does not defend the city, so as not to be affected by the population.

Now I’m worried about being criticized by others? In fact, is she still suffering from less tongue?

I think it’s really funny...


As the night fell, the entire Shacheng was shrouded in a dark night, with dark clouds in the distance, and it was constantly approaching Shacheng.

It is the rhythm of the storm coming...

"Left commander, sandbag protection is ready to be made, and nothing can be done, but this day is going on like this, this..." A defending city guard looked at the dark cloud in the dark sky, and there was a worrying desire. .

Zuo Meng looked at the night and half empty, nodded slightly, and said: "Let everyone prepare for the battle."

"Yes!" Shouchengwei shouted.

Zuo Meng looked at the distant winds and the sharp scorpions changed.

Can you spend it safely tonight, just see if the storm will come to Shacheng.

However, if "her" comes, perhaps the odds will be a little bigger, how to say, her strange strength he has witnessed, it is still in her case of extreme internal injuries.

At this moment, the cloud dance came to the wall in armor.

Above the city walls, people are crowded.

All the people in Shacheng are here, and there are probably a few thousand people. They are all lined up in this row, and everyone seems to have added a touch of attention on their faces.

But the posture of one team seems to be very tacit.

People who don’t know, they think that these people are from the teammates of some teams. I can’t think of them. These people are all extremely wicked people on weekdays.

Some of the unexpected clouds of the cloud dance are staring.

When the disaster is coming, I can unite to face it. Should she re-recognize these people who are driven out of evil?

Walking up the city wall, the cloud dance looked at the desert beyond the wall, and the depth of the eyes was deep.

What a terrible beast is it that everyone can pay attention to?

She has only heard it, but she is looking forward to seeing it.

If these people on the wall know her thoughts at the moment, she must treat her as a mental illness.

For those who live on the top of the desert all year round, the fifteen beasts every year is the day they least want to face. Don't expect to expect. Every year, prayers are hoped that the beasts of the desert can be extinct.

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