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Chapter 832 Crazy Bloodthirsty

"The girl is also here." Zuo Meng saw the figure of the cloud dance, covering the sorrow in the eyelids and laughing.

The cloud dance is slightly cramped.

The girl is coming too? Isn't that what he expected?


However, before the cloud dance said something, the ground suddenly faintly trembled, like the roar of the beast and the beast.

Time has attracted everyone's attention.

The people present, no one is a leisurely generation, and the next face becomes dignified.


"Everyone is ready!"



The cloud dance is a little bit stunned, a touch of cold, and the animal tide?

Looking up slowly, looking out into the darkness of the city, in the distance, it seems that there are countless scarlet flashes.


The night shrouded the night, and the tremors from the earth became more and more fierce. The scarlet flash was getting closer and closer, and a violent anger in the air came from all directions.

It seems as if you want to cover the entire city.

For the first time, Yun Wu was in the so-called desert stagnation. From the oppression of the air, she seemed to understand why these murderers were so nervous and dignified.

I am afraid that it will far exceed the scenes she has seen in the past.


But at this moment, a flash of lightning passed through the sky.


During the time, the little raindrops of the patter fell.

At the moment when the lightning was shining, everyone’s breathing was stagnant.

I saw that under the nervous eyes of all, the densely scared beasts that were not at the end were already close.

And just under the lightning, let everyone clearly see that those savage and fierce beasts of the desert are more than in previous years!

Is it because of the heavy rain tonight?

Forcing the desert beasts to come out?

In fact, every year fifteen, the beasts of the desert will attack the cities.

Over the years, perhaps a habit has been formed, and every year there will be a goal-oriented direct city, and this year is no exception.

However, at this moment, the wind is whistling and the rain is getting bigger and bigger.

The temperature in the air seems to have cooled a lot, everyone has been wet, and the rain has blurred the line of sight and smashed the sand city.

Everyone's face is getting more and more dignified, holding the weapon in his hand.

"The beast is coming, I am afraid I will not be able to cope this year." Zuo Meng looked at the cloud dance and his voice was dignified.

There are very few scenes of storms in the desert, and of course, it is not said that there is no.

However, it is rare that there are violent storms on the 15th of the month.

The wind whistled, and the rain continued to hit the wall. The stone sand in the seam of the wall was hit by the wind and the wind, and began to show signs of loosening.

In this way, the city wall must not be able to withstand the fierce attack of the beasts of the desert.

damn it !

Cloud dance looked at the quicksand under the wall under the heavy rain, and could not help but frown.

Tonight, this Shacheng does not seem too good!

"Oh." A screaming beast screamed.

In the next second, the speed of the beast of the desert is more stable, and it is getting clearer through the sight of the beggar.

At this moment, it seems that only the beasts of the herd are left.

After half a ring.

Under the wall, it is already a dense beast of the desert.

These desert beasts cannot be turned into human figures, but they all have some spiritual wisdom.

Therefore, in the daytime they will choose to crouch and wait for the night.

Especially in the night of the full moon, their bodies will be filled with endless power and hunger. As long as they are living creatures, their claws can easily tear them away to fill the emptiness of the stomach.

At this moment, there was a fierce roar in the surrounding area.


Under the rain curtain, the cloud dance placed the line of sight on the roaring beast. The beast had a brown fur, like a king, squatting on a stone.

At this moment, it is in a blink of an eye with the cloud dance, eyes sharp and bloodthirsty.

Is that the king of the herd?

Or is it the lead of this group of beasts?

As the saying goes, the thief should first smash the king, and the herd should be the same reason?

"Oh." The Beastmaster screamed again.

This voice was extremely arrogant, and turned a corner in the middle of the middle, like a provocation to the cloud dance.

The cloud dance mouth can't help but scream, she was provoked by a beast?

It's quite interesting!

In the roar of the Beastmaster, the herd had arrived at the wall and began a fierce attack.


The invisible beast of the desert, suddenly slammed up, targeted, aimed at the wall under the heavy rain.


Standing on the wall, the cloud dance seems to feel the wall under the feet is shaking slightly.

This herd is not only terrible, but even the power is not to be underestimated!

"Fast, defense! The beast tide is too aggressive!"

"The rain is too big, so the wall can't support it."


Under the fierce slamming of the beast, the wall was filled with some flustered sounds, echoing in this rainy night.

Looking up at the downpour, the dark clouds of the clouds danced.

In the current situation, it seems that this wall is not broken.


There was a fierce and terrifying force percussion.

In the twinkling of an eye, everyone who just panicked seems to understand the situation tonight, and the time has come to prepare for the war.

The color of the desert beast is much darker than the color of the quicksand. Under the dark, heavy rain and night, they are extremely crazy and bloodthirsty.

The herd continued to devast the walls, and the quicksand in the stone walls of the walls was scattered faster, and was hit by the rain and flowed to the distance.

Cloud dance overlooks the herd, and the bottom of the eye can't help but flash a touch of horror.

These desert beasts are actually only the fifth-order upper-level Warcraft. You can see the situation. The wisdom power of these fifth-order desert beasts is estimated to be comparable to the seventh-order Warcraft.

What is the definition?

Don't think about it.

Moreover, these desert beasts seem to be more crazy bloodthirsty than the lower world of Warcraft.

For example, now, every Warcraft eye is blood red, especially dazzling in the dark, can not be ignored, while destroying the city wall, while screaming, looking fierce and bloodthirsty.

The upper bound of the fifth-order Warcraft Wisdom is higher than the lower bound Warcraft, a group of desert beasts are in the process of attack, there are regular ranks of the ranks of the good work.

I saw that they were attacking the wall in an orderly manner, separating the two sides and attacking the entire wall.

Suddenly, the sand of the wall at the foot of Zuo Meng was so powerful that a crack appeared more and more, and the beasts of the desert around him flew over, and countless pairs of sharp and tough claws dig up the cracks.

at this moment!

The entire Shacheng, no matter how it was burned and looted, was united at this moment, distracted and watched the attack of the desert beast, waiting for the last minute.

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