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Chapter 833 Beast Tide Attack

Seeing this in the cloud dance, the lips and corners open a smile in the dry rain, just like the lotus blossoms.

These people who are famous for being heinous, the unity at the moment is really incredible.

However, I do not know why, let the cloud dance feel inexplicable.

On the contrary, those who are so-called bright and upright, who act as gentlemen, are sometimes not as good as them.

At least they burned and robbed the bright and straight, and those who pretended to be graceful... the clouds danced and smiled cold.

Zuo Meng looked at the loose sand under his feet and his face suddenly changed.

"The wall can't hold it!" I didn't know where a call came from.

Everyone looks at the situation.


In front of everyone, the walls that were thick and rough were beginning to collapse.

Followed by the roar of the herd, the scattered beasts, I do not know when they have all been reunited together, is coming to the gap, unstoppable.

"I can't hold it anymore!"

"And here!"


The wall collapsed one after another.

"Oh..." Julei felt like a crisis.

Halfway through the night, the rain, the bigger and bigger, the body of everyone is like a wash, but no one noticed.

"Can you stay here, just see if you can beat them today!" The left-wingers slammed into the wall, and the sound was accompanied by lightning. The force seemed to be more convincing.

"Do not worry, brothers, copy guys!"

"Protect our only home! Must win!"


A loud voice of anger, accompanied by the vindictive spirit of all people, at this moment, like a stormy fierce dump, straight into the half-collapsed wall, straight to the dense animal tide.

Cut a pair of swords, one by one fierce match, like a straw harvest into the tide of the animal.

However, for the seemingly endless stream of animals, it would seem like a trivial casualty.

Therefore, when those people rushed back and forth, they were quickly overwhelmed by the growing beasts.

This is a battlefield that is flushed with **** smell. It is all **** red.

Cloud dance looked at this scene, but the heart was stunned by the words of those who just had it.


Is this their home?

Looking at the people who constantly jumped off the wall, Yunwu looked at them with a complicated look.

Her goal is to be a dragon. It is a last resort to come to Shacheng. It is a matter of fact that she does not want to be involved.

Come here tonight, she just wants to see and see the beasts of the desert, originally did not intend to shoot, but now...

A home touched the softness of her long-lost heart.

The storm fell down, accompanied by a gust of wind.

Picking up the clothes of the fighting people under the wall, she felt so tall at the moment.


A strong vindictiveness, attacking the swordsman, and attacking the fierce beasts of the desert.

Even under heavy rain, the blood gorilla seems to be unable to conceal it, and the blood is red and full.

The sound of the beast, the sound of the attack, the screams, under this rainy night, it looks unusually clear and fluttering...

"Left commander, now the beast of the desert is twice as powerful as the weekdays, and some of the brothers have already seen the blood, and then it will be dead!"

As long as the beast of the desert sees the blood, it will not stop.

Zuo Meng heard that the moment of loss of God, the left arm was drawn by a desert beast claws a **** mouth, the blood was shocked by the rain, revealing a slight white wound.

Cloud dance looked at the scene under the wall, and the brow finally couldn't help but pick it up.

Dragon people, Phoenix people, half-orcs, defending city guards, almost everyone hangs color...

"Tonight, unless you step on the body of my left alliance, or don't think about anything!" A full roar, overshadowed the sound of lightning, very powerful.

Suddenly, a fierce beast of the desert, as if he understood his words, madly rushed toward him.

Left League backhand scythe, a blow to the commandment.

Then there is the second, the third, and even more...

Everyone has no strength, and the heavy rain has washed away the blood left by everyone. Everyone except the broken clothes is a pale to bloodless face.

However, their backs are still not yielding...

The ten evil people who were once driven out by their own family are now desperate for another family...

Are they really evil?

Cloud dance looked at the figure they fought, questioning.

Time passes by, the beasts of the desert are decreasing, and their physical strength is overdraft.

"Shacheng, today I am afraid I can't protect you!" Zuo Meng fell in the desert, unable to sink.

Not far away, a desert beast rises up in the air, licking his teeth and holding his claws, rushing toward him.

Suddenly, Zuo Meng looked at the dark half of the sky.

I saw a white moon coming out, the wind slammed, and the rain seemed to be a lot smaller.

The people who are fighting seem to have been stagnant for a second because of this strange sky, but they quickly reacted and they went into battle again.

The sky is just the same, at this moment, others really don’t think too much!

But in the next second!

"Oh." A large knife burning with a black flame cut through the sky and swayed to the beast of the desert that hit the left.

The knife fell out of the knife and the blood splashed the desert.

Then, a figure wearing a purple robe jumped down from the wall.

In the midair, the sudden appearance of the figure, like the patron saint, descended from the sky, making everyone tremble slightly.

However, at this time, the night is not very clear about the appearance of the figure, but can vaguely see the armor she is wearing.

Is it a guardian?

Didn’t the defending city guards have already shot? Why is there still a shot now?

Who is he?

Just as the doubts in everyone's mind still flashed in my mind, the smaller figure in midair suddenly burst into a slap in the darkness of the night.

When the light dissipated, she had a few more shadows around her.

That is……

"Hongling small stinky, west of you, blue secluded in the east, white snow in the south, one does not stay!" The cloud dance sounds like ice, the raindrops that are plunging are frozen in midair for a second.

"It’s numb, burn them..."

"Little Master has been hungry."

"Yes, master!"

"Do not worry about the owner."

"Don't take a master's look and order me!"

A few guys muttered, except for the blue secluded, who has a lot of words.

But to say that, complaining to blame, from her command only a blink of an eye, several guys have flashed, each looking for a position, they have already put into the battle.

The cloud dance looked at a few guys who were fighting, and the cool lips were slightly hooked.

The next moment, her figure flashed in the air, and it was already in the left of the League.

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