Wild Malicious Consort: Good For Nothing Ninth Miss

Chapter 834: This human being is so strong

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Chapter 834, this human being, strong

At this moment, Zuo Meng looked at the cloud dance, and it was unbelievable except for the strange.

"You... are you a summoner?"

Just in addition to the piranha, the other few are contracted beasts...

Cloud dance looked at the left alliance underneath, and the palm of his hand turned over. The ancient Wu Dadao has returned to his hands.

Looking at the left-minded indifferent road: "Your purpose has been reached."

Turning to look at the World of Warcraft that is flying, her hustle and cold is like ice water, constantly surging, but the corner of her mouth is constantly rising with a dreadful sneer.

Killing, just started!

Looking at the beasts coming in groups, the clouds danced cold and sinking.

This is a battle she didn't want to fight, so I tried it quickly.

It’s just a thunderstorm tonight, maybe by...

Thinking of this, the cloud dancer turned around and suddenly put away the ancient sword.

When the big knife is put away, the palm dance palm is turned over, and a purple zizi thunder element leaps from the palm of the hand.

In fact, after getting the seven elements, she used almost all of the elements, but this Lei element, she does not seem to have used it.

It may be just that you can experiment experimentally tonight.

When the elements of the thunder suddenly rise, the cloud dance forcibly transports Dantian, and when it slams, it provokes the power of the body, and the hands are fastened...

When the power of the magical force collided with the elements of the thunder, it struck the nerves of the cloud dance with a strong corrosive pain.

It seems that the integration of elements with other forces is really uncomfortable.

However, the cloud dance clearly felt that the fusion of the two forces produced a new force, and that power seemed to carry the power of terror.

This is what she wants.

At the moment of the fusion of power, the cloud dance did not hesitate, and the body jumped and stood in the air.

The fusion force in the hand swayed into the clouds, intertwined with lightning and thunderstorms in midair, and collided with a more horrible power.


Between heaven and earth, it seems to be shaking at this moment.

In the night of the night, silver light flashed in the sky.


With a slap in the air, lightning in the air, like instant awareness!

A thunder and lightning rushed down, and the steady and sturdy squatting to the dense animal beast, a hit of five or six, is absolutely unambiguous.

That thunder is like a stealth blade that is burning, and maybe one minute will suddenly appear.


At this moment, it seems that the heavens and the earth are shrouded between her and the thunder and lightning. The silver light is glaring, and the ear is the deafening roar.

Warcraft was smashed into the neck by the elements of the thunder, constantly falling to the ground, blood into the river, baptizing her skirt and boots.

Although she was equally bloodied on her body, it seemed to be the only holy thing in the dirty blood.

Ray element?

It is actually a Thunder element that has been lost for thousands of years!

How could she use the Thunder element?

That is the element that the ancient gods summoner used. As the summoner is extinct, the thunder element does not exist, then she...

Zuo Meng and others have been ignorant of their wolverines and wounds, watching the lightning in the sky, and they are all surprised.

Summoner plus Ray element, ancient gods summoner.

Why do they unconsciously associate these three identities together...

"It is her!"

Everyone looked at the cloud dance and was amazed. At this moment, an exclamation appeared. Someone in the crowd recognized the cloud dance, and everyone looked at the face of the cloud dance.

When everyone touched the cold face of Yun Dance, the body was stiff.

"Isn't she the woman from the left tie? How come..." How can there be such a strong strength?

At this moment, Zuo Meng shuddered and walked over to them and looked at the crowd: "The moment I met her, I knew that she would not stand by and be sure to save everyone."

When she saw the cloud dance to solve the half-orc, he had a vague feeling in her heart. She was not an ordinary person.

At this time, the Thunder element has been selected for automatic four-week attack in midair, and the cloud dance seems to choose another quick solution.

The number of animal tides is so large, and the manipulation of the thunder element is obviously too much to consume her physical strength and strength.

She definitely can't support the use of thunder elements to completely destroy the animal tide.

So, still that sentence, the thief first smashed the king!

The thunder is shining under the night.

The cloud dance waved a broad knife, with an unstoppable momentum, all the way to the encirclement, and the beast king who crouched directly on the stone in the distance.

Just it is provoking her!

Now she wants to see if it has provoked her capital!

The Beastmaster on the stone in the distance looked at the companion who was killed, and with the sudden abnormal lightning attack, the eyes gradually became blood red.

The momentum of the Beastmaster of the Desert came, and staring at the cloud dance seemed to kill her ancestors.

Fierce and violent.

Under the open blood, Yun Dance came to the Beastmaster.

She was soaked all over her body, the rain ran down along the exquisite body and a black hair, and the traces of blood splatter had been washed clean.

"Looking at my companion being killed, I want to take revenge?" Yun Dance looked at the Beastmaster, and his mouth curled up.

The beastmaster heard the words, his body was stiff, and his hair was blown up in his time, his eyes were red like blood.

"You kill them in order to survive. Human beings kill you as well as to survive. There is only one law to survive. The strong is the king, the loser is the beggar, obviously you are the latter."

After the completion of the language, the big knife in the hands of Yun Dance, when the smashing of the power of the magical spirit, swayed toward the Beastmaster.

The Beastmaster jumped out of a blow, but the beast licked a trace of horror.

This human being is so strong!

However, the bottom of the cloud dance is also a little sneer.

The Beastmaster in front of his feet is two meters high, his eyes are fangs, his body is strong, his body exudes an inexplicable power, and Yun Dance remembers its eyes, just the Beastmaster!

Oh... The cloud dance mouth is indifferent and sneer, waving a big knife.

On the other side, a few little guys are also excited about fighting.

"This is a good meat, Xiaoye, I can't wait."

The red fangs were exposed, and the sloping blood rushed to the opposite "food".

The beast of the desert leaps into the red diamond, but it is in the temptation of Hongling, and it happened to jump into the mouth of Hongling...

At this moment, the small stinky smell does not fall at all, and several Warcraft have been burned.

"Oh..." A flame instantly burned half of the sky, touching the rain and making a sizzling sound.

Although several desert beasts hide fast, the fur is still burnt, and a smattering spread spreads.

"Smelly stink..." The little stink stinks and runs away, leaving them far away, without realizing that it is all thanks to it...

"Hey..." In the south, a few voices of Warcraft’s horrible anger came.

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