Wild Malicious Consort: Good For Nothing Ninth Miss

Chapter 835: Reason is too far-fetched

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Chapter 835 Reasons are too far-fetched

I saw that Xi Teng has turned into a vine, sending out countless branches.

A branch is tied to the beast of the desert, the beast of the desert can not break free, the pain of being struck, and the roar of sorrow and anger.

"It’s because of you, that she was ordered to go, and you still want to run? Dream!" Xi Teng was angry, and he was strangled in seconds, and instantly became a Warcraft form to kill the herd.

Is this reason too far-fetched?

Cloud dance looked at the direction of Xi Teng, and the corner of his mouth raised a touch of curvature.

When the same kind meets the same kind, who is better?

The blue secluded fighting power in the west has solved many desert beasts in an instant.

Because of their five help, the people who are fighting have a little time to rest, which will allow them to return to God.

This is not okay, and once I am a god, I immediately fall into an endless strange horror.

"Is this a contract beast?" One of them gasped and said that the breathing was different.

Because of his words, everyone looked at the contracted beast that was fighting on his own side. When the eyes of the doubts touched on a few of them, they instantly turned into a turbulent Jiang Tao.

Really... really a contract beast?

Is there a summoner in this world? And this summoner is by their side?

How can this be?

That is the sacred profession that has been lost for thousands of years. How could anyone be...

Most of the night passed!

Bloody smell filled the entire sky,

"Ma Ma..."

"Master." At this moment, Hong Ling and the small smelly smell have solved the Warcraft in the east.

Everyone heard the sound and the master, and the body was stiff.

Really her?

Then "Master."

"the host."

The blue and white snow and the dissatisfied Xi Teng also came back.

Everyone looked at the body of the beast of the desert, and the body's stiff movement could not move.

"Your master is the summoner?" Zuo Meng looked at Hong Ling, although he knew the answer, but could not help but still want to ask.

Hong Ling glanced at the left alliance and was arrogant. "Of course, the master of Xiaoye must have that skill."

It was said that Zuo Meng had been stunned for a long time, and his eyes moved toward the cloud dance that was fighting. Suddenly he discovered that the tough body was hiding the tough power.

The summoner of the millennium is in front of him!

"How powerful is her strength?" asked a tall dragon.

"What? You want to challenge the challenge? I advise you not to ask for trouble, breaking your arm and breaking your leg is a trivial matter." Xi Teng coldly glanced at the Dragon people, some irony.

He can't forget the dark losses he eats under the cloud dancers!

“Is it so amazing?”

Just now he saw with his own eyes how Xi Teng killed a dozen desert beasts. The beastly fierceness was really shocking. If Xi Teng is not her opponent, then he...

The dragon people looked at the direction of the cloud dance and muttered to themselves.

Who knows the body of the Beastmaster of the Desert in the distance, where is the shadow of the cloud dance?

Everyone is confused.

Daddy, everyone saw the figure of cloud dance in the distance, at the moment she is fighting a group of Warcraft.

"There are still ambush! Look at the young master is not alive to eat you!" Red Ling was angry, and opened the blood basin to the dozens of desert beasts.

Then the other four people followed the past.

"Several of you have given me space to play!" Cloud Dance looked at the five guys behind him and said, they thought about it and immediately took them back.

These dozens of desert beasts have reached the seventh-order strength, which is equivalent to the Warcraft above the eight-ninth-order strength of the lower bound, and must not be underestimated.

The few guys consumed a lot in the battle of the beasts. She was injured in the body and had limited power to provide them. They could only be repaired by themselves.

Now their injuries are not all right, and they have spent a lot of power in the middle of the night and can no longer fight.

"Give me a kill!" A beast, with a sigh of belonging to Warcraft, hit the rainy night.

In an instant, a dozen of Warcraft swarmed up and surrounded the cloud dance in the middle.

And the strength of the human body in the distance and the limit, can not support her, but still strong support to want to come.

"Give it to me." Yunwu smashed a group of people who wanted to move in the distance.

Everyone looks at each other, but no one is taking a step forward.

Under the cool rainy night, the purple figure is moving between the World of Warcraft, and each hit is a Warcraft.

Daddy, the thunder element reappears, like a spark, hit the last Warcraft with the winner's gesture, and the body of Warcraft is instantly burnt into coke by lightning.

Another group of Warcraft loomed behind him.

At this moment, the sky is so cool, World of Warcraft does not know because the sky is bright, or it is shocked by the scene in front of it, just out of the head disappeared into the eyes of everyone.

The animal tide has retreated!

At this time, the rain that fell from the drain did not know when it had stopped, except that there was a strong **** smell in the air, and the entire Shacheng had recovered calm.

Everyone looked at the purple figure and had not recovered from the surprise and shock.

Zuo Meng also looked at her, thinking that a woman who is less than 20 years old not only has such a terrible power, but also has the qualifications of the ancient summoner, and will definitely marry Kyushu in the future.

Looking at the sand city that has lifted the crisis, everyone seems to be relieved.

And the corpse of the land, with the smell of blood, seems to be talking to everyone, the situation last night.

At this point, everyone's eyes are locked in one person.

That purple is a smaller figure.

Left Alliance endured the wound on his body, his look eased, and he stepped toward the cloud dance.

"Thank you for the girl's rescue."

"No thanks." Yunwu received the ancient sword, and gave him a look of indifference.

She didn't want to shoot, just...

The sky is already bright, and the elements of the thunder have already receded.

However, the cloud dance can clearly feel that the body's energy consumption is severe and faint.

It seems that the elemental fusion of this trick is really not impossible to use.

It seems that there is another internal injury.

However, after tonight, the desert beast is estimated to not appear for a while, and she reveals the identity of the summoner. If she stays in Shacheng again, it is estimated that there will be a lot of trouble.

Of course, this trouble is naturally not just a matter of using force.

After thinking about it, Yun Dance Liu Mei slightly picks up and looks back to Zuo Meng. "Nothing, I will leave first."

She said to leave, is to leave Shacheng.

After fifteenth, the beast tide has receded, and the beast of the desert is only the next year.

go away?

Is she going to leave now?

"If the girl really wants the magic grass, maybe she can go to the evil city, there must be there." Looking at the back of the cloud dance, Zuo Meng coveted for a moment, still open.

"Going straight to the west is the third city, the nearest city to the Dragon."

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