Wild Malicious Consort: Good For Nothing Ninth Miss

Chapter 836: Out of town magic core

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Chapter 836 Out of the Magic Core

It is said that the cloud dance is stagnant for a second.

However, the cloud dance did not look back. After throwing a medicinal herb into the mouth, the wind element hit the body instantly, and the firepower was fully open to the west.

"There is a need in the future, these brothers will die."

Looking at the back of her departure, everyone who responded, shouted loudly, but did not know if she heard it.

In the wind element, the corner of the cloud dance evokes a touch of curvature.

Perhaps, the people of this desert are not as bad as the ones that are circulating.


The evil city is the closest city to the dragon, so it is not a mistake to find the magic grass. The power of the magic grass is too important for her, so I have to go.

But she did not want to travel to Camel Warcraft, she has no power to suppress now, with the wind element can quickly reach the destination, because of the pressure of the desert, Jin Ling can not fly, so she can only rely on her own desperately.

The element of cloud dance and dance came to the massacre near the noon.

Slaughter city!

This is a city dedicated to fighting, in addition to challenges and challenges, only the city where the strong survive, a veritable massacre!

Just entering the massacre, the cloud dance hit the two duels, a tall and burly, wearing a scales, and wearing a fire robes, the strength of the two people is the beginning of Wu Zong.

"Hey, a little dragon man, actually has the courage to challenge me."

“Is the voice of the Phoenix people so mad?”

Yun Dance stood in the crowd and watched the dialogue between the two for a moment.

The Phoenix family that the man said just now is the same as the dragon family?

Was the little stinky mother abandoned by the Phoenix family?

Just as she meditated, the two men had already started to fight.

The strength of Wu Zong's early stage was revealed, so that everyone can take a step back and avoid its edge.

For everyone in the city, watching the battle is the most obsessive thing every day.

This battle is undoubtedly wonderful.

After watching it for a while, Yun Dance inquired a few people about the whereabouts of the dragons, but no one has seen them.

Finally, I looked at the two people who had a fight. I put a touch of smile on my lips and turned away.

"Hey, girl, etc." When the cloud dance went to the gate of the city, the guard wearing the blue armor stopped her way.

Yun Dance stopped and took a look at the guard. The meaning of the inquiry is self-evident.

The guard smiled and smiled at the cloud dance and extended a hand to her.

The cloud dance looked at the palm of her hand and frowned.

This is a few meanings, asking for money? Still want something?

She looked at the guards unclear, "What do you mean, trouble to make it clear."

"Oh, the original girl is new." The guard smiled and retracted the palm of his hand: "Whoever enters the massacre, you must hand a magic core when you go out."

Magic core?

"What it is?"

Cloud dance frowned, and it took a few days to come to the desert. How have you never heard about the magic core?

"It is the magic core in the body of the desert, which can play a supporting role in enhancing the cultivation of people." The guard explained patiently.

The cloud dance smiled, and the guards of the massacre were modest.

This magic core should be similar to the inner beast of the spirit beast. The higher the level, the greater the effectiveness of the magic core.

I knew the role of the magic core, killing so many desert beasts last night, she should put it in a pocket.

It’s a pity that it’s too late to regret it now. Where can she go to get the magic core?

"Do other cities need magic core?" Cloud dance has some doubts, why not in Shacheng?

The guards smiled. "There are ten cities in the desert. Only Shacheng does not need a magic core. Other cities need it."

The cloud dance was slightly coveted, and the look of the eyes was a little cold, because she saw a fox-like guilt and intolerance in the eyes of the guard.

Is there a knife in the smile?

It really fits her first impression of the massacre!

"Isn't the girl ready for the magic core?" The smiling smile of the bodyguard was clearly exposed.

Cloud Dance gave him a faint look, indifferent: "As long as it is the magic core that I handed you, can you?"

The guards did not understand what she meant, but nodded slightly.

After getting the answer from the guard, the cloud dance flashed and swept in the opposite direction.

The guard watched the figure of the cloud dance appearing a hundred meters away, and the shock could not move his eyes.

"I want your magic core." Cloud dance looked at the middle-aged man who was sitting on the ground and drinking and counting the magic core.

The middle-aged man raised his eyes and looked at the clouds.

The mouth is not clear: "Let's go... I bother me!"

"That's it, I challenge you and win the magic core to me."

She has been staring at the middle-aged man's number of magic cores, a total of seven, are the magic core of the fifth-order desert beast.

The magic core is crystal clear and glowing with apricot color. It should look like it was last night against the beast of the desert.

In the past, the inner beast of the beast was round, and the magical nucleus of the desert beast was sharp. Fortunately, she felt the breath of the desert beast in the magic core.

"Little girl, I advise you to take back what you just said, you are not his opponent." A **** suddenly disappeared from the top of the cloud dance.

Cloud dance micro-Emei looked up and saw that a very tall dragon was standing next to the cloud dance, looking down at her, looking down at his height, she is also an eleven-year-old child...

The dragon people looked at the middle-aged man who was drinking from the opposite side, and there was a slight change in his look.

He is the wine saint that the Phoenix people were driven out of?

I once slaughtered the Phoenix family overnight, was driven out by the Phoenix family, and could not go back for life. Since then, there has been no news of him. Now I did not expect to meet him here.

Cloud dance looked at the drunk middle-aged man who was drinking and pondered what the dragon people said.

It can be seen that this person is by no means so decadent.

"Since it is not convenient, it will bother me." Yun Dance bowed his head and turned and left.

She just needs a magic core to leave the massacre. She doesn't want to make extra-budgets. As long as she leaves, she is sure to get all the magic cores she needs next.

"Slow." The middle-aged man suddenly stopped the cloud dance.

The steps of the cloud dance stopped, thinking that he promised to give her the magic core, who knows that his next words made her somewhat helpless.

"Excuse me to drink, I want to leave, leave a drink and leave!"

The cloud dance looked back at the man, and Liu Mei was slightly stunned. The tone of his words was unpleasant. Listening to the words "drinking dishes" made her uncomfortable.

"I don't know what you are talking about?"

"Wine Saint, how can you change this yin and yang temper for so many years?" At this time, when the dragon people heard the wine saint, their face changed slightly, as if they had heard something unbelievable.

Cloud dance looked at the slight change of the dragon people, and the two eyes were so deep that they knew that the meaning of the wine was not so simple.

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