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Chapter 837 Bad City

"Look at your cultivation is not low, take your delicious strength to make my appetizer." The wine saint took the sake of his hand and then stood up.

The cloud dance turned and the corner of the mouth raised a sneer. "Oh, it turned out to be deliberate."

She does not want to be born or not, but the situation in front of her is afraid of her.

At this moment, the crowds in the distance suddenly burst into joy, as if the battle was over.

At the moment when the cloud dance looked back, a round thing rolled toward her, her eyes suddenly sinking, it was a human head...

A bloody, **** head!

This is the result of the recent battle. Only one person can live in the worship of all, while the other person dies in the joy of everyone.

This is the survival potential of the massacre.

Looking at the head of the person who stayed in front of her one meter, the cloud dance eyes were cold.

The next second, a touch of blue vindictive air across the air, and instantly hit the clouds.

The cloud dance body leaped up and jumped back, avoiding a blow.

"Hey." The porcelain shop, which was still behind the cloud dance, was instantly hit as a flat.

The bottom of the cloud dance is a dangerous pass, blue talent, the strength of Wu Zong's early!

Just after watching the lively people there, after hearing the sound of this side, the eyes turned instantly, and the eyes were slightly looking forward.

"There are so many people looking for death today."

"It seems to be another wonderful showdown."

"I don't know who will use the blood to pay for the massacre."

Everyone, you say a word, are watching the showdown between the dancers and the wine saint.

In their eyes, this game, the wine holy won.

"I didn't expect the wine saint to actually fight."

"That is, when you switch to the previous time, this will go to bed early."

In the past, some people challenged to provoke the wine saint. He was indifferent to disregard. This time, he took the battle. Everyone is looking forward to the victory of the wine, and he is also looking forward to the strength of the wine dance of the opponent of the wine saint. After all, the person who can make the wine holy fight Very few.

Yunwu heard the words, and a sneer smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

Should I fight?

Which of their eyes saw that he was fighting?

Is it clear that he is actively provoke her?

Looking at the drunken wine saint, the eyes of the cloud dance have a glimpse of the eyes of the exploration, the eyes are firm and sharp, and the surrounding is full of vigilance. Is this what a drunken person should look like?

She can be sure that this person is not drunk!

The black flame knife appeared, and the powerful force of the spurt hit the wine saint in an instant.

People don't make me, I don't commit crimes, she doesn't want to cause trouble, but she doesn't want others to find things. No magic will be issued to the massacre. Second, once the battle begins, there is no way to fight.

After all, so many people are watching...

With the slamming of the powerful blast, the two men have been fighting for a few moments, but it is still difficult to distinguish.

It is also worthy of the people who will destroy the famous Phoenix family. The strength of the wine saint is higher than that of the average person here.

What is even more bizarre is that he has a fire system inside the body, which makes the cloud dance have to pay attention.

The two smudges are like shadows, and they have a hundred strokes, and they have to win the game.

The power of the magical dance in the hands of the cloud dance, when hitting the wine saint, seems to be deliberately stagnant in the air for a moment, this action only three people saw.

"Stop!" Suddenly, the Dragon people stood in the middle of the two and shouted.

Cloud dance put away the power that will be ejected in the next second, and the look is indifferent, standing in the same place.

The wine saint also put away its own firepower.

One darkness and one light, the two forces are rushing to each other, and disappearing when they are smashed, making everyone’s eyes uncomfortable for a while.

Although everyone did not say anything, my heart was already shocked and could not speak.

Anyone who has been driven out knows more things, such as the power of the cloud dance.

Although they don't know what the power is, they know that it is the power of total darkness!

That girl, who is it?

"I am here, the magic core, send you one, go out of the city." The Dragon people took out a magic core from their arms and gave it to the cloud dance, watching her eyes look a little weird.

Yunwu took over the magic core, slightly curled up the head, turned and left the gate.

"Thank you." The wine saint glanced at the dragon people, picked up the jug and fell to the sky, but found that there was no wine, and could only sigh and turn away.

At the moment of his departure, his gaze passed over the back of the cloud dance.

Just if he didn't suddenly say "staying at hand" disturbed their battle, just her blow was enough to fly him!

He knew that she deliberately reminded the dragon people to stop them, although the action was extremely difficult to detect, only the three of them could understand.

In order to give him a face... Wine Saint smiles.

"Little girl, I hope we can have a fight without a scruple next time!"

Cloud dance went to the gate of the city to hand the magic core to the guard, and suddenly heard a sound coming from a distance, like the wine saint.

Looking back, in addition to watching the lively group of people still shocked, did not find the figure of the wine saint.

Is it a mind?


After walking out of the massacre, the elements of the cloud dance wind hit the body and headed south again.

At this moment, the sky has gradually darkened, and the cloud dance can stalk in the desert, waiting for the arrival of the desert beast.

Overnight, Yun Dance collected ten fifth-order magic cores, five sixth-order magic cores, and two seventh-order magic cores, and headed south without stopping.

Every time a city passes, the cloud dance will enter and inquire about the whereabouts of the dragon and the evil spirits.

You can go through two cities in another, or there is no whereabouts of the dragon and the evil spirits. At this moment, you can see the evil city.

Cloud dance looked at the small evil city in the squint line, and the corner of the mouth evoked a perfect arc. After getting the magic grass, the evil city was the dragon!

I hope that several of them have already waited for her in the Dragon.

The elements of the wind have been strengthened, and in a short while, they came to the front of the evil city.

"The magic core is coming."

The cloud dance was just near the gate of the city, and was asked by a guard who guarded the gate to ask for the magic core.

And the attitude of the defending city guard is extremely bad. Is this the representative of the veritable evil city people? It’s really shining to her eyes...

In the massacre she knew the role of the magic core in the cities. She took out two fifth-order magic cores and handed them over to the city guards.

After entering the city, Yun Dance glanced around and became familiar with it.

However, it is found that most of them are tall and tall dragons, probably because they are closer to the dragons.

Walking around in such a crowd, Yun Dance discovered that her sense of existence was extremely low. It seemed to be rooted in an adult, a child who could not grow up. Seeing everyone must look up and be overlooked at any time...

Sudden ~!

She saw people in front of the crowd, very crowded, it seems that there are rare things happening.

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