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Chapter 845's Family

Since the light of the ancient times is so unpredictable, why are they not used for their own purposes?

And still a residue! Where is the rest of the ancient light? Dragon Palace?

"There is better than nothing, at least there are clues now." Meng Bai looked at the cloud dance and raised his eyebrows.

The cloud dance nodded and the curvature of the corner of the mouth was curved.

Until the end of the competition, the cloud dance did not find the figure of the red fire dragon, and my heart could not help but scream, it would not be really dangerous, right?

Meng Bai seems to have guessed what the cloud dance is thinking. "With his stinky temper, it would be hard to say."

Hearing the words, the cloud dance glanced at him indifferently, and then he set his eyes on the stage.

"Do not worry, here is his place after all." Meng Bai touched his nose and quickly changed his mouth.

Yunwu was not talking, still looking at the stage, Meng Bai had to shut up.

On the stage, two dragon shadows continued to sway, and each collision would make an earthquake-like sound. With a perfect arc, one dragon fell to the ground and the other won.

The cloud dance looked at the dragon that was swirling in the air, and the eyes were heavy.

The process is not important, it is important who wins!

"I will announce below that the young master of the 荀 family wins thousands of miles!"

The cloud dance glanced at the lingering appearance of the human figure, the micro-hook at the corner of his mouth, and turned away from the crowd.

"What are you going to do?" Meng Bai knows that Yunwu will not give up the light of the ancients, even if it is a debris.

"What do you think." The cloud dance showed him a mysterious smile.

Meng Bai’s face is black, and the look looks a little contradictory. “Not at all, we can use other methods.”

"Besides this, there is no other way." Yun Dance turned and left.

Meng Bai "..."

Looking at the cloud dance that went further and further, Meng Bai followed up and said with a low voice.

"Do you not steal it?"

He is a nobleman, let him steal things...

"The mouse steals things, and it is natural."


After returning to the inn, Meng Bai called a few dishes, and thought about how to get the ancient light when he was eating and dancing.

Suddenly, the conversations of several people on the other table not far away attracted her attention.

"Is it heard? The young lady of the family wants to marry a human!"

"How have you not heard of it, and you don't know if it is true or not."

"Don't say it, be careful that there are ears in the wall, and that he is really fake. If you don't know it, then if it's not true, then you can't eat it?"

Miss 荀 family, a man?

Yun Wu heard the face suddenly black and half, how can she have a bad feeling?

"In the dragons, men are a bit of a curse." There was a slap in the ear.

The cloud dance sent him a look like a sharp blade, and dropped the chopsticks to the few people just now.

"You just said that the young lady of the family is going to marry a human being. Is it true or false?" The cloud dance is indifferent, while the expectation is true, while the expectation is false.

"Whose children are not big or small?"

One of the men looked at the icy look of the cloud dance, although it was a bit shocking, but he still strongly supported the gas field, lest he be scared by a child, and passed away without a face.

"I asked if you are still a fake!" The cloud dance eyelids showed a scarlet flame burning, and the breath suddenly became cold.

One of the more calm men took a look at the cloud dance and picked up the teacup to enjoy the tea.

"Oh..." The teacup broke in his hand, and the tea poured him in an instant.

Several men saw each other and they were all a glimpse.

They can hardly feel her power, but they can use power quietly among them.

The strength of this girl is actually above them!

"This news is also what I accidentally heard from the people of the family. Who knows whether it is true or not." A man who looks rather awkward hastened to the round.

Hearing the words, the cloud dance pondered for a moment, turned and left, and went to the corner of Meng Bai’s mouth and raised a smirk. "Brother, you just got a handsome shot, and the old guys immediately smashed."

Looking at the old guys with a gloomy face, Meng Bai’s face was black, and he gnashed his teeth at the cloud dance: “Cloud dance, do you believe that Laozi is killing you?”

"Unfortunately you are not my opponent." Cloud dance is a pity.

"You..." Meng Bai looked at the cloud dance that was left behind, and twitched his mouth. After a long time, he said quietly: "Forget it, anyway, the old guys are not my opponents."

Yunwu all the way to the direction of the platform, if not guessed, the family of the family should now just be ready to leave.

"You are going to follow the family of the family all the way, to see if the news is true?" Meng Bai followed the footsteps of the cloud dance, and there were some concerns in the speech.

"No?" Yun Dance slightly raised his eyebrows, and his footsteps did not slow down.

"Yes, but you have to know that here is the dragon, no more than you are in the upper bound."

"so what?"

"Do you really don't understand or don't understand? Once you get a riot, it's dangerous to expose your identity."

"So I chose a suitable identity."

"What identity?"

"The thief..." Yun Dance deliberately took the old man of the sound.

Meng Bai stopped and watched the speed-changing cloud dance sigh and sighed. It seems that she has not lost her mind because of the dragon.

Today, he only knows that the only thing in the world that can make her indifferent and calm, she loses her sense of proportion.

I don't know if this is the blessing or the misfortune of the dragon.

If the human being to marry the young lady of the family is really him, this woman is estimated to be able to abolish him...

There is a lively look!


The night is shining, like a tulle covering the entire dragon.

Two smudges live on the treetops, looking at the distant family floating in the center of the lake, the eyes of the family.

"I didn't expect this family to be so high in the dragon family."

Under the moonlight, Meng Bai looked at the periphery of the family, and could not help but sigh.

A straight promenade leads to the gate of the lake in the middle of the lake. The promenade is made of fine jade, and the family of the Yu family in the center is like a palace, especially over the mansion. The enchantment is arranged inside, which is an extremely quiet space.

"You let the wind go, I go in." Yun Dance looked at the Yu family, and it was already too much to wait.

"Why is it..." Meng Baihua hasn't finished talking yet, only feeling a blast over his face.

Where is the shadow of the cloud dance?

Meng Baidun was speechless and muttered, "Why am I letting the wind..."

In the night sky, a black shadow flashed like a ghost, and sneaked into the family.

After entering the family, the cloud dance has a feeling of being awkward. The family outside is only as big as the ordinary house, but how do you feel another space after coming in?

The first feeling is big!

The incomparably spacious space makes Yun Dance feel that she is a grass on the ground at the moment, extremely inconspicuous.

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