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Chapter 846 The Power of Blood Net

Not thinking about anything, she began to search for the whereabouts of the dragon and the light of the ancients, thinking that the space is too big, she can only use the wind element to travel.

Looking for about a dozen rooms, I still haven't found the figure of the dragon, but let alone the light of the ancient times.

Cloud dance sits on a stone bench in a yard, looking up at the sky, thinking about finding someone to "ask"

"Father, is this ancient light really so god?"

Daddy, a steady and powerful voice broke the silence of the night.

Yunwu suddenly looked back at the room behind him, the room was dark, and the moonlight was not difficult to see that two layers of figure were standing in front of the window.

The cloud dance figure swept away and hid in front of the window to listen to the conversation between the two.

"The power of the ancient gods, it sounds like how terrible, if you tame this power, the strength of the promotion is absolutely beyond your thoughts." Another old hoarse voice followed.

"Is it impossible for the Dragon King to tame this power, so it is handed over to others?"

Cloud dance micro-scorpion, how can this force be so easily tamed, this year's Dragon Fighting Competition is estimated to find the strong strength of the Dragon, and handing the debris to him to try to tame, can be described as two birds with one stone.

The old man nodded, and the forehead like a peak was crumpled. "This is a piece of soldering iron. If you get it, even if it is burnt and bruised, it will be destroyed and it will not be thrown away."

荀 凌 凌 涩 , , , , , 荀 荀 荀 荀 荀 荀 荀 荀 荀 荀 荀 荀 荀 荀 荀 荀 荀 荀 荀 荀 荀 荀 荀 荀

After saying that Qianling turned and walked toward the door, holding a box in his hand, isn't it a box with the light of the ancient times?

Cloud Dance, while avoiding the sight of Qianling, followed him and knew that he was walking into a wall.

The wall is like a suction. When Qian Ling just touched it, the whole person was sucked in. From the outside, the wall is still an ordinary wall, without any slight change.

The cloud dance has been smashing outside. After a while, the martial arts came out, and the box on the hand disappeared. It seems that the thing was put there.

After the Qianling walk, the cloud dance came to the edge of the wall and tried to reach out. Before she touched the wall, the whole person was sucked in.

The cloud dance into the wall space for a while, looking at the space with dark purple light, some unbelievable.

So come in?

Wouldn't it be that someone accidentally came here to be sucked in?

I really don't know whether to choose this place to hide things, whether it is hidden or an idiot.

Cloud dance probably took a look at the space. This space is only as big as the study room. The things inside are the rare treasures of the price.

Dragon Ball, dragon scales, keel, martial arts books of various dragons, cheats and cheats, and a history book about the five thousand years of the dragons, Yunwu Tongtong put them into the space.

Finally, in a humble position, I found a box with ancient light.

The cloud dance opened the box, and a silver radiance instantly illuminated the space. The next second she quickly put the box on it, and the bottom of the eye passed a glimmer of light, which was a part of the ancient light.

Put away the box, cloud dance will be close, and quickly go outside the space.

Just as she walked out of the space, her body suddenly froze, and a tall man opposite him blocked her way.

Four eyes are relative, surprised, still very surprised...

Qian Qianling looked at the cloud dance. For a long time, there was no reaction. The expression was amazed by the expression. It seemed that I never expected to come out of the space.

The cloud dance looked at Qian Qianling, and soon recovered the nature, and the corner of his mouth rose. "Brother, there are so many babies in your house that I can open my eyes."

荀 凌凌 heard the words, nodded stiffly...

The bottom of the cloud dance looked awkward, and a swept body disappeared in front of Qian Qianling.

"Come, come and catch me!"

After a long time, a roar ran through the entire family.

Meng Bai, who was outside the family of the Yu family, was shocked by this roar and muttered. "I know that this woman is not irritated by the chaos!"

Fortunately, he had been prepared, knowing that the most powerful of the Yu family was the blood network. Occasionally, he had the opportunity to learn about the blood network. Otherwise, she would wait tonight in the captivity of the Yu family.

Meng Bai took out a dagger and a bottle, cut his finger, dripped the blood in, and then turned and sneaked into the family.

The cloud dance is vacant, and it seems that it will be taken out of the Yu family. However, the group of people hidden in the enchantment stopped in the air. In order to avoid the blow, Yunwu can only choose to return to Qi. family.

"Who are you, in the middle of the night, you broke into here." Qian Qianling looked at the cloud dance, his eyes were dull.

The cloud dance squinted at Qianling and ridiculed: "I didn't expect the defensive ability of the family to be so bad."

"Hey, girl is afraid that it is just coming to the Dragons soon. I am afraid that I still don't know the place where the dragons are. It is a place that is easy to go out!"

Qian Qianling looked at the bottom of the cloud dance, and the tone was sharp. The hands that had been resting on the back were slightly clenched because of her words, and they were holding back the anger at the moment.

Who is she, she can enter the space where only he can enter!

"If you do this, your words are really not credible."

The cloud dance glanced at the crowds that surrounded her. The eyes were cold, and the next second black flame knife appeared. The volley slammed a few hits. When everyone avoided the big sword, she disappeared into the eyes of everyone. In the middle, when everyone is steadily, her figure has already disappeared into the sky like a meteor.

Looking at the cloud dance that was not seen, everyone did not chase, but it was a strange smile.

In an instant, the purple figure appeared again in the sky, followed by her descending from the sky, a net, a blood net that is still flowing like blood!

Each blood net has a thick finger, and there is crystal flowing blood. Dozens of criss-crosses form a blood net.

The cloud dance slammed his forehead and his mouth was still covered with blood.

Just after the mid-air blood network suddenly appeared, she was caught off guard, I wanted to use space enchantment to resist it, but was countered by her own enchantment.

The power of this blood net is the most strange and unpredictable power she has ever seen, even if it is the power of the Shangguan.

Just as the cloud dance fell on the ground, the blood network followed her to the inside. The white moonlight reflected through the blood net on the cloud dance, such as the red ghost, when she felt that she was so horrible at the moment. .

Cloud dance can clearly feel the power of the blood net, and the faint **** smell makes her feel a familiar taste.

"Come, bring her to me in the dungeon!" Qian Qianling sneered, and waved everyone to the cloud dance.

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