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Chapter 849 Violence Resolution

"Ah..." a scream rang.

The man carrying the dragon and the evil spirits licked the pants, and the painful distortion was on the ground, and the dragon was also thrown on the ground by the man.

The cloud dance took back the legs that were sent out, and the look was cold.

"You..." 荀 语 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着 看着

A slap in the face of the wind and the wind dance against the face, it is a martial arts belonging to the dragon people, hurricane palm.

It is to concentrate all of its power on the palm of your hand. The power of the palm of your hand can spread a few meters around, and it will not be able to escape.

"Hey..." The voice of people being beaten.

The cloud dance looked at the man who was lazy and evil, and the mouth was ironic. "Do you know how to wake up?"

The dragon fell to the clouds and danced, and she took her in her arms and explored her hair, taking her taste. "I want to die for your husband."

"I think her taste is not bad." Yun Dance tried to push him away, but he was even more tight, and he could only let him circle.

"It's good." Dragon nodded and nodded.

The icy face that just melted the cloud dance instantly smeared with a layer of frost.

"That kind of taste, dogs like it."


"You..." He heard thousands of words and his face was pale.

The cloud dance smiled indifferently. "Since I woke up, how can I stay here?"

She wants to ask, since she woke up early, why not go to her.

"There are free treatment for the husband, of course, do not need white." Long dumped evil to loosen the cloud dance, petting and touching her blue silk floating in the air.

"I mean now, and last night!"

Of course, she knows that he must have suffered internal injuries, but the power of the transmission has been in the body. Even if he has self-healing ability, he can only heal the trauma. If the internal injury is healed, it will recur.

But his injury was already good last night! Now she can clearly affirm that the familiar atmosphere of last night is him!

"For the husband, I know that I can upset the big family of the dragons one by one. In addition to your little things, there will be no other people."

The dragon stunned and smiled, and the Yunyun dance did not pay attention. He stole a kiss and provoked a few white eyes on the cloud dance. He caught a blush on her cheek.

Last night, he was "caught" in the room by the woman. Suddenly he heard the sound outside. Because he was **** by the five flowers, he could only judge by voice. When Yunyun said the first sentence, he was completely sure. she was.

I wanted to leave with her. I thought that he just wanted to break free of control. This little thing ran away. In desperation, he only had to tie himself up.

荀 语 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次 再次

He knew that when the news came out, it would definitely be passed to the ear of this little thing. This little thing will come.

"Last night, the family of the Yu family was stolen by you." The dragon fell through the eyes and passed away.

Last night, the brothers and sisters of the family, the face was green.

"I said two, the time interval is long, you can understand it if you love me, but can you change your place in love?" Meng Bai, who has been holding back their impulses, has finally endured.

I just had a big noise last night, and I disturbed my family tonight. Now I am still kissing the prospective groom, I am not looking for death.

"What the **** are you!" Qian Qianling has been glaring at the cloud dance, and patience has reached the limit.

The cloud dance gave him a cold eye and raised his voice. "Stolen the people at the bottom of the family."

Hearing the words, I only heard the inspiratory sound of the crowd. Everyone wondered who the sudden woman appeared. What did she mean by that?

At this time, Qianling’s face is as ugly as a frosted eggplant.

"I advise you not to be too arrogant!" Qian Qianling lowered his voice and watched the cloud dance.

The cloud dance glanced at the people of the family who surrounded them, and said coldly: "What happened to the arrogant?"

Are the results of arrogance not the same?

Anyway, it needs a violent solution.

"Deceive too much!"

Daddy, a touch of angry voice sounded, a red flame knife directly smashed into the air, straight to the cloud dance.

The burning knife, I can't wait to split the cloud dance directly into two.

The cloud dance evades sideways, and the wind element condenses a sharp sword and counterattacks at a faster speed than the flame knife.

Two wipes of power splattered a spark, the wind element blade disappeared, and the thousand words held a flame knife, and the volley leaped back and forth, finally landing and holding the foot.

That blow, anyone who can see it is a little worse.

——The efficacy of medicinal herbs is coming soon, and the new medicinal herbs have been made by myself.

In my mind, the voice of black arrogance came.

Just as Yunwu intends to hand over the battle to Meng Bai and the dragon, the people of the Yu family received orders to get on, and the three people of Yunwu were caught off guard.

At the time of the encounter, some of the Guardian family guards carried out ground attacks, and some had turned into dragons. They attacked in the sky, and the turm caused by this moment instantly caused the whole dragon to fall into chaos.

The cloud dance is slightly frowning, so many dragons attack, and the three of them deal with it.

- Time is coming, don't temper them!

The black arrogance has been aggravated, and I know what it will be if the cloud dance human identity is exposed.

"Don't be in love, go quickly." When he heard the black arrogance, the cloud dance instantly repelled several dragons and left.

The dragon sorrow looked at the cloud dance so anxious, probably guessed something, the magnetic voice in the cloud dance ear low: "You go first!"

The cloud dance is slightly touching the jaws, and the elements of the wind quickly leave the crowd by the dragon's evil spirits.

"Stirring my marriage, I see where you are going!"

The sharp roar came from behind the cloud dance, and the cloud dance felt a strong palm stroke behind him, and suddenly turned back, and purple vindictively resisted the attack.

"Oh." The splash of power is like a spark.

At that moment, the power was scattered, the blue silk fluttered, the clothes were fluttering, the two were opposite, and the indifference and anger were unclear.

- Do yourself and ask for more happiness!

The voice of black arrogance sounded again, and the efficacy of the medicinal drug had already passed in the moment...

Just in the moment when Qian Qian language once again attacked the cloud dance, he suddenly stopped and his eyes appeared a little strange.

"You are also human!"

As soon as this was said, the sound of the battle disappeared instantly, and the movements of all the hands were stagnant.


Cloud dance frowned for a moment, and the corner of his mouth raised a touch of indifference. "Yes, what about it?"

Since she has already been discovered, she has nothing to hide.

"Hey, the dragons and the humans are not in the same position. Are you still going to continue to watch the fun?" Qian Qianyu glanced around and pointed at the lively people, and the eyes passed a hint of haze.

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