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Chapter 850

"I didn't expect you to be human!"

"The dragons have not entered humans for hundreds of years, and everyone has killed her together, so that it works!"

"Kill her, kill her..."

In an instant, the crowd boiled like a blast.

Someone has already taken out the weapon, and some people have turned into a dragon body around the cloud dance, watching her look like no hatred, but another kind of playful pleasure.

The dragon people’s hatred of humanity began thousands of years ago. After the millennium, the dragons only knew the rumors that the dragons hated human beings, but they did not experience it personally. The hatred had faded with the washing of the millennium.

For a time, all the dragons gathered together and surrounded the cloud dance.

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Hearing the words, the dragon looked at the cloud dance and looked at it. "Small things are better than squatting for the husband, and it is finished in the wedding we have not finished."

"This idea is not bad." Yun Dance hangs a smile, a smile in the smile.

Looking at the eyelashes between the two people is awkward, and thousands of words can no longer remain calm, and a smothering suffocation emerges in the eye.

"Then don't want to leave!"

As soon as the voice fell, a group of people instantly entangled together.

The strength of Qian Qian language and Qian Qianling's strength cloud dance is somewhat difficult. After all, there is some gap in height, and the other party can change the posture at any time.

And when the dragon stalks from time to time, it is time to help her, which makes her have a time to breathe.

Surrounded by the dragons, the interception on the ground, surrounded by the sky, can be said to be unable to escape the wings, for a long time, the three began to feel a little hard.

But the wheel battle can kill them a few!

It is not the way to go on like this.

- Black arrogant, is there any way to open the defense?

Yun Yunxin’s thoughts are conveyed to Hei, and he hopes that Hei’s arrogance can have a way to deal with the brute force of the dragons. After all, the strong dragons are not overwhelming, even if their three strengths are on, they are not as powerful as people.

- I will open a gap for you, and I will escape at that moment.

Black proudly brought a lazy voice into her mind.

- Only this method? Then you still save the province!

The cloud dance is clear and cold, and the one who hits her will kill the dragon people and knock them to the ground.

If there is only one way to open the gap and escape, she will open it herself. Do you still need him?

She looked back at the dragon and the Meng and the two, and it happened that the two also looked at her.

The three men nodded at the same time, ignoring the position of a weak defense, and attacked together.

Three powerful powerful forces spattered out, and the dark forces continued to fill the surrounding world. Everyone who was in an instant fight couldn’t help but shudder, how strange the power!

I saw the darkness of the cloud dance, and the darkness that destroyed everything was horrifying.

The black smog around the dragon is even more strange, as if he had swallowed him, and he wore a white coat, adding a touch of horror.

"What are the two monsters of you guys!" Meng Bai looked at the two men who fell in the enchantment, hoarse and screamed.

After seeing the darkness of the cloud dance demon, he still suspected that the dragon would not know her so horrible side. Now it seems that he thinks more, and the two are just like one!

As the two dark forces meet in the air, the opposite dragons are instantly hit, and a gap appears immediately.

At that moment, the three-small figure has highlighted the encirclement.

Just as the three were about to leave, they were stopped by the two.

Cloud dance looked up at the two people wearing scales on the opposite side, slightly frowning, isn't it the trick and the trick?

How did they come? Has the incident been alarmed by the Dragon Palace?

"I didn't expect to see humans for so many years." Yan Shu looked at the three people in the cloud dance, and his mouth showed a disdainful smile.

"Bring them back." He glanced at the scorpion technique. Their purpose was to bring the cloud dance to the Dragon Palace for disposal.

"I didn't expect a human woman to have such a personality. I want to catch you. I can't be the bad guy."

I don't know when the eyes of the scorpion fell on the cloud dance and never moved away. I was used to the enthusiasm of the dragon woman. The first time I saw a woman who was so indifferent to the cloud dance, I felt very good about the taste.

At the bottom of my eyes, I passed a trace of darkness and darkness. Then I looked at the three people. "Are you walking with me, or am I taking you away?"

Can break the defense of the Dragon people, he is not sure if they can bring them back.

"If there are only these two choices, then I will choose the third one, fly you and go!"

Just as her voice fell, a white figure fluttered through it, but with a flaw that could not be ignored.

The elements of the wind swept through the power of the black smog, and went to the scorpion. The scorpion had noticed the power of the strange darkness, but the speed of the force was too fast, he had no time to fight back, only the side of the conditioned reflex After hiding in the past, he was still a few steps back from Yu Bo.

"This is just a warning, my woman, but it is not rare for others to appreciate." Long Devil looked at the cloud dance and threw a wink at her. "Only I can appreciate it alone."

Touching his hot eyes, the cloud dance was dark, and the burning eyes seemed to burn her half.

That naked appreciation really made her unacceptable, as if she was naked at the moment...

A glaring gaze casts a dragon on the evil spirits. She gestures to him to regain his gaze. The dragon pours evil and smiles evilly. On the contrary, it looks more natural. The subsequent words make the cloud dance completely faceless.

"It’s not the first time to look at the husband. What is so shy." His voice is extremely low, but he does not know whether it is intentional or not. He is heard by Yun Dance, Meng Bai, Shu Shu and Qian Qian.

"Get out of the way!" The cloud dance was awkward and his face was cold.

The next second she looked at the scorpion, her eyes were cold, and the palm of her hand was instantly set off. The fighting power was absolutely 100%. Every hit was really the life of the martial arts.

It seems to be a secret that was eavesdropped.

"I didn't expect you to use this trick really." Meng Bai looked at the cloud dance that was cold and **** at the moment, and took a look at the dragon.

Now she has four words on her face, don't get close...

Dragons and evil spirits look at the cloud dance that is fighting, coveting a smile, is he not telling the truth?

The Dragon people have seen the Dragons have joined the battle, and they don’t fall. They immediately rushed to the dragon and Meng Bai, and a group of people once again entangled together.

After a long time, the surrounding area was already in a mess, and the rapid breathing sound was mixed in the sound of the battle.

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