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Chapter 851 Live Broadcast

Cloud dance looked at the opposite side of the martial arts and embarrassment, I did not expect their strength is so strong, fighting for so long is only a little breathless, and she...

The cloud dance wiped the blood marks from the corners of the mouth, and the purple sputum was cold and bloodthirsty.

At the same time, when the dragon slays evil to deal with the brothers and sisters of the world, the dragons will help the cloud dance, and some will not be able to eat.

"Follow me back to the Dragon Palace, I can consider putting them." 亓 指 finger pointed to the dragon and evil spirits and Meng Bai, picking up the eyebrows toward the cloud dance.

Cloud dance is very cold, "I am afraid you are afraid."

"I don't dare? Joke, I am the three princes of the Dragon family. Do you have anything I dare not do?" The singer seems to have heard a big joke.

"Is the Dragon Three Princes more powerful than the Dragon King?"

It is said that the face of the scorpion has changed slightly.

When she thought of marrying a thousand words to marry a human being, the Dragon King sighed. At the moment she became a pro-religion, let them go underground to be a husband and wife.

If he wants a human woman, the title of his three princes is just like when the Red Fire Dragon was driven out of the Dragon. There is no family relationship.

How could he take the risk of rebelling against the Dragon King?

So Yun Wu decided that he didn't have that courage!

"You guessed it, but today you still have to go back to the Dragon Palace with me." The scorpion sneaked a smile and attacked again.

Followed by the shot, the three men once again entangled together.

On the other hand, the dragon and the evil spirits have also dealt with more and more effort. When Meng Bai inadvertently took a look at the cloud dance, the look changed instantly.

"Be careful!" Meng Bai looked at the cloud dance and snorted.

I saw a dragon woman holding a long sword, and was quietly stabbing the back of the cloud dance. At this moment, the cloud dance is dealing with the martial arts and the shackles. If there is a distraction, it will be greatly impacted.

Sword, close at hand!

Daddy, the white figure that is entangled in the crowd swept out in a moment, and a blink of an eye has come to the back of the cloud dance. The cloud dance feels that the familiar taste appears behind him, and the corner of the mouth outlines a very shallow smile.

For a moment, the woman behind the cloud dance was shot, and then the cloud dance felt that a hand was looping around her waist, and the next second was pulled back by a force, while a dark smog smashed out and instantly smashed. The joint attack of the sputum was broken, and the cloud dance finally got a chance to breathe.

"For the husband just handsome, not handsome?" The dragon fell into the air and danced in the air, and the cloud dance in the breeze could still feel his slightly eagerness and enthusiasm.

The two landed in a safe corner.

"Shuai, handsome to slag." Yun Wu white a look, when her eyes touched his blood outflowing arms, the eyes were suddenly cold.

Then she looked at the woman who was shot by the dragon, and her eyes were swept away. Did she just hurt?

The dragon fell in love and looked at the injured arm. The evil charm smiled. "You know."

Yun Dance slightly frowned, she knew that his healing ability would soon heal the wound, but still did not want him to be injured, but did not want him because she was injured.

"Pain..." The dragon leans on the shoulders of the cloud dance, and there is no power in the moment.

The cloud dance stunned the people on the shoulders and said indifferently: "Live it!"

Although she said so on the mouth, she did not push him away, her eyes kept looking at his wounds and see if he healed.

At this point, her face was pale and bloodless. After waiting for the wound of the dragon to heal, she could not say: "Hurry and leave."

"Let's wait here."

The dragon sorcerer placed the cloud dance in the same place, set up a space enchantment around her, and returned to the crowd again.

At this moment, he has not had a lazy attitude. The golden plaque is full of blood red, just like Satan is terrible.

This is the site of the dragon people. Knowing that he is entangled, there is no chance of winning. In an instant, the five elements merge, and the power of the five elements instantly tumbling in the air.

At the moment when the five elements resisted, Dragon Pluck again used the transmission array.


Wen Yan, Meng Bai quickly got out and entered the transmission array.

The cloud dance also broke the enchantment and rushed to the transmission. Before the woman who had just attacked her, she concentrated all the power and took advantage of the situation. The tall body of the woman disappeared like a meteor.

Did she hurt her man, did she agree?

The three people entered the transmission array together, and the dragon dumped the destination directly in a hidden cliff jungle, because the cliff was the place where he was unconscious when there was a problem with the transmission array.

Fortunately, there was no problem in the middle of the transfer array, and they were sent directly to their destination, but an episode occurred when they landed.

Somehow, when the transmission array reached the jungle, it suddenly disappeared out of thin air.

The vigilance of the three people has been reduced a lot, and no one has found this anomaly. When they found out, it was too late.


With two loud noises, the dust was flying and smashed in the air.

"Oh, my ass." Meng Bai fell to the ground and died. The buttocks were hurt by a stone. They couldn’t help but complain. "What made you break something and fell to me."

At this time, the cloud dance is pressed against the dragon and the evil spirits are held by the dragon. The distance between the cheeks is no more than one finger. The thin lips and the cool lips can still feel a kind of current-like friction.

At this time, the two people’s postures are more than imaginary.

Meng Bai looked at the other side and looked at each other. He slammed his head and hurriedly turned his head and muttered in his mouth. "Xiu En loves to die fast!"

Just as Meng Bai didn't go too far, the dragon poured his hand and lowered the head of the cloud dance. The lips touched each other like the intersection of a volcano and an iceberg, hitting a current that was difficult to refuse, attracting each other between the two.

Meng Bai shook his head and turned to go elsewhere. In the next scene, he still didn't watch the live broadcast...

The dragon swayed the spirit and allowed her to taste, inducing her to follow his rhythm, and the cloud dance awkwardly responded to him, but made him fall into difficulty.

It was such a simple response that it was always calm that he was almost out of control.

The hot breath lingered between the two, and the dragon looked at the crimson cloud dance, and smiled low. The charm was in her ear: "Every time you can only eat half, what if you don't eat enough?"

Daddy, the cloud dance is red like a persimmon, and I can only bury my face in his chest, not letting myself be too embarrassed.

Just when he kissed her, he transferred his power to her body. The internal injuries suffered during the battle, there is no feeling at the moment, but the cheeks are still red and some abnormal...

"Sometimes it’s good to be a little bit of being thrown down." The dragon stalked the clouds and danced, nodding and thinking.

The cloud dance face was black, and it was clear how much the posture between the two was, and when she planned to get up, the dragon poured her evil body and turned it over to press her under her body.

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