Wild Malicious Consort: Good For Nothing Ninth Miss

Chapter 852: Uncomfortable for the husband

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Chapter 852 is uncomfortable for the husband

"I need to calm down and calm down." The dragon looked at the clouds and danced, and it looked a little painful.

She clearly felt his change, this man he actually...

"You... there is a lake over there. If you want to calm down, you will jump in and wash in." The cloud dance refers to the lake on the left, which is incoherent and has a rare stutter.

"Where is there such a thing in the world, you fire, why do you let the lake come to be guilty?"

After all, the dragon fell to kiss her again, the kiss, more crazy and burning.

Cloud dance feels like there is a fire burning in the body, burning her dizzy, completely lost her reason.

When Meng Bai came back again, the two still embraced each other, and the cloud dance was completely immersed in the dragon's divine evil spirits. The dragon's evil spirits have always said that the cloud dance is hard to actively vote for the topic of giving.

The cloud dance face is ugly, he doesn't have the momentum, he has no strength, he can only use his eyes to slap him.

"I said that you are almost on the line, do not choose a place to mess up, really when I do not exist?" Meng Bai looked at the two, a look of contempt.

"This is called fun, the mouse does not have the fun." The dragon pours a low smile, the tenderness that can't be said in the smile.

Hearing words, Meng Bai’s face sank, “say me, I will kill you.”

"Then I will kill you first." Yun Dance glanced at Meng Bai, indifferent.

Meng Bai couldn't help but roll his eyes, and with the guy who forgot his friend, no wonder everyone said that women are the most ruthless and cold-blooded animals!

"It's a good feeling to be protected by you." The dragon fell in love with her hair.

"You are also getting out!" The cloud dance was full of anger, and some of the dodge escaped from his arms and went straight to the distant lake.

On the edge of the lake, the cloud dance saw a completely strange face in the water, and the indifferent scorpion was covered with a smile of happiness and sweetness.

Is that her?

Touching the swollen lips, she smiled at the corner of her mouth. Although it was a very shallow smile, it had the warmth of melting everything.

She is convinced that the only one she is, only he has, can never be owned by others.


After a night of healing, the three internal injuries were basically restored. I was going to leave, but I heard footsteps coming from far away.

The footsteps were steady and powerful, and every step of the way I felt the earth tremble slightly.

The three looked at the direction of the source of the footsteps, but found a few dragons in the air and was swimming in their direction.

"Remove." Meng Bai looked at the cloud dance and asked her for her opinion.

It is obvious that those people are coming to them.

Waiting for the cloud dance to talk, the shadows of thousands of words in the distance reflected the three eyes.

Looking at the thousands of words, the cloud dances and the phoenixes, the place is the place where she saved the dragon to the evil spirits. Naturally, she can only find it. It seems that she wants to try her luck, for unnecessary trouble, or leave.

Cloud dance slightly jaws, "Go."

Just as the three left, the Sky Dragon discovered the figure of the three of them, and the thousands of people quickly chased the past.

Feel the pursuit of thousands of words and other people, the cloud dance slightly frowning, and now they have no way to stand in the dragons, doing anything can not be hard.

If one day she has power, be sure to run these people!

Just as the three people of Yunwu escaped from the jungle, they waited for them to stop.

荀 Qianling, with the entire family of the world, is waiting for them here.

Looking at the three people who appeared in the cloud dance, Qian Qianling showed a sneer. "I am waiting here for three more hours."

Yunwu watched the whole family of the people who had been dispatched, and they touched the bottom of the eye with a touch of coldness. They must have the goal to dare to act with such a large force.

But how can they be sure that a few of them are here?

"Hand over the things that come out in the secret room, I can ask you a few with the Dragon King and ask him to open the net." Seeing a few people do not speak, Qian Qianling continued.

"Brother, don't talk nonsense with them, grab them and give them to me. I will smash them into corpses!" At this time, thousands of words were chased out.

They were pinched before and after.

Qian Qianling glanced at a thousand words, with a hint of anger in his eyes, and he slammed his mouth in a thousand words, and the arrogance of the arrogance was gone.

Cloud dance sneered at the eyes of the brothers and sisters, and it seems that a thousand words are afraid of thousands of Ling.

"My words can be considered."

Qian Qianling looked at the cloud dance, and the anger at the bottom of his eyes faded. After the battle of yesterday, his thoughts on the cloud dance were completely changed. I did not expect a human woman to be tough, determined, and deeply attracted. he.

"Do not think about it." Cloud dance cold channel.

"Are you promised?"

"I don't know if my brain is short-circuited or you don't have a brain. Do you think animals can believe it?" Yun Dance disdainfully smiles. In this case, she didn't believe it in modern times.

"You..." 荀 Qianling was blocked by a cloud dance, and he said: "You really refuse to pay?"

Others can't give it, the ancient light must be brought back!

Cloud dance slightly frowning, too lazy to talk nonsense with him.

"We all understand the animals, but you can't understand people. People and animals still can't communicate." Meng Bai shook his head with some helplessness.

"It’s too much to deceive, brother, you can bear it, I can’t stand it!”

Listening to the sentence seriously slandered the dragons, swearing thousands of words, waving a red flame knife attacked.

The cloud dance lazy and glanced at the dragon and the evil spirits, indifferent: "Your trouble solves it yourself."

The dragon fell in love with a look of grievances and looked at the cloud dance, holding his chest and being weak and powerless: "It is uncomfortable for the husband."


The last second she saw that he is more spirited than anyone else! The next second is uncomfortable like this?

The cloud dance looked at the dragon swaying evil that leaned on her, almost pressing the power of the whole person on her, the weight...

Uncomfortable, it is uncomfortable!


The cloud dance kicked a hook and kicked the dragon to the abdomen, and the dragon screamed and screamed, and bent over and looked at the cloud dance.

"This is really uncomfortable."


In the next second, the black flame knife appeared in the hands of the cloud dance, and instantly went to the direction of the dragon.

"Oh..." The sound of the two knives constantly echoed outside the jungle.

The two widowed figures were intertwined in an instant, and the aftermath of the power continued to spread around them. The leaves of the jungle fluttered and fluttered around the two.

That scene made everyone stay for a moment.

Although thousands of words are arrogant, some are self-willed, but they are also rare beauty.

And cloud dance naturally need not say more.

"Give him back to me, spare you a life!" 荀 语 whispered a whisper, the big knife crossed the neck of the cloud dance.

Yunwu escaped a blow, and there was some dissatisfaction between the eyebrows. "Don't say impossible, it is possible, can you take him away?"

I really don't know which woman's ribs are wrong, ask her to return him to her?

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