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Chapter 853 Fire of the Unicorn

Did she not see the scene just now? Is she not willing to let go?

"If it weren't for you, he would have been married with me!" Qian Qianyu remembered that she had destroyed her marriage and she was more fierce.

The cloud dance eyes are cold, and she still remembers to be a relative, remembering that the dragon is not dead?

The black flame knives burned around, and the red hot flames continued to surge. The purple scorpion instantly became **** and extremely strange.

The dragon sorrowed and looked at the cloud dance at this moment, and Jin Hao’s eyes were a little surprised.

This little thing actually absorbed the power of the unicorn fruit and contracted the fire unicorn?

It’s just that Yunwu doesn’t know that the fire unicorn in her body has been contracted by her, only knowing that the fire unicorn will help her at the crisis.

The power of the fire unicorn looks bright, in fact extremely dark and strange, almost the same nature as the magic power, and now the power of the unicorn has been absorbed by the magic.

Then, the power of the magical creature has grown stronger?

The dragon sorrows and sorrows pass through a few unnoticeable concerns.

In this way, one day she will be unable to control the devil, until then...


A loud bang interrupted the meditation of the dragon, and looked up. The huge body of thousands of words fell deeply into the earth's surface.

With this dramatic scene happening, Qi Qianling’s killings rose abruptly, looking at the thousands of words that were wounded, and whispered: “Kill them!”

Under one order, the people of the Yi family swarmed up, in the middle of the air, the dragons danced, and the dragons and dragons were shocking.

This battle represents the war between humans and the dragons. Everyone in the family seems to be fighting for life.

"Do you really want to die without giving up the box?" 荀 凌 对 对 对 云 云 云 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

When Yunwu glanced at him, he regained his gaze and looked at a grass that was stepped on her feet. He said: "Isn't there a dark day, I started dreaming?"

"It turns out that human beings are so uncultivated!" Qian Qianling looked at the grass that was smashed by her, and her hands were slightly gripped.

She is saying that he is like the grass, as long as she wants to step him under his feet?

What he thinks, the cloud dance is of course unclear, but she looks at the grass, simply because she doesn't want to look at him with her eyes, and wants to find an object that can be overlooked instead of it. That's it...

Yunwu is too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and the elements of the wind are turned into swords.

On the other hand, the dragon stagnation is entangled with the thousand words, and the dragon stalks from time to time to look at the situation of the cloud dance, squatting in the gap of thousands of words, one goes to the cloud dance, and immediately pulls her out The scope of the attack is thousands of miles.

"A woman's duel between a man and a man will be handed over to you."

The cloud dance didn't have much time to think about anything, and thousands of words came to attack her. She could only passively fight back.

The strength of Qian Qianling is much higher than that of Qian Qian. Yun Yun knows that he is afraid of her injury. As he said, this is a confrontation between men and men, and she is happy to accept it.

And Meng Bai has the right to deal with other dragons, and the cloud dance summons the contract beast to help Meng Bai. The contest between the human and the dragon has officially begun.

The quiet jungle, endlessly swaying, is everywhere.

"Go to hell!" A very cold voice sounded, followed by a dragon shadow in front of the cloud dance, when she caught the dragon body, it was too late.


With a dull impact, the cloud dance turned into a virtual shadow, and instantly flew out. In the jungle, the sound of falling trees continued. Meng Bai looked at the cloud dance and flew out but could not get away. .

In the air, a drop of blood dripped on the palm of the dragon, like a blood lotus bloom.

Daddy, a touch of white shadow instantly crossed the Qianling, swept away in the direction of the disappearance of the cloud dance, and Qian Qianling resumed the dragon body, followed closely.

In front of the abyss, the cloud dance chest was hit by a thousand words, and even breathing was difficult, let alone counterattack, and the sight was approaching the cliff. She wanted to save herself but could not move.

How high is this cliff? Can you survive if you fall into it?

Just before the cloud dance fell into the cliff, a white phantom swept past, and she picked up her in an instant. When the dragon fell to the ground and took her back to the ground, Qian Qianling took a long jump and the dragon **** was agile. , 甩 龙 to the dragon.

The dragon fell into the black palm of the palm of the hand, and the cloud dance was circled in one hand. The one hand slammed the violent blow of Qian Qianling. With that touch, the dragon poured evil and took the cloud dance back a few tens of meters.

At that moment, Qian Qianling looked up and looked up, his face suddenly changed.

In midair, countless black sharp edges form an encirclement that straddles at a speed that he cannot capture.

The dragon body swayed and escaped the attack of the encirclement, but it was still hurt by a black blade to the tail. The wound attacked by the black blade was ten times more painful than the wound caused by the ordinary sharp blade. It was turned into a human figure and fell into pain. At this time, his calf area has been bloody, **** and fuzzy, and the leg is estimated to be abolished.

"Meng Bai!" The dragon stalked the cloud dance and shouted on Jinling's back.

At this time, the five dragons attacked him at the same time, and they couldn’t hold it anymore. Meng Bai looked up and instantly turned into a white mouse, a sensitive turn, escaped from the encirclement of five people, and turned into a human form. On the back of Jin Ling.

At this time, the cloud dance that has been resting for a while has recovered consciousness.

"Golden spirit, slow down." Yunwu suddenly stopped the Jinling who fled and escaped.

The dragon and the evil spirits and Meng Bai looked at the cloud dance at the same time, and there was a mystery in the eyes.

At that moment, a raging fire suddenly burst around the thousand words. It was not an ordinary flame, but a flame of fire unicorn. The burning degree was no less than the fire of the source.

"Ah..." Thousands of words were screamed by the burning flames.

The fire of the fire unicorn seems to have what spirituality is like, where is the thousand words to run, and where it burns.

"Throw her down the lake!" Qian Qianling struggled to get up, but found that the pain in his leg was completely unheard of, and he could only scream anxiously.

In an instant, a dozen dragons raised a thousand words, like throwing a chicken, and "Yu Tong" was thrown into the lake.

Cloud dance looked at this scene, and a sneer smile was raised in the corner of her mouth. If it wasn’t for this arrangement, how could she be so arrogant to fly?

Now that she is not better than her, she is relieved.

"Golden spirit, still don't hurry to escape?" The cloud dance stuck in the dragon's divine evil, lazy and closed the eyes.

Looking at the terrible tens of thousands of words, Meng Bai's face is black, and this woman is just to see her ugly face, let the bird stop?

See it now, cool?

Meng Bai looked at the cloud dance, a cold chill, and sure enough, the most poisonous woman in the world!

When the dragon sorrows and looks at the cloud dance in his arms, how can he not know what she is thinking, seeing that the hair is burning at the moment, the skin is festering, like a black man, and shook his head helplessly.

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