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Chapter 855 is a smile

It is said that the small potato brush does not jump, and the frustrated smashing the cloud dance, the slow squatting in her hand is motionless, how much more ambiguous, how much grievances.

Yunwu had no choice but to sigh, she did not let it move, and talked to people, it was her playing the cow...

I thought that it opened the blood network that night, and today it can help her to disappear the blood marks on the back of the hand. Who knows...

Just as Yun Dance planned to take it back into space, I suddenly realized that the little guy was screaming at the gang, and staring at the cloud dance, it seemed like it would spit in the next second.

The cloud dance was slightly changed, and he quickly picked up his two legs and hung up in the air.

"Oh..." The little guy spit out a blood.

Cloud dance heart stopped, what happened?

"Little potato?" The cloud dance looked at the unmoving little potato, one hand licking it, the other hand slap on his cheek, but unfortunately no response. "It won't die..."

While watching the lively two people heard her words, they glanced at each other and shook their heads helplessly. Can they still move their tails?

"If you die, dig a hole and bury it." Yun Dance shook his head with a pity, took a dagger from the space, and really planned to dig a hole.

Suddenly, the little guy in his hand swayed hard, his **** twisted and twisted, his mouth slammed, posing an ugly face toward the cloud dance, watching the dark face of the cloud dance, it seemed more excited, the whole body was jubilant The jumped up.

"Want to toss, then slowly toss it." Yun Dance toward the small potatoes showed a gentle smile, the next second eyes suddenly cold, five fingers loose, the small potato cockroaches fell to the ground.

Just one second of retracting the palm of the hand, Yun Wu found that the **** mark on the back of the hand was gone, and she realized that the little guy had just spit blood, that is, the blood of the blood.

"Oh..." The little guy was thrown to the ground, dissatisfied with the clouds dancing.

It looked up at the cloud dance, saw the cloud dance ignore it, and then bowed his head down, and grabbed the cloud dance dress again.

Suddenly, an unusual sound came from a distance, and the three looked at each other.

"It’s really fast!" The cloud dance face is slightly cold.

"Leave it before you say it."

After the language is finished, Long Dingxie creates a space enchantment, seals most of the space, and finds the direction in which they leave in the enchantment. It takes a little more consideration than usual. They have time to solve the problem and they have time to leave.

The cloud dance glanced at the blood spit out from the small potatoes on the ground, and the light from the bottom of the eyes swept away.

Just as the cloud dance left, I always felt something stuck to the skirt, and I couldn’t get rid of it. Looking at it, the little potato grabbed her skirt and was dragged by her.

Looking at the frowning and grinning, clutching her little potatoes, Yun Yun’s heart melted instantly, bending over and smashing it up. “I know what I’ve just installed now?”

The small potatoes showed two small fangs and smiled at the clouds.

The unusual atmosphere in the distance became clearer and clearer, and the cloud dance took the small potatoes back into space, and the three men plucked in the opposite direction.

Three people along the way have been looking at the terrain to see if there is anything that is easier to hide but not easily found.

"I feel that it is good."

The white phantom suddenly stopped, and the dragon stalked and looked at a certain height.

Yunwu Mengbai heard the words, and looked at them one after another. I saw a bush in the heights. The shrubs were covered with green trees and were very hidden. Standing in their position, you can clearly see a hole.

If you hide the hole, it is hard to find it.

"That's it." Yun Dance looked at the hole and took the lead, and the dragon and the evil spirits followed closely.

The cave was so dark that only a few rays of sunlight coming in through the cracks of the trees were used to illuminate. The cave was not clean, and there were some moss around it. It seems that no one has ever been there.

The cloud dance looked at the dragon and the evil spirits and Meng Bai, and raised their eyebrows at them. The two nodded at the same time and looked at the front, and a swept body disappeared.

"Who!" Meng Bai’s voice came out. After seeing the person’s face, the surprised voice came out again. “How is it?”

The angle of the cloud dance is slightly raised. It seems that no one has come here, but there is a smell that does not belong to this cave. The weakness of the breath makes her feel a little familiar.

"How are you?" In the cave, a faint hoarseness broke the silence again.

Cloud dance forehead wrinkled, the look suddenly changed, the sound of red fire dragon? Daddy, the purple figure quickly moved forward, turning into a phantom disappearing.

In the distant distance, a shadow of the figure lay on the ground. His forehead was crumpled and pale, and it seemed that he was hurt. At this moment, he was holding his body and Meng Bai would speak.

"This big lady offended the dragon people, we fled to escape, you?" Meng Bai pointed to the cloud dance behind him, the tone was quite helpless.

Red Fire Dragon glanced at the cloud dance and smiled bitterly. "Like you, escaped."

Looking at the long and short whiplash on the red fire dragon, a dark stream swelled in her eyes, and the three felt the change of her body.

"Who hurts?"

The whiplash on his body was definitely not injured when the line was transferred. Even if it was injured at that time, after a long time, the wound should have healed early. Obviously, these are new injuries.

Who dares to hurt her person like this?

I don't know why, at this moment, Yun Dance can't feel the madness and arrogance of him in the past, but the opposite is a bit of a painful look.

After a long silence, the Red Fire Dragon slowly opened its mouth. "The past has passed, not to mention it."

The cloud dance is slightly different. Does he want to mention it or do not want them to know?

Forget it, no matter what kind of mind, he would not say that she would not be reluctant, this hate she will always remember, as long as he told her who hurt him, she must come back to the man thousands of times!

"You two still groaning? Do you want others to discover our shelter?" Yunwu glanced at Mengbai, cold and cold.

"Don't look at me with this kind of look, why don't you look at him?" Meng Bai was stunned and couldn't help but complain. Every time he saw her eyes, his body suddenly became stiff.

"Can you manage it?"


Looking at the smiling dragon behind him, Meng Bai turned and left, and kept muttering in his mouth, "Two black hearts!"

"Don't laugh, you go too!"

Seeing that Meng Bai left, Yun Dance looked back at the dragon and turned his evil spirits. I really don't know what is worthwhile to make him laugh so embarrassed.

The dragon screamed and smiled, and turned to the elegant cave. He knew that Yunwu would take them away. There must be something to talk to the Red Fire Dragon.

If you don't guess wrong, you should ask the Red Fire Dragon to be injured, although on the surface she will not force him to say.

But who can understand this little thing?

Ps: G4458Q, the top 100 people who can exchange the cake can receive it, first lead, and there is no more after the end, I wish you good luck!

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