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Chapter 856 Expelling the Family

The two left, leaving only the shadow of the cloud dance and the red fire dragon.

Yun Wu took out a magical grass from the space and handed it to the Red Fire Dragon. He said: "Eating it is good for your injury."

Looking at the magic grass in the hands of the cloud dance, the red fire dragon looked a little surprised, and said: "How do you have healing grass?"

This magic grass grows on the top of the desert, but it is extremely difficult to find. How can she have it?

Cloud dance eyebrows passed a trace of impatience, "Where is so much nonsense? Eat."

"This grandfather still doesn't eat."

Being so stunned by the cloud dance, the red-hot dragon's arrogant nature was immediately hooked out.

"Red fire dragon, how come this whip injury on your body, I don't need to remind you?" Yun Dance played with the magic grass, kindly reminded him.

The red fire dragon's back was cold, and he replied with anger: "How do you know how my whiplash came?"

"I don't know, I know that you are ashamed and angry now." Yun Dance's face is inscrutable, as if he really knows everything.

"What is the shame of this uncle! One day, sooner or later, the uncle will take back the things that belong to him, what the **** is, and all the uncles are waiting!"

The red fire dragon was stunned by the cloud dance, and everything was trayd out. Under an angry self-anger, the red fire dragon looked at the cloud dance like a smile, and suddenly realized that he was cheated.

"You don't know anything at all, actually dare to play with this uncle!"

"I don't know why you don't want to mention this, but I only know that no matter who you are, as long as you hurt my people, don't think about living in the future!"

It was said that the Red Fire Dragon smashed for a few seconds, was driven out of the family, and was imprisoned in Yunfu for hundreds of years. He had the same attitude towards everyone and never trusted anyone.

Now the words of Yun Dance are undoubtedly throwing a bomb in his calm and indifferent heart, which is like a river flowing like a river, unable to calm down.

"Oh, anyway, you are cheating on this uncle!" Red Fire Dragon disdain to cold up, in order to cover up the inner waves.

But the cloud dance can see that his mouth is wrong.

"Talk about it, who hurts you, I am going to marry the ancestors of his eight generations."

Yunwu once again handed the magic grass to the red fire dragon. The red fire dragon swallowed the magic grass, and it seemed that it was difficult to open the scorpion.

Cloud dance is not in a hurry, waiting quietly for him.

Looking at the scars on the red fire dragon, the flesh and blood skin is fleshy, the blood has solidified, and the rags of the surrounding clothes are solidified together. The slightest movement is the pain of tearing the flesh.

Such a wound is not a wound in battle, but a punishment!

She probably already guessed who is the masterpiece!

The clouds and dances are condensed with frost, and her people are moving when others say it.

After a long time, the red fire dragon sighed slightly, lying on the weeds, accidentally pulling the wound, biting his teeth, and then sighing and sighing after the pain eased.

"There was a problem with the transmission array that day. We were all separated. I didn't know where the whirlpool was. I was taken back to the Dragon Palace. I was wearing a sin. I was able to escape after I died. Now I will send it to my door. Who will put it? Have me?"

"So, they imprisoned you, punish you, and finally want to kill you?" The cloud dance is cold and cold, and the voice is like winter snow, and the breath is suddenly cold.

"If it wasn't for Lao Tzu who was injured, could they imprison him if he could be imprisoned?" Red Fire Dragon disdain, his words are still arrogant, and there is a bit of helplessness in the mix, and Yun Dance can feel it.

"I always want to ask you, what happened to you in the past, the dragons will drive you out of the family."

Yun Dance has never understood, as a dragon eight Prince, what has been done, can let the Dragon King make such a ruthless decision, personally!

"I don't want to say it, don't ask." The red fire dragon looked a little dodged, turned and turned to the cloud dance, no longer talking.

"If you don't say it, don't say it, whoever can hear it." Yunwu stood up and walked outside the cave.

It is a shameful shame to be driven out of the dragons by the temperament of the Red Fire Dragon. Of course, I don’t want to face it. It is not easy to say why the wound is being wounded. Those things are still waiting for him when he wants to say it.

Now I know who hurts him, and I know the thoughts of Red Fire Dragon. She intends to help him to help him recover his belongings.

After a night of recuperation, the internal injury and trauma of the Red Fire Dragon are already good.

The cloud dance also made a few human skin masks, and brought the black medicine developed by the black arrogant to suppress the human breath, and several people stepped into the dragon again.


After entering the Dragon City.

Several people deliberately passed through the family around the world, and found that the current family's defense is more strict and more secretive, it seems that they are agitated by several.

"I didn't expect you to turn the family of the world upside down."

Red Fire Dragon looked at a men's costume to dress up a very handsome cloud dance, although the attitude is a bit disdain, but still surprised.

The power behind the family is the Dragon Palace. This woman made the family of the world, so the Dragon Palace could not sit idly by.

It’s just that he didn’t know that hundreds of years have passed. The relationship between the Su Shi family and the Dragon Palace has not been the same as it was at the beginning. Now the family of the world can only rely on the ancient light to get the help of the Dragon Palace.

Yun Dance still looked indifferent, took back the eyes of the family, and turned away.

The family of the world is not in her plan for her. If she is not a dragon, she is too lazy to provoke them. Now that she has changed her identity and got the light of the ancient times, she does not need any intersection.

What I have to do now is to get another part of the ancient light, and the light of the ancient times is in the dragon family. She just wants to help the red fire dragon return to the dragon family, killing two birds with one stone.

Along the way, the clouds dance are thinking about what kind of identity to mix into the dragon,

Just after the four people walked into the city, they suddenly found a group of people huddled together, and the bustling people didn't know what to expect.

The four men glanced at each other and squeezed into the crowd together. Because they were small, the people around them deliberately gave them some gaps.

After squeezing into the crowd, Yun Dance discovered that it was a notice posted by the Dragon Palace.

"The Prince Long Ba, who escaped hundreds of years ago, came back a few days ago. In order to rule the dragons, he ordered him to be expelled from his family. If someone finds his whereabouts, he will not be rewarded!"

"How did it suddenly disappear after so long?"

"It seems that the dragons are not too flat."

After reading the contents of the notice, the cloud dance eyes were cold and cold, and the eyes of the crowd looked out of the crowd. What she wants to know most is the order of who the notice is.

Vaguely, she has a hunch that finding the Red Fire Dragon is the meaning of the Dragon King, but it should be the meaning of others.

"Have you seen it? This is the end of your coming back." Yun Dance looked at the Red Fire Dragon and raised a sarcasm.

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