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Chapter 857 before the power

"Even if you laugh at this uncle too?" Red Fire Dragon is angry and can't hide the anger in his heart.

How can he endure this humiliation without dignity?

"It's not that she laughs at you, but you laugh at yourself." Meng Bai looked at the red fire dragon and said what the cloud dance wants to say. "You don't want to face the past, you want others to respect you. How is this possible?" If you are misunderstood, you will solve the misunderstanding. If you are not convinced, you will kill him."

It is said that the anger of the Red Fire Dragon has faded by half. "This uncle wanted to kill them."

"That's not it? Who is it? Let's kill him together, how fast and cool, how good." Meng Bai's mouth swelled, proudly swaying his chin, as if he had said something.

Yunwu glanced at Meng Bai, shook his head helplessly.

Red Fire Dragon now has a contract with her. She will not turn a blind eye to this matter, but she hopes that Red Fire Dragon can believe her.

"At the beginning, I was still my father's favorite son, and my mother was his favorite woman. I don't know why she suddenly became seriously ill. I sent someone to find the only soul in the world. Who knows that she was robbed halfway. At that time, I was outside, and I was just detained when I returned to the Dragon Palace. I said that I had taken away the sequel, and the evidence was conclusive!"

When mentioning the events of the year, the Red Fire Dragon did not have the usual madness, but it was somewhat resentful.

Also, it is so confusing to be blamed, who can put it open?

However, the continuation of the soul Dan, the mother of the scorpion was not saved, this can be regarded as indirectly killing the dragon king's favorite woman, how could the Dragon King let him go.

“Who found the original evidence?”

Yun Dance Liu Mei slightly picks, this is a deliberate framed, the purpose should be to make the Red Fire Dragon never turn over, in the Dragon can not stand on the ground.

It seems ironic that the Red Fire Dragon shook his head. "I only knew that it was imprisoned for this crime. I had been ordered to drive out the Dragons before I could investigate."

"What do you think is the cause of this incident?" Yun Dance looked at the dragon and asked,.

This kind of dexterity requires the city's affairs, or is he more suitable for calculation.

The dragon swayed and looked at the cloud dance lazily, and hooked her finger at her to signal her to come over.

The cloud dance is slightly frowning, but for the inner doubts, it is still in the past.

The dragon sings evil and smiles, and whispers something in her ear.

"Impossible!" The cloud dance suddenly looked awkward, and the look at the bottom of the eyes was stained with a sigh of relief.

Unknown, Red Fire Dragon and Meng Bai looked at each other and didn’t understand that the cloud dance was so excited.

"Remember that for the husband, nothing is impossible in the face of power."

"Isn't it going to be so mad?"

Listening to the two of you, I said a word, Meng Bai finally couldn’t bear it. "Can you say something?"

"It’s just a human speech. It’s normal for you to understand." Yun Dance gave him a look.

Meng Bai’s face was black and pointed to the red fire dragon: “He doesn’t understand it either!”

"It's all the same. He doesn't understand it. It's normal." Yun Wu took a look at the red fire dragon, indifferent.


Looking at the crowds that are gradually spreading away in the distance, the red fire dragon has hidden from the bottom of his eyes. "No matter who was framed by Laozi, Laozi will check it out and let them taste the taste of being expelled from the family."

"The scorpion can teach." Yun Dance raised his eyebrows and smiled. Then he looked at Meng Bai and the dragon. "Since the goal has been determined, it is now a bad force. I have a way. I don't know what you think."

"Tell me."

"The husband must support you."

The cloud dance phoenix squats and looks at Meng Bai. "How about the desert?"

Meng Baiyi, watching the cloud dance is a bit stunned, "Do you mean to go to the desert to get rid of the solid forces?"

Does this woman have a fever? The top of the desert is a villain driven out by the family. It burns and robs. The temper is not bound by the temper. She wants to bring those people together into a force. Is it crazy?

"This matter is still considered, this uncle does not want to be chased by another force."

The Red Fire Dragon is also somewhat surprised. Although he has not been to the desert, he has heard many things about the desert. The people there are isolated from the world. They are extremely evil. Going there to build up the forces, this is also theirs, if it is others. Hear, will you laugh at the big teeth?

The cloud dance nodded and the attitude was not to be rejected.

The dragon smashed the evil jaws, put away the lazy look, and took the willow waist of the cloud dance. The evil charm said: "Let's go."

"You really want to go?"

Looking at the figure that the two men gradually drifted away, Red Fire Dragon and Meng Bai shouted at the same time, but they waved at them and did not think about it.

"You two give this uncle and so on." The two smudges quickly swept forward.

The noisy Dragon City once again restored the calm of the past, but behind this calm is the precursor to the storm.


It is night, and the silent night is not calm.

The four deliberately waited until the evening to pass the dragon enchantment. In this case, the chance of encountering the beast of the desert will be great. At that time, you can also rush to the desert city all the way to collect some magic cores.

If you want to make a force, I am afraid that there will be a lot of places where the magic core is used.

Once again, at the top of the desert, the four of them have not felt the pressure of the desert, and all this is due to the effectiveness of the magic grass.

The desert of the night is particularly quiet, the squeaky scalp, and the endless desert of the desert, only the footsteps of the four of them echoed in the gloom.

Daddy, the cloud dance looked at the distance and stopped.


She looked at the three desert beasts opposite, and the corner of her mouth smacked a dangerous and glamorous arc, like a poppy, slowly blooming under the night.

"That is the beast of the desert?" Red Fire Dragon looked at the beast of the desert and was surprised.

In the past, he had only heard of the fierceness of the desert beast and the extraordinary sense of smell. Now he has been shocked by his own eyes.

Now they appear, is it smelling the food?

"It seems that it is more than that." Yun Dance doubled and looked at the beasts of the desert that gathered behind the three heads of Warcraft, smiling indifferently.

Are the three heads only to explore the wind first?

I saw the three desert beasts gathered one after another in a group of more than a dozen Warcraft, in addition to the three Warcraft ranks higher, the rest are intermediate Warcraft.

Looking at a dozen desert beasts, the cloud dance eyes passed a trace of fine mansions, took their magic core, should be enough for a while?

Thinking of it, the black flame knife hits in an instant, the purple phantom plunders, and the eyes of the desert have been entangled in the blink of an eye.

The other three people are holding their arms, and they are lazy and look at the lively expression. There is no worry that the fierceness of the desert beast will hurt the cloud dance.

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