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Chapter 861 God Family

Just as the cloud dance turned to leave, a familiar breath suddenly appeared, and the slight lifting of the footsteps suddenly became stiff.

"Little dance, I haven't seen you for a long time." There was a sound like a spring breeze behind him.

Looking back, not who is Stuart?

Followed by him is the night, Nangong Yi and Shangguan.

How many of them really came to the top of the desert?

"It didn't take long to see you, wouldn't you not know it?" The night glory chilled the clouds and danced, and the temperament of Yujie was immediately revealed.

"I said, how did you take care of Xiaowu during this time, how stupid?" Shangguan looked at the dragon and turned his evil spirits, and revealed his warning in his eyes.


The only people who can say such things are the Shangguan. They really came to the desert.

"How come a few of you have come here?" Yunwu had some doubts. Although the people who were described by the few people were them, they never agreed to find out how they came in.

"Not thanks to him!"

The night-time color sharply glanced at the dragon's evil spirits, and the frost appeared in the eyelids. It seemed to have resentment against the dragon.

Yunwu glanced at the dragon and turned the evil spirits, pondered what happened to him, and could not help but ask Nangongyi who had been silent.

Nangongyi received the gaze of the cloud dance, and the calm and indifferent scorpion had a slight change. The cool and cold voice said: "After the big beast, the upper bound can no longer wait. We guess that you have come to the lower bound and come to you. When you know that you are coming to the Dragons, we will chase you. Who knows that you have just seen you, and you have not waited to say anything, you have already entered the transmission array, and we are also in the rush."

"So there was an accident in the transmission array, and you also had a bad luck?" The corner of the cloud dance was slightly raised, showing a smile.

"You still laugh, this is what a ghost place." When you mention this place, the Shangguan's anger will not hit one place.

"Ha ha ha..."

Hearing the words of Shangguan, Situ Wu laughed without any scruples.

Surprisingly, under the white gauze, the cloud dance actually saw the Nangong Yi slightly raised his mouth, as if laughing, but there was a sneer smile on his face.

"Is there any funny encounter? Let us give it to you."

The surrounding atmosphere, because the smiles on the faces of several people have become extraordinarily warm, the feeling of sympathy between them at this moment is something that others cannot have.

"Yesterday, a strong man followed the official confession, let the Shangguan do his twelve rooms, and said..."

"You **** me to roll!" Shangguan was a deep sigh, and his face was stunned to Situ.

"Hey..." Yun Dance wanted to endure. In the end, he still couldn't resist it. He couldn't help but erect a thumb to Shangguan. He laughed and said: "You still have a taste."

"You also shut me up!" Shangguan screamed at the cloud dance.

Thinking of the scene at that time, he felt like a goose bump, a Weiwuzi with a mouth full of his beard, let him be his twelve rooms.

Fucking pervert!

In these few days, Shangguan used almost all the swear words he had never said in his life.

"Today, the man sent a bunch of flowers to the Shangguan, showing love in public, I..." Situ Wu said halfway, a touch of temperament strikes, two smears instantly entangled together.

Yunwu strongly resisted the smile, shook his head helplessly, and looked back at the night. "How do you know that I am here?"

Looking at the night, I glanced at the lazy dragon in the bed, meaning it goes without saying.

She will know!

This guy is so easy to let her go out to do things alone, there must be ghosts in my heart!

"I heard that you are rallying forces?" Looking at the clouds and dancing in the night, the cold tone is like an ice.

Cloud Dance nodded. "It’s a bit of trouble now, I need it."

Nodded in the darkness of the night, "My black team has followed, and you will order it later."

"What black team?" The cloud dance raised her eyebrows slightly. She never knew what other black team she had.

"She is training a team that is similar to your killer."

Not waiting for the night to speak, the sound of Nangongyi’s cool voice filled the room.

The cloud danced with a sharp eyebrow, and the corner of the mouth was dyed with a smirk of laughter. "You know it quite well."

It is said that the calm twilight of Nangongyi passes through a trace of sorrow, but it is just a slap in the face.

He just wants to say something to her, even if it is about others.

This abnormality of his, the cloud dance did not find, but the night is still felt, like a frosty scorpion glanced at Nangongyi, indifferent: "Mental!"


But now there is a black team in the night, it can be described as a tiger.

She listened to Xuan Tian and Bai Qingshui, and when they retreated, the task was almost not completed. It was a night of darkness with a group of black people completely destroying the flood gate.

The flood gate was really destroyed. I can imagine how terrible the strength of her black team is.

"I have been tired for a day, take a break, go to Shacheng tomorrow morning." Cloud dance looked at everyone.

The people nodded and turned back to their respective rooms.

In the corridor of the inn room, Yun Dance stood alone in the corridor, looking at the distance without a focal length, as if thinking about something.

There was a very light footstep behind him, interrupting the thoughts of Yunwu, and looking back, it turned out to be Nangongyi.

The cloud dance showed him a smile and said gently: "How come there is no rest?"

"Are you not the same?" Nangong Yi chuckled, and the indifferent voice was like an ice spring, which was comfortable.

"What are you thinking about?" Nangong Yi looked at her.

"I still don't know who the night is, but let me talk about it." Yun Dance is slightly phoenix, deliberately avoiding the topic of Nangongyi.

Between them, it’s more appropriate to talk about the night.

Nangong Yi convinced the scorpion, and seemed to sigh silently. Then she said: "She thought she was an orphan. She studied at night in the night. She went down the mountain at the age of ten and created a black-skinned team. At the age of fifteen The family of the gods found that the goddess family had been missing for many years. After returning to the family of the gods, they were disgusted with the infighting of the **** family, so they ran out alone."

"God family?"

Cloud dance micro-scorpion, there seems to be no such family name in the memory, there is no information about this family on the dragon roll.

“The shrine family is a place to be isolated from the world. Even if someone knows the place, no one has ever entered the shrine family. It is rumored that the shrine family is the only entrance to the realm of the gods.”

These are all told by the night.

It’s just that he didn’t know that the night’s night told him that these things were more than what she said when she was young.

"It turns out that it is no wonder..." The cloud dance mouth is hooked, and the smile is somewhat mysterious.

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