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Chapter 862 Lifetime Specials

Nangong Yi hangs his throat, and the fingers holding the fence are slightly white, and slowly loosen, "get off early."

Yunwu didn't look back at the slightest jaw. Nangongyi looked at the cloud dance and saw her head didn't return. The darkness was dark and she turned and walked back to the room.

In the corridor, I replied quiet again.

"Stay in it and panic, come out." The cloud dance slammed into the back, and there was some drama in the speech.

In the dark corner behind him, a black figure came out, with the coldness that should not be close to being completely neglected.

"You shouldn't be in love with Nangong at first sight?" The cloud dance looked at the night, a very surprised look, but the heart already had an answer.

Looking at the night, she glanced at her and hesitated for half a second. "What is it?"

"Ha ha..." I got the affirmation of the night, the cloud dance smiled, and there was a bit of awkwardness in the indifferent voice. "Then I really hope that you can make a pair."

"Do you really don't understand or don't understand?" Looking at the clouds, the clouds danced slightly.

There is only her in Nangong Yixin. She can see that she has been together for so long, she will not understand.

Yunwu put away the smile of the lips and restored the usual indifference. "If it is not because he is Nangongyi, I don't understand it."

I sneered at the night, "It’s ruthless."

"Relentlessness is better than affectionateness. It is because he is Nangongyi, a person I don't want to lose, so I hope he can be happy. In other words, if it is someone else, is death and living with me?"

She didn't want to one day because she had to let Nangongyi have to leave. Nangongyi was the person she first trusted, a friend who knew her well.

"So I have accepted him, you have no opinion, right?"

"Two hands agree."

The two smiled and each other was dyed with a demonic evil.

On the roof, the dragon fell in love and listened to the dialogue between the two, watching the sky and the sunset, sighing, "The woman is really ruthless."

"Treaty man is born with love!" Cloud dance figure is a fantasy, has come to the side of the dragon.

"Who said that a man is born with love, and he is born with a special passion." The dragon poured his hand into the arms, and the thin lips couldn't help but rise up. Looking at the cloud dance in the arms, he said: "And for a lifetime, only for You are special."

It was said that the clouds danced in a calm and indifferent eye, but it quickly covered up the past, but his hands were tightly wrapped around his powerful waist.

"When did you become so numb?"

She remembered that he only owed a bit of his mouth, shameless, and when he spoke.

"Small things, the husband suddenly realized that something is very serious." The dragon fell into evil and his eyebrows wrinkled, as if he had encountered something particularly troublesome.

"What is it?" Yun Dance was embarrassed and asked very seriously.

He was worried about his eyebrows, and only when something big happened, he would show the look of this worry.

The dragon is sorrowful and worried. He looks at the chest of the cloud dance and faintly said: "For the husband's life, he is dedicated to you. If you go on like this, when will the dragon family open the leaves?"

Her chest is still like a little girl...

Yunwu followed his eyes slightly and finally understood what serious things he was worried about!

"You are shameless!"

"It doesn't matter, listen to people saying that the children raised by the little girl are healthier."

"Oh." The sound of the broken roof echoed.


After a night of rest, several people left the evil city together and went to Shacheng, but did not know that the danger had quietly approached.

After a few people came to Shacheng, Yun Dance took them directly to the inn where Zou Meng had taken her. If not guessed, Zuo Meng should be waiting for her there.

After entering the inn, it was not expected to be cloud dance. Zuo Meng was discussing with others in the inn. Seeing the cloud dance came, and quickly came over.

"The girl came really fast." Zuo Meng walked to the side of the cloud dance, looking back at Xiao Erdao: "Go to a few rooms to arrange a good room."

"Yes, left leader." Xiao Er nodded and left.

Zuo Meng came to the inn with a few clouds and dances. The room was already ready for the wine. It seems that the cloud dance will arrive in the morning.

"I don't know what to expect after the roll?"

Left League arranged several people to sit down and asked about the cloud dance to see if there was anything to help.

Cloud dance pondered for a while, calmly said: "I will tell everyone today that I will wait for them to join my mercenary group at the gate of the city."

“Just like this?” Zuo Meng is a little surprised, is it so simple?

The cloud dance nodded. Shacheng was a person who was difficult to control. She was not sure that she would be willing to go with her.

But there is one, the people here, there is no problem in martial arts, that is, there are some problems in the mentality.

For example, the one that looks at Shangguan is a serious psychological problem!

"That's good, a few people slowly eat, I will spread the news, you go directly to the city gate after eating." After that, Zuo Meng got up and left.

Looking at the figure left by Zuo Meng, the cloud dance was awkward and immersed in contemplation.

"Small five, who is that person? How do you know?" Shangguan looked at the direction of Zuo Meng's departure, curious.

Yunwu received the shocking ability of the people he had seen, but here is the desert, the city of sin, there is such a mighty and arrogant commander is already wonderful, this command is also willing to do things for her, so he has to be curious about what is what happened.

"The commander of Shacheng Shouchengwei, I saved him when I first came to the desert, and he also helped me a lot." Yunwu said in an understatement.

"Is the magic grass that he gave you?" The dragon smashed the evil spirits and smashed the golden scorpion, passing a trace of the danger of being undetectable.

"The magic grass that helped me cure the wound is what he gave, the rest..."

Halfway through, the cloud dance squinted and suddenly did not speak, and there was a chilly change in the surrounding atmosphere.

The remaining magic grass, in addition to the ten strains she won, the other ten were given to her by the mysterious man.

Although she was not sure why she would not let her take the magic grass, she vaguely knew that it was related to the magic, and the man said something strange when he gave her the magic grass.

She now understands that he sent her magic grass, and hopes that the dragon will not want to happen.

She has a hunch that the man is definitely not just a ten-city lord.

"What's wrong with the rest?" Stuart didn't understand why he didn't say half of it.

"Nothing, have you eaten enough? Eat enough." The cloud dance swept a few people who were looking at her, and looked a little indifferent.

A few people pouted and screamed to eat.


At noon, the sun is shining, and the city gate at the moment is already crowded.

Obviously, the current number of people is twice as many as that of the night of the 15th. Most of them are gathered in Shacheng because they saw the notice. The purpose is to see the singer’s style in the rumor.

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