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Chapter 869 Dragon King

The support team of the cricket has not come yet. The dragons on the wall have been almost cleaned up by the black team. Now it is basically the site of the black team.

Under the wall, the black team got the wall and opened the gate.

Yunwu saw that the black team occupied the city wall, opened the city gate, and did not rush into the city.

She is waiting, waiting for someone who is worthy of her negotiation.


In the distance, a group of black people are galloping.

Cloud dance looked at the crowds, and the phoenixes were slightly stunned, and the eyes passed over a cold mang.

Actually it is him!


Her cold lips raised a sneer, and the person opposite was not worthy of her wasteful negotiation!

The four eyes are opposite, like the cold ice like purgatory, the atmosphere around it is suddenly strange.

He took a deep look at the cloud dance and moved his eyes to the red fire dragon. He smiled low. "The eight brothers, I haven't seen you for a long time."

When I saw it, the anger of Red Fire Dragon could not help but rise, and even the cloud dance could clearly smell his anger to kill.

"Stay in the air, what anxious, when you will get rid of the gas, when you can not kill him, I will not finish with you!" Yun Dance glanced at the red fire dragon, indicating that he converged and converges that hot temper.

They are all civilized people. How can they use violence at the beginning?

Red Fire Dragon resisted the urge to kill the cockroach and accepted the raging anger.

"The eight brothers, the father emperor ordered you to expel you from the dragons. The exile of the desert is already in the heart of the father and son. Why are you still not satisfied?"

Look at the red fire dragon, deep and unpredictable.

The dragon scales on the dragon's dragon are full of the killing edge, just as they use the current mood, they can't wait to kill the red fire dragon.

"The uncle will look at the love of the father and son, only kill you, enough kindness?"

The red fire dragon glared at a cold, and a jumped into the air, instantly turned into a dragon state.

"Oh..." The dragon roared, spinning over everyone.

The cloud dance frowned slightly, and looked up at the red fire dragon, and the eyes swept over a trace of helplessness.

Forget it, with his hot temper, and suffered humiliation for hundreds of years, now that he can resist and not kill, it is already very good, she still wants to be embarrassed?

"You feel……"

"Four Princes, do you think you still have the right to speak?"

If the cloud dance interrupts, the cold voice will be accompanied by a warning and provocation.

Hearing his words, his face changed slightly, but he quickly concealed it.

Looking at the cloud dance, "What about it? Can you really start with the Dragon Palace?"

After all, his deep face showed a resentful smile, and the smile made the cloud dance feel very uncomfortable.

"Ah..." with a scream.

The whole person fell down in an instant, on the back of his mount, and died on the ground.

"She really won't start with the Dragon Palace, but it will dirty her hands when I start with you." The dragon slammed the lazy back of the palm, and the evil spirit's cloud dance cast a wink. "In the encounter with dirty things, Give it to the husband, lest you feel sick and uncomfortable."

"I can see." Yun Dance smiled at him and sneered at the embarrassing embarrassment.

"You..." He stood up in pain and angered in the deep voice.

"Four Princes, there is a fire first, or I will get angry, but you are suffering, you said yes?" Cloud dance indifferent smile, laughing cold and evil.

"What do you want to do?" I looked at a few people and gradually understood the form. He has always calmly calmed down after discovering that he can't control too many factors.

For example, in the current situation, he was sure to take the Red Fire Dragon, but now it is difficult to be threatened!

"What she wants to do is of course unclear, but what should he do clearly?" Meng Bai pointed to the red fire dragon, and the face that you can't understand can die.

Hearing the words, the hand holding the sword suddenly tightened.

"Do you think someone will believe what you said?" Looking at the red fire dragon, the recovery of the eyes was calm, and the calmness was like the tranquility before the storm.

"we believe!"

"Don't believe who will come back with him?"


The people behind Shacheng showed their position one by one.

"Do you trust to be useful!" The screaming voice snorted.

"Is the trust of the soldiers who were driven out by you useful? Is it useful to be trusted by the unintentional people who are designed to be expelled forever?"

Cloud dance raised an eyebrow and asked, her eyes looked at me for a moment, she wanted to see the moment when she heard these words and her face turned green.

Sure enough, when I heard her, the black face was instantly green.

Perhaps I didn’t think of it at the time. The loyal soldiers, who had taken the deadly ghosts, would betray him in a few years!

At that time, the heart was soft and tender, do you destined for the evil consequences of today?

I glanced at the crowd and looked at me. "Take them to me!"

"Yes!" The army behind him swarmed.

Looking at the swarming army, the black team on the Yunwu Chaocheng Tower made a look, and the black team instantly fell like a ghost to the tower, blocking the army that was passing through the gate.

As the long sword waved, the time at the gate of the city splashed with blood and screamed again and again.

The gate of the city is only a dozen meters wide. It only needs a few black people to guard it, and the sly people can't kill it.

The so-called one-off is Wanfu Mo Kai!

Looking at the soldiers who were falling down, they looked awkward and then yelled at the people behind them. "Give me kill them!"

Most of the soldiers who came in front of him were people of other races under his control, and those who were behind were really dragon soldiers.

When I heard the command of 亓邕, the cloud dance looked at the red fire dragon that could not stop in the air, and said: "The next time you are going to play."

It was said that the red fire dragon roared and slammed into the front.

The dragon soldiers in front have turned into dragons, entrenched in the air, and the well-organized dances of the clouds, but they were stopped by the Red Fire Dragon in midair.

At this time, the black team has killed almost the soldiers at the gate of the city.

At this moment, a middle-aged man wearing a armor rushed to the side of the beggar, attached a few words in his ear, and saw a change in his face brush.

For a time, the deep and deep eyes were full of surprises, horror, and vague killings.

At this moment, a golden dragon appeared in the air.

The golden dragon followed a few dragons and swam in the direction of the cloud dance in herringbone.

Cloud dance Liu Mei slightly picks, looking at the dark face, the lips are rising, the people with negotiating value come?

If you didn't guess wrong, is that the dragon king?

Just as the cloud dance was contemplative, Jin Long had already come to the sky.

The dragon body was swept away and disappeared in midair, and there was already one more person on the surface.

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