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Chapter 870 Eyes Stop

The Dragon King looked at the current situation intentionally or unintentionally, and the forehead was not easy to detect and slightly wrinkled.

When he saw the red fire dragon fighting with the dragon soldiers, the pair of awesome scorpions swept away.

Red Fire Dragon also saw the Dragon King, the moment of the slight loss of the gods, the dragon soldiers injured the dragon tail, the instant hurts the grin, "I dare to hurt the uncle's tail, see this uncle does not kill you!"

Hearing this sentence, the dragon's extremely cold scorpion seems to have passed a trace of helplessness. Although it is extremely shallow, it has not escaped the eyes of the cloud dance.

Slightly slap the corner, look like, win the chips in her hands!

Finally, the Dragon King put his gaze on the cloud dance, and the helplessness in his eyes was completely hidden. "I don't know if the Dragons have offended you, so that you can suddenly attack the crowd."

Let's move the crowd?

Suddenly attacked?

Is he suggesting that she is mean?

"There is no resentment in the past, no hatred." The plain voice is like clear water, but with a trace of uncomfortable laziness.

The dragon king’s face was even more angry and angry. “Why is this?”

Looking at the defended city guard on the wall, look at the soldiers who were solved at the gate of the city, and then look at the black team that is like a ghostly horror, let alone the army behind her.

Is this a scene of no resentment in the past?

"I have no grievances with the Dragons, and he is a man of grievances." Yun Dance squinted at the Red Dragon Road.

The Dragon King looked at the Red Fire Dragon and probably understood what was going on. He eventually had to talk to the Red Fire Dragon.

"You are a villain! Is this want to rebel?" The Dragon King roared.

The red fire dragon heard the words, the body's anger was a little cold, and a jump had been made into a human figure, sitting on the camel Warcraft beside the cloud dance.

"This grandfather wants to rebel. Do you think the Dragon Palace is still there?"

The Red Fire Dragon heard the sound of the Dragon King's anger. The moment he hadn't seen his father for many years, he was so excited that he didn't even want to call it, perhaps because his decision to expel him from the family was too arbitrary.

The dragon's cold wrath is slightly sloping, and there is no such coldness on the edge of the iceberg.

Just received the news, the two cities have fallen, the comers have captured the two cities, if you continue to attack the Dragon Palace, it is necessary to win, but they do not continue to attack the Dragon Palace, but occupy the two cities, then he will know People are not trying to capture the Dragon Palace.

"Then what do you want to do!" The Dragon King lowered his voice and his body could not help but tremble slightly.

"This big..."

"We are just talking to you about a deal."

Yun Dance spoke first and interrupted the words of Red Fire Dragon.

With the temper of the red fire dragon, and the dragon king one dispute, after the provocation, will soon be able to fight, when things can not be done.

"What transaction!" Long Wang looked at the cloud dance, and instantly realized that the cloud dance was the leader of this event.

"Hurrying for two days, the dry stomach is still hungry. I don't know if the Dragon King is ready to drink and give it to the big guy?" Yunwu slightly raised his eyebrows and looked at the face of the dragon king like a chameleon. Laughter is not reduced.

It’s not just the Dragon King, but the gloomy face is even darker.

"Father, a person who can raise such a fierce team, can't lead the wolf into the room!" Seeing the Dragon King is actually thinking about the cloud dance, and quickly stopped.

He can't live a crisis that is not good for him, and he can't let this crisis enter the Dragon Palace!

The cloud dance sneered, and the smile was ironic. Looking at the calm face on her face, she glanced at the red fire dragon and seemed to ask him how he felt.

"This uncle thinks that nothing is better than it is now." Red Fire Dragon smiled, but although his smile did not reach his heart, he did not violate his heart.

Immediately after the cloud dance, I felt a murderous gaze between them. If the eyes could kill, she and Red Fire Dragon died thousands of times.


Suddenly, screaming and painfully bent down.

"Dragon King, you have such a difficult decision to eat, don't you mind if I help you?"

For a long time, the dragon who had not spoken, lazy and stunned the dragon king, and jumped to the mount of the cloud dance, holding her thin waist and resting her chin on her shoulder.

"You..." The Dragon King pointed at the dragon and turned the evil spirits to see the painful fall of the earth, and there was anger and anger. Then he looked back down and said, "Please come in!"

"Wait." The cloud dance suddenly stopped the guards who came to meet.

"They used to sneak in the desert, and they just bothered the Dragon King to send the food out." The cloud dance smiled and then looked at the black team. "They also sent them out, and they sneaked into the dark habit." If you can't help but investigate what is going on in the Dragon Palace, it's not good for us to go in and visit."

As soon as this was said, Long Wang’s face was already ugly than the frosted eggplant color.

"Just do what she said!"

The Dragon King is very clear. The Dragon Palace is now surrounded by all sides. It is surrounded by cloud dancers. The reason why she did not move the Dragon Palace is definitely why, and that reason may be the hope of saving the Dragon crisis.

"Father of the Emperor..."

I still want to say something, but it was stopped by the dragon king. At this moment, there are already many questions in his heart, but it is too late to get to the bottom.

Looking at the group of people who are gradually moving away, the fists are clenched and the twilight is calm and terrible.

"The dead are the most reliable!"

"I understand it."


Yun Dance, Dragon Pour Evil, Meng Bai and Red Fire Dragon followed the Dragon King and came to the Dragon Palace all the way.

The Dragon Palace is located on a sea not far from Tuocheng. It is like an island. It floats on the surface of the sea and is surrounded by enemies. It is like a fairyland on earth.

The three-legged gold fascinated into the sun, shining on the sea, sparkling, and the magnificent Dragon Palace shines brightly.

In the distance, the dragon king’s turtle came all the way and carried several people to the Dragon Palace.

There is some helplessness in the heart of Yunwu. People with identity are self-willed, and they can go on their own.

About a quarter of an hour, the turtle sent several people to the front of the Dragon Palace.

Yun Dance discovered that the enchantment of this Dragon Palace was not for the enemy, but only to prevent seawater intrusion, but it was overkill.

When you enter the dragon palace, you will feel like a world after the cloud dance. This dragon palace is basically the same as the dragon palace on the modern TV series, except that there is no sea water...

The seaweed vines everywhere are everywhere. Without the sea water, they miraculously survive. The dragon column, the dragon chair, the gantry are full of dragons.

A dragon wanders around, the dragon palace hovering, the sea swims, everywhere.

Dragon Palace, really Dragon Palace...

After the Dragons, most of the dragons appeared in human form. Even if some dragons hated human beings and did not want to appear in human form, it was also a minority. Most of the current Dragon Palaces are all dragons.

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