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Chapter 871 threatens the king

Here is the world of dragons is not exaggerated.

After entering the Dragon Palace, the Red Fire Dragon is like returning to his own home. The landlord’s friendship has greeted a few people in the cloud dance, and does not look at the face of the Dragon King.

Although the Dragon King was angry, he was now pinched on his neck and had no position to speak.

After the meal, Yun Dance said that he was tired for two days. He wanted to borrow the Dragon Palace for one night. The Dragon King pressed his anger, but he reluctantly agreed. Several people just went to the Dragon Palace.

Because they are human beings, they naturally get the eyes of many people in the Dragon Palace, but even the Dragon King can't treat them. They naturally don't dare to do anything.

It is night, it is cool.

The Dragon Palace in the middle of the night is a bit cooler than usual.

In the emerald green and magnificent Dragon Palace, the dragon king sat alone on the dragon chair and touched the bridge of the nose. It seemed to be a little tired between the eyebrows, but could not fall asleep.

"How, can't you sleep?"

After the palace, looking at the sorrowful dragon king, the cloud dance came cold and the scorpion came in.

The Dragon King suddenly slammed, and the sorrowful moment turned into a fierce, "How come you come in!"

"Oh..." Yun Dance hangs awkwardly, and some ironic stunned the Dragon King. "Do you think your bodyguards work for me?"

The Dragon King did not speak anymore. Of course he knew that the guards were equivalent to her.

"Is there a problem?"

The attitude of the Dragon King is not as strong and angry as it was at the city gate today. I probably want to understand it. Now I am being armed with a knife on my neck. Even if I am angry, it will not help.

"You don't want to know why we deal with the Dragon Palace? The scope is a little smaller. You don't want to know the purpose of the Red Fire Dragon's return this time?" Yun Dance glared at the scorpion and looked at the changes of the Dragon King.

After a long time, the dragon king sighed. "If you want to say something, just say it."

"When the red fire dragon robbed the soul, you don't feel embarrassed?"

As long as it is a person with normal thinking, he will feel embarrassed, not to mention a dragon king who has made a thousand-year dragon.

"You mean, is the Red Fire Dragon being framed?" The Dragon King's scorpion darkened and squinted at the cloud dance, and there was no fluctuation in the fundus.

Cloud dance just smiled and didn't say anything.

This sentence has already betrayed him, he suspected that the Red Fire Dragon was framed!

"The things of the year have been turned over, no need to mention it again." Long Wang stood up, tired of touching his forehead, turned and left.

"After turning it over? Do you want the entire Dragon Palace to turn over this thing together?" The cloud dance looked like a cold, and the tone was a bit cold.

When I heard the cloud dance once again mentioning the Dragon Palace, the Dragon King's anger was burning, and Li Wei sharply looked at the cloud dance, and the tone suddenly became sharp.

"You said that it is framed, why do you want to believe in this king?"

The cloud dance is slightly cold, like a smile: "The Dragon King doesn't believe me, it doesn't matter, but in your own heart, don't you doubt it? A wise leader may be temporarily stunned by love and hate, but it will soon be Wake up. I have given the steps, the Dragon King wants to go down, all depends on your heart."

Anyone likes to be wearing a high hat, and the Dragon King is no exception.

He indulged, his anger faded, and finally understood the purpose of the cloud dance finally attacking the Dragon Palace. "You are a smart person..."

"Call!" The cloud dance suddenly reached out with a finger.

After praising a person, the latter is often a requirement.

If you praise you smart, you can't do stupid things. If you exaggerate your hard work, you can't be lazy.

To boast a person is the next set.

She does not enter.

"Dragon King, I am an outsider. Even though Red Fire Dragon is your son, I am also an outsider. What an outsider will do to hurt the Dragon Palace is possible. The Dragon King thinks twice."

"You threaten the king everywhere, are you really afraid of you?"

The Dragon King was threatened by the cloud dance, and there was no room for rebellion. His self-respect and majesty were absolutely unbearable.

"Dragon King is certainly not afraid of me, but I am not afraid of you." Yun Dance indifferently looked at the Dragon King. "One result is a Taiping, worthless, all by the Dragon King."

She said that she is arrogant, and if she is entangled, she will fall down.

The Dragon King pondered for a while, and he said: "I will follow your words."

This matter, if it is true, the person who can still be innocent is innocent, if it is not true, she retreats, it is best.

From which point of view, there is nothing wrong with Gabriel.

In the past, the dust was long-lasting, but he thought that as long as he wants to check, there are still more or less clues. After going down, there will always be some clues.

Who knows who sent people to check for a night, even found that the people who testified that the Red Fire Dragon robbed the soul of the soul, they all died, and the deaths are all revealing a trace of embarrassment, the reasons for each person's death are different.

Is it coincidence or premeditated?

The Dragon King began to think about the words of the cloud dance, and this thing is really embarrassing.

When the Dragon King investigated this incident, the cloud dance was not idle. He also secretly investigated the matter. The past few hundred years have passed. She knows that it is not enough to have a few testimonies. It is necessary to find important physical evidence. I have been taken away by the guy of Red Fire Dragon. I don't know if I can find any other physical evidence.

Don't go to the guys!

The quiet Yunxiao Palace, dimly lit, three glimpses of the shadows, and looked around.

Suddenly the two patrol guards came face to face, and the three quickly hid in the flowers.

"It seems that the four princes are not coming back tonight."

"Oh, a woman who looks like her mother all day, I don't know what it feels like."

"In this case, you dare to say, be careful that there are ears in the wall."

The two wipes are getting farther and farther.

The three of the flowers looked at each other, and the corners of the mouth raised a radiance. The phantom passed over and saw the door of the palace in the distance, and it recovered like a illusion.

In the room, three dimly lit figures are busy searching for something.

"It’s been so long, you really think he will keep the evidence of the year?"

Red Fire Dragon looked for a while, and found nothing. I thought that the cloud dance had some thoughts. For so long, the destroyer he had already destroyed.

"If it is you, it has already been destroyed, but he is not you." Cloud dance sneered.

There is a kind of person in the world who will play with fire and self-immolation sooner or later, and it will be conceited!

And unfortunately, that cockroach belongs to that kind of thing.

"Small things, I found that you are getting better and better with the minds of others now."

The low voice of the dragon swaying through the darkness of the room is like a touch of warmth into the ear of the cloud dance.

His gaze looked at the distant wall, and his mouth showed a mysterious smile.

"I think so too." Yunwu glanced at him, crossed his side and walked to the wall he had been watching.

The dragon sorrows the golden scorpion, and there is a smile on the bottom of the eyes. This little thing...

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