Wild Malicious Consort: Good For Nothing Ninth Miss

Chapter 873: Symbol of the dragon king

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Chapter 873 The Symbol of the Dragon King

Then the elements of thunder poured out of the body, and the hands swung one another, and they condensed a cage. The grass and vines waved and the jade was put into the cage.

After seeing a failure, Yuxi was trapped in a cage and had no chance. He shouted at the Red Fire Dragon: "On the Lord, Yuxi is incompetent."

Red fire dragon eye stunned: "What is the secret of the uncle?"

Yunwu looked at Yuxi sneer: "Less is here. If he knows how to stab other people's IQ, he will not be trapped so badly."

The red fire dragon lay the gun again, and the white cloud danced: "Is there such a bad person?"

Dragon King roars and jade: "I will treat you not thin, you want to kill me!"

"It is her master who wants to kill you. Because I thought we found the evidence." She said coolly.

The dragon king looked ugly, but he believed in the heart.

On the other hand, I thought that Yuxi had succeeded and came to the main hall to ask the dragon king to ask for peace, but found that everyone was there, and the jade was trapped in the cage.

He suddenly put away the whit heart, walked into the palace, did not look at the jade, a respectful salute: "Father."

When I saw the Red Fire Dragon, my eyes were obviously unusually angry.

"You can still stay in the Dragon Palace if nothing happened. You didn't feel ashamed when you hurt my mother?" He pointed his finger at the Red Fire Dragon.

"When the Prince just came, he was anxious to buckle his hat. I am afraid it is not appropriate." Yunwu stood up and satirically smiled: "The Prince knows that the people who testified the fire dragons in the past were accidentally killed?"

He blinked his eyes. "At that time, no one noticed at the time. Now it seems that the Red Fire Dragon will hate the people who correct him. Therefore, under revenge, people will be concealed and killed."

Cloud dance laughed, not seeing the coffin without tears.

Just when the cloud dance wanted to say something, outside the palace came a rush of guards with a flustered face.

"Your Majesty, the three Princes are very poisonous, and they are at stake!"

"What?" Dragon King brushed up and his face turned dark. He turned and walked. "Give me the best doctor, look at the past!"

Looking at the Dragon King who left, the cloud dance eyes were dull, and glanced at the inscrutable sly look, slightly coveted.

Suddenly, the sputum is very poisonous?

Is this too coincidental?

It’s really good to use this slaying and killing.

It seems that tonight is another unpredictable night.

Looking at the red fire dragon, the two nodded slightly.

"Four Princes, the three Princes are very poisonous, don't you go and see?" Yun Dance Liu Mei slightly pick.

"I just want to..."

"If you don't go, we will go first and lose."

When she just wanted to talk, she was interrupted. The words he took were nothing more than hypocritical camouflage. He had a mood to write, and she was not in the mood to listen.

Looking at the back of the cloud dance red fire dragon, the corner of the mouth is stiff and pulls a smirk of laughter.

From the palace, the cloud dance followed the red fire dragon all the way to the residence of the martial arts. The residence of 亓 不 is not as magnificent as other palaces. Instead, it is surrounded by peach blossoms and the aroma is compelling.

From this point alone, we can see the temper of the three kings.

Before the cloud dance came to the palace of the martial arts, the red dragon entered, but she did not go in, but instead went in the other opposite direction.

At the end of the peach blossom source, the two smear figures stand side by side and stand.

"What is the situation?" The cloud dance looked at the dragon and fell into evil, slightly frowning.

"I can't die, but I can't live well."

Meng Bai shrugged and regretted the sudden murder of the three princes. Not long ago, he was only a passer-by, but now he was pushed to the cusp.

Can you keep a little life and still not tell you?

The cloud dance looked at the dragon and the evil spirits, and the star 眸 眸 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 他 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸 眸

After a long time.

"Death will die, if you can't die, how can the Dragon King grieve the investigation of the murderer." The cloud dance slammed into the dragon's mouth, and there was a trace of disdain in the smile.

Dragon pours a smile, this woman, why is it always so smart!

After he started his hand, he has already protected the heart of the scorpion. Now, although it seems to be still unconscious, it is basically no danger. As long as the Dragon King investigates the murderer, the scorpion can do it. .

The three returned to the residence of Yushu, and planned to go in to see the "sickness" of the period, but they ran into the dragon king with a cold face to the yin.

"Come on, thoroughly investigate the matter, there is a connection, one can not let go!" The Dragon King lowered the voice, and the anger was on the border.

Looking at the guards who left, the dragon's thin lips are lightly opened, and there is a non-negligible atmosphere between the words.

"Dragon King, don't you know if this can make you find the murderer?"

The dragon poured evil into one hand in the hands of the Dragon King.

Just as the dragon pours the open palm of his hand, the face of the dragon king instantly turns from green to white.

On the hand of the dragon, he placed a piece of jade, which was when he was born, and he brought it to his hand.

That is the symbol of the next generation of the Dragon King, he never left!

But now... is it really...

The Dragon King looked at the dragon and turned his evil spirits. His eyes looked very cold. "What do you want to do, why the Dragon Palace is not peaceful after you come!"

"Dragon King, we are here, things are more, indicating that some people are guilty of guilty conscience. If you still refuse to believe me, then I feel that it is useless to continue to talk in depth, and violently solve it."

Cloud dance Liu Mei micro-condensation, an old dragon king to do things so dragging, the truth is in front of me, but also want to come up with a posture that killed me and I do not believe.

If you are still dark, you want to dream, and don't look for it!

The Dragon King looked at the four people and turned away. Li Wei was awkward and his eyes were sharp and contemplative.

"Stop!" He called the three, "This king promised you to investigate the matter!"

Cloud dance stopped, but did not look back, the smile of the corner of the mouth evoked, "Dragon King, my patience is limited."

It was said that the dragon's back was cold, and although it did not show it, it was greatly shocked.

That kind of patience is limited, as if to let him see the woman in front of her eyes, this person's indifference, cold and bloodthirsty!

"This is the evidence that I just had to hand it over to you. Take a look at yourself." Yun Dance walked over to the Dragon King and handed the letter of evidence to the Dragon King. Then he said, "Dragon King, night long dreams."

Her words are pointing.

The dragon king looks slightly changed.

The cloud dance mouth evoked a sleek smile, turned and the other three disappeared into the distance.

The Dragon King took his eyes back from the hands of Yun Dance. When he opened the letters in his hand, the fingers holding the letters were pale and trembled, and his face was chilling.

"Catch the four princes to me!" He said almost literally.


Half of the sky is stained with the setting sun, and the air becomes a little cold.

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