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Chapter 874 Ruins Pagoda

The nightingale, the stars are washed away, and some cool night air suffocates.

"Is this what you did!"

A scream, hoarse reverberation in the repressed palace.

"Yes." He said that he did not deny it.

"You..." The Dragon King put his hands into a fist, trembled slightly, and his mouth twitched. "Why for what!"

I just smiled deeply and didn't answer.

Cloud dance micro-scorpion, looking at the grinning smile, always felt that he still has a little conscience.

"That soul is not sent to your mother, just because it is a step late, isn't it?"

The cloud dance looked at you, and when I heard her words, I looked at it and it was fleeting.

"How to deal with it, listen to respect." Let's close your eyes and never want to say a word.

"I have lost a son for hundreds of years and don't want to lose a son forever!" Long Wang looked scarlet.

Hearing the words, the scorpion that was slightly closed was slightly moved.

After a long time, I opened my eyes and looked at the Red Fire Dragon. My eyes were deep. "Why did you come back at that time?" Then I looked at the Dragon King again. "Why am I so good? You have to support an unintentional dragon. Dragon King?"

"If it weren't for all the coincidences, I don't need to send someone to **** the sequel, my mother wouldn't think that the sequel will come a little later and kill!"

The past rushed into my heart, and the bloodshot eyes were a little wet, and the voice was close to low.

If it is not for the purpose of removing the Red Fire Dragon, if it is not because of the temptation to rob the soul, Dan will delay some time, his mother will not die, no...

"So, for this position, are you going to make a mistake again?" The dragon king was calm, but there were countless sorrows. "It hurts your mother and forced the red fire dragon. Now it hurts the scorpion, if it is not caught tonight." You, are you going to kill me tonight!"


A positive answer, let everyone take a breath.

"The obstacle! Come and imprison him!"

The dragon king trembled and looked at the shackles that were taken away. His eyes were extremely painful and he could not resist fainting.

"I am fortunate to be released tonight." When he walked to the front of the palace, he stopped and said a word, he could no longer see him.

The cloud dance sighed slightly. When I first met, I felt that he had a city government. His heart was heavy and some were gloomy. Now it seems that the vicissitudes of life are much worse.

"The things of the year were also clear, the purpose of this uncle was reached, and the rest was your own business." Red Fire Dragon glanced at the cloud dance and turned away from the palace.

Yun Dance glanced at Meng Bai, Meng Bai nodded and caught up with the Red Fire Dragon.

Now his mood is very complicated, right?

"Dragon King, how are you going to deal with the four Princes?"

"This matter will be handled properly by the king. There is no need for the girl to worry." Dragon King still has some taboos and distrusts to her. "Things are clear. I will double the compensation for his humiliation in the future. I wonder if you can retreat?"

Now the East City West City is already her world, how can he not care.

Cloud dance smiled and looked at the dragon and the evil spirits, meaning that they were clear to each other.

"Retiring troops is simple. It is rumored that the ancient light is something that belongs to the Dragon Palace. I don't know if the Dragon King can tell the whereabouts?"

"It turned out to be the light of the ancient times."

"Not bad." She does not deny.

"That's just a rumor, I haven't seen that kind of thing." Long Wang's eyes sank and his words were flat.

Cloud dance sneer, a good old fox who lie not blush!

"The Yu family received half of the remnants of the ancient light. Everyone knows that it is the welfare of the Dragon Palace. Does the Dragon King treat me as a fool?"

"He doesn't want to say, we can't force it, or you can clean up the Dragon Palace, so you don't have to be a strong man. What do you think?" The dragon fell into a low smile, and the voice was flat, but the Dragon King changed.

The cloud dance is slightly coveted, and there is a hint of helplessness in the light. This guy must be harmful every time he speaks.

"Dragon King, what do you think?" The corner of the cloud dance evokes a touch of curvature and is light.

"I really don't know the whereabouts of the ancient light, or you go to the Pagoda of the Dragon Palace site to see it. There have been no ones in the millennium, maybe it will be there."

"The ruins of the pagoda?"

It sounds like a place to store the light of the ancient times. Then look at it. The old dragon king is very thoughtful. Doesn’t he know the whereabouts of the other half of the ancient light?

"Then I will go and see it."

"There is a place where the dragon guardian gods live. No one can enter except the dragon nobles. Moreover, you are still a personal class. I will let you in the case, but you have to promise me to come out, no matter what the outcome, immediately retreat!"

The old dragon king climbed up the pole and began to raise conditions.

Cloud dance is like laughing and laughing. "You haven't talked to me about the qualifications of the conditions. When you find the light of the ancient times, everything is good to discuss. If you can't find it, you have nothing to discuss."

Wen Yan, the face of the Dragon King is another change.

This sentence cloud dance did not leave him a face.

Yunwu naturally knows that this sentence is a bit too much, but people who lick their noses must face their faces.

The Dragon King pondered for a while and finally let go of it. He took out a ring from a dark scorpion. "Let's go check it out. This is the soul ring. After entering the pagoda, it can help you resist the wind and thunder fire in the tower." attack."

Yunwu took the ring, the ring was black, with a touch of evil light, vaguely feeling that the ring seemed to be imprisoned for something.

"That's a thank you." Looking back at the dragon, "Go."

"You can only go in alone, this is my limit!" The dragon king first blurted out before he talked about the dragon.

Yunwu glanced at the dragon and turned the evil spirits, and the dragon poured his evil spirits and nodded. "Be careful not to be with you."

Cloud dance lips and a hook, then glanced at the Dragon King, "take the road."

After all, a few people left the palace and walked toward the ruins. On the way, they met Meng Bai and Red Fire Dragon, and several people left together.

Walking towards the southeast, the more you walk, the more invisible pressure you have. As they keep walking, the pressure is getting bigger and bigger, and it is almost necessary to use strength to resist.

Not long after, there was a shadow of a pagoda in the distance, towering into the clouds.

"That is the ruins of the ruins." The Dragon King pointed to the vague shadows in the distance.

The cloud dance was slightly shivering, and looked back at the dragon and turned evil. "Then I went."

The dragon slammed and nodded. "The heart of the husband will follow you."

Cloud dance frown, "Would you like to go with your heart?"

"It’s better to bring people with a heart."

"Can you both be so blind?" Meng Bai looked at the two, and the chicken skin picked up.

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