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Chapter 889 is not quite right

Dragon dumping evil "."

The bottom of my eyes couldn’t help but flash the helpless favor, this little woman...

The herbs are very bitter, and they can't help but frown.

All chewed, wrapped in gauze for the cloud dance bag.

Looking at the scars on the shoulders of the clouds, the original smooth skin is extremely horrible, flesh-and-blood valgus, and scarlet spurs the senses of the dragon.

This is called skin trauma?

The cloud dance suddenly noticed the strong killing behind him, and then turned to a gentle atmosphere.

"What's wrong?" Yunwu said over the head.

"Nothing, but how can there be a phoenix mark on the shoulder?"

The dragon poured the evil heart and looked at the reddish mark on her shoulder.

Phoenix Seal?

A cloud dance, subconsciously turned his head and looked at his shoulder.

When I saw that it was like a half red mark on the birthmark, it flashed through my mind, and it appeared after the fire of the original scent was hatched in the bottomless hole.

The fire mark is like a phoenix, so it has become a "Phoenix Mark"?

In fact, at first, the cloud dance did not find out.

"It seems to be hatching when it smells bad."

The dragon fell into the sorrow, but fell into a meditation.

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

The dragon poured his head and shook his head; "Nothing, it feels pretty good."

The dragon that has always been evil is very gentle at the moment, and the fingertips are soft and gentle for the clouds.

"A good rest, we are starting a few days, first raise the body." After finishing the medicine, Long Zhixie suddenly said.

Because Nangongyi hasn't returned yet, I don't know how long it will take him back and forth, so the cloud dance nodded.

Take a few days off and adjust your interest!


"come in!"

Red Fire Dragon, Meng Bai, Shangguan three came in.

However, when I saw the situation in the room, the faces of the three people changed a lot.

Red Fire Dragon and Meng Bai looked at each other and hesitated and blinked.

"The clothes are still there"

"Isn't it time for us to come?"

Yunwu heard the words, a black line straight on the forehead, these two are not the heads of human guys, are thinking about it.

"Let's go, you are busy, you are busy, huh, huh"

"There is coming in, and it’s still awkward."

Shangguan, the eye-catching person, couldn’t stand it anymore, and he took the red fire dragon and Meng Bai into it.


Close the door.

The Red Fire Dragon rarely looked at the cloud dance. "We all know what happened last night. The guy who called the night, we still have less contact with him."

Meng Bai nodded in favor of the Red Fire Dragon.

Shangguan also nodded; "Yeah, he gives people the feeling, always feels not quite right."

Cloud dance thought for a moment.

The self-proclaimed "night" gives people the feeling of being more evil than the dragon's evil spirits. Plus, I still don't understand what his purpose is. It is really inappropriate to get in touch.

However, at this time they are in the evil city, on his site, if he wants to "contact" with them, can they still avoid it?

"Random strain."

Cloud dance Dan lip fretting, spit out four words.


"Let's go get something to eat, sleep without sleep, sleepy and hungry."

Yun Dance got up and walked away. Red Fire Dragon and Meng Bai looked at each other and shrugged up.

Finally, the dragon dumped evil and the Shangguan also followed.

The group went to another tavern.

The tavern is not big, the stone table stone chair is furnished to reveal the vicissitudes of life, and the cloud dance and other people choose to sit down by the corner.

However, the conversation with a table next to him caused the attention of the cloud dance.

"Have you heard that this morning, the caravan found a lot of bodies of desert beasts outside the city."

"Yeah, right, I also heard that it is a miserable squad. There are corpses within a hundred miles, broken limbs, and some desert beasts are even sucked up by blood."

The cloud dance heard the words, and the brows wrinkled.

The body of a hundred miles?

What happened? Even if she released all the small stinks last night, it would not be possible to kill so much.

What's more, she remembers that after the dragon pours the evil, the beasts of the desert that were originally surrounded are retreating.

how come……

Another man in the armor of the defending city guard yelled: "You know what you are, the old man is the defender of the city, and the morning is ordered to investigate. Do you know me?"

"Oh, big brother, joking." The man who spoke immediately accompanied the smile.

"Hey!" The man snorted and said: "In the morning we were ordered to investigate and found that these desert beasts were not killed, burned, frozen, and some even left bones. That is called a Miserable, I think, last night, there must be a master who roasted the fire in the desert, then met the beasts of the desert, and then the master burned a lot with the fire..."


Red fire dragon did not hold back, a cup of tea sprayed on Meng Bai's depressed face.

Meng Bai's face is black: "You"

"Giggle, sorry, I can't help it." Red Fire Dragon apologetically reached out and tried to wipe the face for Meng Bai.

Meng Bai suspected that he took a hand and wiped it clean.

"However, these people are too fun to talk about, one is more outrageous than one." Shangguan laughed.

"Okay, let's eat." The dragon smacked the evil spirits and said: "Small two!"

A bloated man ran over, and the fat at the waist was shaking with the pace of the man, very cute.

"Guest, what do you want, this is the recipe."

The man's face was full of smiles, and a recipe made of animal skin was stuffed to the cloud dance.


The more the cloud dance looks down, the more complex the face is.

Braised Desert Beast Head -

Steamed desert animal beast tail -

Roasted animal legs -

Desert Beast Bone Soup -

It seems that there is no such thing as a "normal" dish.

"Cough, Xiao Er, is there anything else?" Yun Dance handed back the recipe to Xiao Er.

"This guest officer, these are the signature dishes of the small shop?"

Xiao Er’s face was so scared that he smashed into a sewn eye and opened it. Isn’t this the big man in the desert – the cloud dance?

"you know me?"

"It’s all about knowing, Yun Dance Girl, your reputation has spread all over the desert, and many people regard you as the goal of their hard work.

Cloud dance "."

"Cough, I know, don't advertise."

Cloud dance put a slender finger on the mouth and made a quiet gesture.

The store Xiaoji nodded again and again, whispered: "Cloud Dance Girl, you can come to the store is the honor of the store, I invited this meal."

"Wait, no."

The cloud dance hasn't had time to answer yet, and the store's second child has already run away.

"Oh, everyone will eat the whole animal feast today." Red Fire Dragon grinned and smiled.

For Red Fire Dragon, eating meat is of course the most joyful.

Perhaps because of the cloud dance, the store Xiaoji soon put the dishes on the cake, and also gave away a beast for the little young desert, a whole! I almost filled the table.

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