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Chapter 890 Family Migration

"Small five, eat a beast, your injury is not good, make up."

Rudely removed the entire animal leg, Shangguan handed a whole animal leg to the cloud dance.

Looking at the half-adult leg of the animal, the cloud danced and said: "How do you let me eat?"

To be honest, for this desert beast, she really has no appetite.


Pulling the red fire dragon apart, Shangguan scraped the past, took out a big knife and cut off a piece of meat, and sent it to the cloud dance: "Try it and see if it is good."

The size of the palm in front of the palm, so that the cloud dance is somewhat incompetent, Zhang Zhang small mouth, and closed.

When I look at the dragon and look at it, it is indeed "big" and gently tear a small piece of meat: "I will feed you."

"Oh! I can't stand it! The goose bumps are all picked up." The red fire dragon glanced awkwardly and slammed his head to the side.

Cloud dance is helpless, but it is still open.

The meat entrance, I thought it should be no different, but I did not expect that the meat is crispy and delicious, similar to chicken flavor.

The meal looked disgusting and I found out that the taste was really good.

Seeing that Yun Dance has eaten, the Red Fire Dragon and Meng Bai Shangguan are naturally welcome, and they directly tore themselves to eat.

After a while, a whole table of animal beasts in the desert swept through the red fire dragon and Meng Bai and so on.

"I didn't expect that the taste of this desert beast is not bad. I knew that we will make a few preparations and occasionally solve the problem."


At this time, the dragon pours a stretch of laziness, and the words are lazy: "The shop is small, give me ten dishes for this table."

Cloud dance stunned: "Ten? You still have to eat?"

What stomach is he!

"The Phoenix people here don't know how far it is, and they are ready to eat on the road!"

The dragon sorrows awaken everyone, yes, their next goal is the Phoenix, although it is not sure where the Phoenix is, but the food is always good.

Anyway, there is storage space, food is thrown in, and it will not be broken for a while.

"Haha, it's still thoughtful, but ten may not be enough." Red Fire Dragon smiled and smirked.

The dragon pours evil spirits to raise their eyebrows, and squints at the red fire dragon: "I want to eat myself, these are specially prepared for our little things."

Red Fire Dragon "."

"Small two! Give this uncle another twenty!"

Red fire dragon mouth twitching, immediately patted the table, the big door pulled up, and then pointed to the wine tank on the ground: "There is wine, all to the uncle!"

Cloud dance looked at these two people, some helpless.

Waiting for the dragon to pour the evil spirits and the red fire dragon food on the Qi Qi, Yun Wu handed a bag of magic core to Xiao Er, and at the same time told him not to reveal the whereabouts of everyone.

The store Xiaole ha ha ha nodded, threatening to ensure that the information of Yun Dance and others is not disclosed.

Yun Dance and others left the hotel.

"Little things, where are we going next?"

The dragon leaned on the thin waist of the cloud dance and asked while walking.

"First go shopping, by the way, inquire about the location of the Phoenix, it is estimated that Nangongyi will be back in two days, then we will leave."

In addition to waiting for Nangong Yi, in fact, Yun Dance is also thinking that he is injured and inconvenienced, and accidents on the way to her and even the entire team is extremely unfavorable.

However, it is very strange that after a round trip, several people did not find out the location of the Phoenix family.

The position of the Phoenix family should not be difficult to find out. At the beginning, Yunwu also encountered the wine saint of the Phoenix family.

It means that there are people of the Phoenix family in this desert.

Can be circled, not inquired at all.

It’s very strange!

I haven't inquired about it. I just strolled into a store. Yun Dance and others also went to the store and planned to buy some medicines and some life needs.

Because no one can predict what will happen on the way to the Phoenix family!

It’s ready.

The night was invading, and the hot sun faded.

Going back to the room, Yun Dance sat alone on the bed.

Consciousness enters the chaotic hall of the mind, and the black mist floats and floats in half air.

"Black arrogant, have you found out what?"

The black mist changed and stretched, and turned into a human figure. The faint voice came out: "Cloud dance, I broke down the jade bottle and learned that the composition of the medicine bottle is not in the desert. I don't know which one, but I don't know. What is certain is that it is definitely not from the human world and the desert."

"Isn't it from the human world and the desert? Is it possible that it is the upper bound?"

"No! Things that don't belong to the land of mankind."

Black arrogantly looked at the clouds and danced, and continued. "And, taking the medicine does have a very strange healing effect. After I swallowed, the strength was cured. However, the effect was thick. Dark breath."

"Dark breath?"

"Well! Just like when you used magic grass to heal, the darkness of the magic grass is similar. You are now awakened by the blood of the Wu people. Although the light and the darkness are combined with each other, there is still the power of magic in your body. With this kind of medicine with a thick dark atmosphere, it is estimated that the power of the magic in your body will completely out of control."

Completely out of control?

so serious?

The cloud dance embroidered eyebrows is tight, who is the "night", is he giving her medicine or is it unintentional?

In the depths of the cloud dance, the depth of the eyes gradually became a dark stream, and the killing was fleeting!

If he must be hostile to her, then she will not be merciful.

"People who can appear in the desert are not good, no matter what, you must be careful."

"Well, I know."

"Right, black arrogant, do you know where the Phoenix family is?" The cloud dance suddenly remembered.

Since this black arrogance has come to this desert, he will certainly know the location of the Phoenix family.

Can be arrogant, but fell into silence for a while.

After half a ring!

"The migration of the phoenix tribes is to hide their location. I owe a ancestor of the ancestors of the phoenix, so I promised..."

Hearing here, Yun Wu naturally understands what he means.

He promised that others would not disclose it, and now she naturally does not force him.

However, the phoenix family had migrated in the first place, just to prevent others from knowing their whereabouts?


Obviously, this problem cloud dance is temporarily unknown.

Consciousness returned to the body, and the cloud dance pondered for a moment, and couldn't figure it out. In the end, it was not tangled.

Black arrogant does not say, it can only be asked from other populations.

Stretched a few limbs, the cloud dance lying on the bed and quickly fell asleep.

The next morning, the golden sun was tiling through the window on the cloud dance bed, which was warm and comfortable, and the sleeping people seemed to be serene and beautiful in the sun.

It is hard to believe that such a beautiful woman is an unrelenting killer reincarnation, killing people without blinking.

Just then, there was a bang in the door.

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