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Chapter 988 Father and Son Disability

Hearing the words, Yunwu helplessly glanced at the man around him.

However, my heart is somewhat happy because of his words.

In any case, she does not allow her partner to be hurt, and the little stench is so evolved, she is of course happy.

that side!

The dark evil beast knows this too, but in addition to resisting, he can hardly think of what he can do. He can only erect the energy cover again and again. Once it is slow, the flame can burn on his body. .

One by one, the defense is burned down under the burning of the flame, and the color of the flame is more reddish.

The golden phoenix followed, leisurely flying in the air to soar everywhere, from time to time with a fire, and the wolf's dark beasts formed a sharp contrast, the sound of Fengming is extremely bright, and even a touch of happiness.

"Damn! Don't be too arrogant!" The roaring sound spread, and the dark beast was a black energy to let go.

Only this time, just released, suddenly there was a large bright red in front of him, directly burning the energy he just released.

Then, a large, large red flame hit him, and he swallowed him mercilessly, as the previous explosion swallowed the golden phoenix.

This time, what was swallowed up was the huge body of the dark evil beast!

I saw that the huge body did not seem to have any resistance to the red flame.


But for a moment, the huge body was swallowed up.

The phoenix woman in the distance closed her eyes and could not bear to see this scene.

This is a racial challenge, not endless.

And as a saint of the phoenix family, she should not stand in the dark beasts anyway, just...

At this time, she was destined to watch their father and son dying, and they could not do anything on the side.

The flame narrowed down a little under the control of the golden phoenix, but did not see the huge body of the dark beast.

While waiting for everyone, they couldn’t help but brighten their eyes. Except for the Phoenix woman, all the people could not help but make a strong cheer.

"we won!"

"Great! The dark evil beast is dead!"

"It is the pure blood of our Phoenix family, and she defeated him!"


The excitement of the sound is in this world, but the phoenix woman’s mouth is a bitter smile.

In the end, I have come to this step...

The flame eventually shrinks, but the golden phoenix has never been turned into a human form, and the animal's mouth is one. The last little bit of flame is sucked into the mouth of the beast.

And in the flame, a black figure appeared in front of everyone.

The loose hair, the broken clothes, and a sullen face seemed to have been seriously injured.

At the moment the flame was removed, the man looked up and glanced at the phoenix in the sky. His lips moved slightly, and the hoarse voice made the syllables of the word "child", followed by heavy slamming on the ground.

"This..." The Phoenix people who were still cheering were all stunned at this moment. It is not clear what is going on. Is it that the flame is useless to him?

But the golden phoenix in heaven understood his mouth shape and knew exactly what it was.

Also seeing the dark evil beast type is the Phoenix woman. At this moment, she finally couldn't stand it. She pushed away the person who stopped her and rushed straight up.


"The Holy Virgin is dangerous, don't go over!"

"That is a dark evil beast..."


The sound of the sound was blocked, and the elders wanted to reach out and stop the Phoenix girl.

However, no one succeeded. Some people even chased them up, but they chased a distance and hard to stop. They didn't have the guts to face the dark beasts.

A corner of the cloud dance mouth, whispered: "Go, let's go see."

After all, I took the lead and flew in the direction of a small stinky.

Behind him, the dragon must not have to say it, just follow it up!

As for the Shangguan, several people are also completely convinced of the cloud dance. Since she can decide the past so easily, it shows that the current dark beast is not afraid.

They were all very relieved about the cloud dance, so they flew one by one.

The figure of the phoenix woman fell directly to the side of the dark evil beast, watching the dark beast lying on the ground, only feeling instantly distressed.

Behind him, the figures of several people in the cloud dance have also fallen.

Just to give them convenience, not to go forward, just look far and watch it all.

The phoenix son-in-law didn't care, and slowly walked up and squatted down next to the man.

Feeling the man's weak breath, the heart could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, although seriously injured, but with the ability of the dark evil beast, repairing it is not a trouble.

"Do you still remember me?" The phoenix's mouth showed a smile, raised her hand to manage the hair for the man on the floor, and her eyes showed inexplicable feelings.

"You forgot me for a long time, I thought, you will never recover your memory again. You not only forgot me, but also forgot our children... But just now, I saw you call him, so you must Remember me, right?"

The phoenix woman said in a sincere manner that she did not have any refuge with herself as a saint.

At this time, what else does she need to avoid?

The golden phoenix fell from the sky and turned into a human figure at the moment of landing.

This time, surprisingly did not pounce on the cloud dance, but slowly moved towards the Phoenix woman and the dark evil beast.

Waiting until he walked in, a few talents were surprised to find that the small stench actually grew taller.

At this time, he was like an 18-year-old boy, and his eyes were clear and beautiful, and even his face was matured. It was no longer the young man who had grown up and had no long IQ.

A few people in the cloud dance did not bother to disturb, so they stood quietly and watched their family reunite.

However, there are some things they have to ask, such as... How does a small stinky stance make him remember?

"Do not worry, he is fine, just suffered a little injury." Small stinky squatting down the Phoenix girl, awkwardly said.

Defeated the dark evil beast, although it is very happy, but when I think that I have defeated my relatives, the little stinky is a bit arrogant.

And this relative did not recognize him, so now he will not take the initiative to call him!

The Phoenix woman listened to her ears and nodded.

Until then, I saw everyone crowded up, and the Phoenix people who came over finally felt safe and ran over to see what happened.

"Yeah! He is still not dead?"

"What? The dark beast has not died yet? How is this going?"

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