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Chapter 989 Death

"The saint, hurry up and kill him now, or else it will be a slap in the future, it is the catastrophe of my phoenix family..."

"Yes, saint, let's get started..."


For a while, everyone around me was worried.

Although the dark beasts are lying on the ground now, they are still somewhat scared. They are afraid that the other party will stand up and beat them one by one, and they will not be able to live without hearing the news of the death of the other party.

The small smelly wrinkled his brows, his face flashed a touch of dissatisfaction, his own depression, how can someone kill and kill?

I wanted to stand up and get up, but I was stopped by the Phoenix girl.

The Phoenix woman stood up, her cold eyes swept over the faces of the people, and the screaming people finally closed their mouths, waiting for the Phoenix woman to give them a reasonable explanation.

The phoenix woman sighed in her heart and knew that the dark beasts had done a lot of evil, which had a great impact on their own people, but...

That was not his intention. When I was together, I said that I wouldn’t hurt the Phoenix people. This time is also because of the beasts of the Beast Gate.

But how do you say these words to your own people?

As a saint of the Phoenix family, how can she speak for the enemy of her own people?

The phoenix woman’s heart is sad, but she has to make a cold look on the surface.

Knowing that from time to time, when talking to the dark evil beast, the heart turns back and forth a thousand times, and suddenly a birth is made.

"The dark family has a strong healing ability, and don't forget it. He is a holy beast in the dark beasts. It is not killing. Otherwise, the original priests will not seal him. You think that we can only rely on us. Kill him?"

The icy sounds passed, and the excited Phoenix people suddenly realized the problem.

Yes, when the Phoenix family was in its heyday, it was just a seal. Now that the Phoenix family is not as good as before, how can it kill him?

However, the flames of the golden phoenix are all clearly seen. Is there no way to do this?

For a time, everyone has cast their sights on the little stinky body.

Feeling the sight of everyone, the small smell can not help but pout.

That is his relatives, how could he kill?

But I also understood that this is impossible to say. Now I will nod my head seriously and said: "My flame can't kill him. You don't have to look at me. Didn't you just see it? Even if it was swallowed up by the flames, It’s just that he doesn’t have an ontology.”

After listening to this, the elders of the Phoenix family could not help but lose.

They also know the identity of the small stinky and dark beasts, but everyone just saw it as a reality and had to believe in the stinking words.

“It’s not like this.” The Phoenix woman once again said, “I’ll bother you all the elders to bring him back, close the family, step up the care, find a way in the future, and make further decisions.”

The elders face each other and bring such a dangerous person back. Will it be too risky?

"The saint, this...what is it to take back directly? Isn't it afraid..." The words behind did not continue, but the people present knew what it meant.

The Phoenix woman frowned and said: "If you don't bring it back, would you still let him heal the wound outside? Besides, the darkness of the Phoenix family will have to let him take it back. Bring back to the family to take care of it. We will figure out the way as soon as possible."

After listening to the words of the Phoenix girl, everyone nodded.

Yun Dance and others have been standing by and watching, and there is no intention of intervening.

After all, it is the family affairs of others. Although it is the name of a priest, the cloud dance is just a human being.

Although the Phoenix family turned to her "priest" in times of difficulty, it was not the real phoenix.

Therefore, it is not advisable to intervene.

quite a while!

When they discussed it, Yun Dance turned and went back with everyone.

This battle has gone through three days and three nights. It is already the fourth day when everyone returns to Phoenix Mountain Palace.

Far away, I saw the people of the Phoenix family facing each other and waiting for their return.

When the figure of the Phoenix woman appeared in the eyes of the tribe, the cheers almost flew out the entire mountain palace.

"Look, the saint is back! They are back safely!"

"So we are winning? They defeated the dark beast?"

"God... I know we will win! We are Phoenix people..."

"That is, thank you very much..."


The cheers rang through the entire mountain palace, and the phoenix women in the sky heard their voices far away. The Phoenix woman felt that she had some guilt.

All the tribes waited for them to defeat the dark beasts, but she brought him back because of her own selfishness, and did not know if this decision was correct...

The Phoenix woman did not stop and flew directly to the main hall of the mountain palace.

A few figures fell in the depths of the mountain palace, and the Phoenix woman ordered the people to hold the dark beasts in an orderly manner.

Cloud dance saw things come to an end, so he turned and prepared to go back.

"Ma Ma, how is my performance today?" Just turned around and there was a man's voice behind him.

It is obviously a cold scorpion, but it is still the same as before when it comes to cloud dance. It feels weird to hear it.

But the little stinky but did not feel at all, but instead ran forward, pulling the sleeves of the cloud dance waiting for praise, with the appearance of the other party is now 18 years old, how to look awkward.

The dragon swayed the evil spirits and took the sleeves of the cloud dance from the opponent's hand, and slammed the cloud dance into his arms.

"The performance is good, your parents will praise you." Unrelentingly attacked the small stink, the dragon smashed evil spirits and smiled, then turned away and wanted to go, directly ignoring the small smell behind his eyes.

Yunwu helplessly smashed the dragon and smashed the evil spirits, looked up and found that the other side was looking at her with a look of "deep love".

The cloud dance mouth twitched slightly.

What is this man doing?

However, without waiting for the opening of the cloud dance, the dragon turned to look at the small stinky face, and said: "I have something to ask you!"

The little stinky sorrow looked at the dragon who was arrogant in his arrogance, and his tone was not very good; "What?"

"How did you do that to restore his memory? And... Are you sure that his memory has recovered? Just bring it back and you won't have an accident?"

A small smelly smell, a direct snoring, proudly said: "You are too small to see me! How can I do things, I am not sure?"

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