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Chapter 994, Eternal Life and Eternal Life

"Hey, a bunch of small soldiers."

The guards looked white and white, but they knew the strength gap with him and didn't talk, so they surrounded him.

The dark evil beasts did not look at them, and walked directly under the high platform. The guards in front of them quickly retreated and let the dark beasts walk toward their saints.

"I have already recovered the darkness of death. I think the future Phoenix will not be able to return to the glory of the past in a long time." The dark evil beast looked at the phoenix woman and suddenly showed a smile.

The smile appeared on the face, and it was surprisingly harmonious.

"Thank you." The Phoenix woman bit her lip and finally spit out the two words.

"Why do you want to thank him? Don't forget, the reason why the Phoenix family will have the previous situation, isn't it all he got? The recovery is right!"

The elders on the side immediately squinted and said, anyway, there is pure blood and phoenix, and there is no fear of what the dark beast will be.

"Yeah, the saint. Why are you so polite with him? He is only a prisoner now, and sooner or later he will be sealed."


The phoenix woman turned her head and did not speak. She turned a blind eye to what the elders said, and her heart was mixed.

"All shut up!" The cold voice sounded, instantly ruining the anger of the elders.

A phoenix woman, I saw the dark beast that just made a sound, staring at the elders coldly, as if they dare to say a "no", then he will directly shoot.

"The dark people are no longer there, and I should have been sealed." The dark beast said with a faint voice, and the line of sight was placed on the phoenix woman.

It seems that only when I talk to her, can I be so calm.

"This time it was not my intention to break the seal. I have not been able to comply with your commitment and hurt your people."

"Although it is said by the people of the Beast Gate, but after all, I blame my mind is not strong, and I do not trust you so much, which led to their use."

"Now, you will seal me again."

The words of the dark evil beasts floated out a little, and fell into the ears of every elder, letting them shut their mouths completely.

The anger that was originally for him seems to be their little belly at the moment.

The phoenix woman bowed her head and her long lashes covered her eyes and she did not speak for a long time.

The dark evil beast is not in a hurry, turning his head and looking at the little stinky scent standing next to the phoenix woman.

The two men looked at each other for a long while, and the dark beast suddenly slammed into a small stinky shoulder, and the small, stinky, fangs that burst into pain instantly burst into the mouth, and the dark beast laughed.

"Ha ha ha... stinky boy, it’s my child! Good! I can beat Laozi!"

The dark beasts have a pair of eyes shining, watching the children who have only seen this several times, the hearts of the five flavors mixed, inexplicably appearing a sense of pride as a father.

When I heard this, I stumbled over my head and said, "Oh, I am pure blood and phoenix, of course it is amazing."

The dark evil beast frowned. Just want to say something, I heard a small stink and then said: "I will have a chance to compare with you in the future."

The dark beasts glimpsed, and then they laughed even more madly. The laughter spread far, as if the entire Phoenix family could hear the general, and the elders who had ignored the side had already changed their faces.

"Ha ha ha ha ... good! my son is good!" The dark evil beast looked at the little stinky smile, and his face was reluctant.

"Today can solve the crisis of the Phoenix family, and recognize the children, don't let me out." The dark beast said, "Just there is always a time to separate, simply smashing, and I will seal it today."

After all, turned to look at the Phoenix woman, waiting for her actions.

The eyes of the people were fixed on the phoenix woman. As soon as she gave a command, someone would take away the dark beast and take him to the place where the seal was before.

But if she doesn't talk, then no one here will move casually. Who knows if the dark beasts will suddenly hurt and hurt?

"The saint, let's make a decision..." The crowd waited for a long time, but they never saw the Phoenix woman nod. Finally, the worry was slowly expanding, and some people were anxiously urging.

"Yes, the saint, seal as soon as possible, there are still many things in the family that you need to do."

The Phoenix woman suddenly took a deep breath and looked up. She smiled at the dark evil beast. This laugh was somewhat inexplicable.

Then, the Phoenix woman turned her head and slowly opened her mouth to the elders.

"You, since the past, the Phoenix family has asked you."

Everyone saw a word and didn't understand what her words meant.

The phoenix female mouth twitched a smile, as if making a decision made her feel relaxed.

"I decided to be sealed with him."

"What?" The crowd was shocked. Even Yun Dance did not think that the Phoenix Girls would make this decision.

It is no wonder that since the beginning of the Phoenix woman, she has not let her intervene again, presumably to let her see her decision, so that I can help the Phoenix family in the future.

"The saint, how is this done? You are the sage of our Phoenix family, how can we be with the dark people?"

"Yes, the saint, he is a dark evil beast. Why are you going to accompany him to seal it?"

"If you really go, maybe you won't be able to see the sky again in the future. What's more, the dark beast is extremely fierce. If you insist on going, then you should be hurt again."

"Saint, please think twice..."

The voice of dissuasion came one after another, and they looked at the Phoenix girl with an anxious look and wanted to let her change the decision.

Clinker, the Phoenix woman raised her hand and made everyone quiet.

"I don't have to say much. As a saint, I should think about the Phoenix family and seal the dark evil beast. But as a wife, I should stand on the husband's stand and a family reunion. It is rare for the world to get the whole law. So I can only be sealed with him and live forever."

The dark beast was so heart-wrenching that he almost wanted to go forward and hold her in his arms, but he resisted hard.

"The saint, how can you be with him? Since it was already wrong, you should not let the mistake continue... Hey? Don't go to the saint, where the seal can't go, the saint !"

The elders did not agree with the behavior of the Phoenix woman.

But this time, the Phoenix woman simply took the hand of the dark beast and walked toward the seal.

Behind them, the elders quickly chased them up and tried every means to stop them.

In the heart of the dragon, he reached out and grabbed the waist of the cloud dance. He bowed his head and said softly: "Love that is not tolerated by the world is how hard it is."

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