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Chapter 995 enchanting beauty

In the heart of Yunwu’s heart, I naturally understand what it means to be a dragon.

For a long time, I have never heard of the words of the dragon, but she thought that he did not care, but now it seems that he also hopes that they can be smoother.

This time, by the feelings of the Phoenix woman and the dark evil beast, they thought of them.

There are some feelings in the heart of Yunwu.

However, fortunately, she and the dragon are evil people are not life-saving, even if it is not for the world's content, how? They will be together!

"Wait!" The sudden exit of the cloud dance stopped the people who were noisy.

The elders are making a mess around the saints. If the dark beasts don’t agree to let the phoenix women follow him, the two people’s skills are afraid to have been sealed directly to the place.

At this time, I heard the cloud dance telling them to stop, and immediately thought of the cloud dance, but the priest of the phoenix family, they must be able to convince the saint.

At the moment, the elders have come to the cloud dance with hopeful eyes.

Yunwu did not let them down, and went forward with the dragon and the evil spirits, standing in front of the Phoenix woman, just blocking her road.

"Miss Yun, what do you mean by this?" The Phoenix woman frowned, for fear that the cloud dance would stop her.

"It doesn't mean anything, just ask a few questions." Cloud dance said faintly.

Then I turned around and looked at the elders and asked, "Dare to ask you, why are the Phoenix people so jealous of the dark beasts?"

"This is still used to say, the dark evil beasts are evil, hurting the lives of my people, and naturally sealed him." An elder said immediately.

When I said this, I was endorsed by many elders and nodded.

"But he doesn't look like he will hurt the Phoenix." The cloud dance pointed to the dark beast.

"The priests, don't be fooled by what he is now. The dark beasts are very difficult. They are out of control and they can't control themselves. They also hurt many people before. Who knows when he will suddenly go away? So in order to It doesn't make a big disaster, it's still a good seal." Another elder said immediately.

In short, in their conception, the dark beast is either dead or sealed, and must not allow him to come out for nothing.

"Did the elders forget it? At the beginning, he would hurt the people, all of them are ghosts!"

The Phoenix woman understands that Yunwu is afraid of what is the way, so she also cooperated with it, and said to the elders coldly: "He was controlled by the Beast Gate and lost his memory, so he will shoot the tribe. It is not his intention. Now that he has recovered his memory, he will not do anything like that."

"The saint, this can't be guaranteed." The elders were bitter. "The darkness of their bodies once they start, fear that they can't even control themselves, let alone others?"

The Phoenix girl was silent, and she did not have a way to do this.

However, she has no way, and does not mean that there is no way for others.

"Is it just a change of this, you will not stop them together?" The voice of the cloud dance floated coldly.

If it is not for these people to start thinking for the Phoenix family, she will not tell them so much.

At this time, when Yun Yun saw two female phoenixes, it seemed that they did not consciously think of themselves and the dragons. How could they block their faces?

The elders glanced and nodded. "If the dark people can get along with each other, we naturally don't want to get to the present, but... how is it possible?"

"Hey." Yun Dance sneered: "What you think is impossible, it doesn't mean that others can't do it!"

After that, don’t explain it to them. Turn directly to the dark beast and say, “If you want to try, just follow me.”

The dark evil beast nodded, and when he didn't want to, he crossed the crowd and followed the cloud dance.

Anyway, he can't control himself. No matter whether Yun Dance says it is true or not, he will try it. One day he hopes to reunite with his wife and children.

The two men once again boarded the high platform. The cloud dance gave the dragon a look of evil, and indicated that he would not let others close, and the dragon would consciously become a guard.

"You are dangerous, don't be close."

The elders looked at this laughing face, as if a enchanting beautiful man was lazy to say something for them. I don’t know why it’s inexplicable and trembling, like a terrible existence, not talking. It is.

Above the high platform, the cloud dance and the dark beasts sat face to face and quickly entered meditation.

The dragon tilted his eyes and looked at the situation on the stage. A pair of slender eyebrows didn't know what to think.

I saw that Yunwu raised his hand and directly attached it to the top of the dark evil beast. A pure magical power was mobilized and drilled into the body of the dark evil beast.

Although it is only a little bit, but after entering the body of the dark beast, this power has even suppressed the original strength of his body, and even the dark evil beast wants to mobilize it!

"Let's relax, don't resist." The cold voice of the cloud dance passed into the ears of the dark beast, and the dark beasts did it.

Cloud dance closes his eyes and carefully feels the power of the dark evil beast.

Under her control, the force organized the dark forces of the dark beasts in an orderly manner, all rushed to the position of Dantian, and surrounded by a circle, in which the power was circled.

In the heart of the cloud dance, a seal was placed directly in the body of the dark beast, and that power was left in his body.

Although the whole process is simple, the cloud dance took two hours.

By the end of the day, there was already a fine sweat on the forehead.

The dragon fell into the high platform and lifted her from the place, letting her lean on her own arms and gently said in her ear: "Small things, hard work for you."

The corner of Yunwu’s mouth twitched slightly, letting the dragon fall in love with her.

The phoenix woman has already rushed up, and also raised the dark evil beast from the place.

The dark beast was almost unable to stand up at the moment of the rise, and the body swayed, and the Phoenix woman was shocked.

"He relies too much on the gas of darkness. Now the power of darkness in his body has been sealed by me, so I will be somewhat uncomfortable." Yunwu said softly.

The Phoenix woman nodded with confidence.

The elders of the crowd have also come together.

I saw that the dark evil beast was so weak that it was like a big battle, leaning against the phoenix woman, and the phoenix woman against it was very petite.

And the darkness of his body turned out to be without a trace!

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