Wild Young Miss: Mister, Let's Kiss!

14 I miss you too, darling

In a fraction of a second, Paul Qian recalled his years of experience serving his boss. To his surprise, this was the first time Matthew Xi inquired about his whereabouts.

Matthew Xi mostly call him when he needed something but never inquired about 'personal' stuff. Although this might not be counted as personal, but if he has to consider his boss's personality, it was a personal question.

"I'm at Enzo's house, young master." Clearing his throat, Paul Qian answered despite his puzzlement at the moment.

Paul Qian already informed his boss that he would leave for the night after receiving a call from Enzo Li. Although he didn't give the details as Matthew Xi would consider it as a waste of energy, it was mind-blowing that his boss was interested suddenly.

"Just the two of you...?" Meanwhile, Matthew Xi was certain he heard Zoey's voice from the other end of the line. But after that, he couldn't hear any other voices aside from Paul Qian's hence, the followup question.

Matthew Xi was astounded that he was asking such questions as well. However, his curiosity triumphed this time. Thus, though silly and way out of his character, that would surprise anyone who knew him, who cares?

"Huh?" Surprised at the next question, Paul Qian's creased brows knitted even more. Regardless, he still answered. "Enzo's friend is here as well."

"Alright. Contact Mr. Feng and tell him I need a thorough revision of the proposal tomorrow morning, 8am sharp." Upon hearing his assistant's reply, Matthew Xi coldly instructed and without further ado, he cut the line short.

"..." it rendered Paul Qian speechless by the sudden odd phone call. What was that?

Paul Qian pondered what's the connection of his boss's query to this instruction yet, it pushed him at the dead end. He came up with nothing — no idea by the sudden questions from his boss.

The only possible thing Paul Qian could think of was that Matthew Xi wanted to know if he booked a room in the hotel or stayed in his master's place. Obviously, he wouldn't dare choose the latter.

"Weird," Paul Qian murmured as he shrugged his shoulders, along with the thoughts in his mind. Well, he never understood how Matthew Xi's mind works anyway, so there was no point in dwelling on it further.

With that in mind, Paul Qian prompted to return to the living area where Zoey and Enzo were playing video games. Upon arriving at the said area, his tracks halted as his brow arched.

Before him, Zoey had Enzo in a headlock — as if two little kids wrestling before going to bed. When Zoey noticed his presence, she immediately let the poor Enzo go and sweetly smiled.

"Curse *cough* you *cough*" Meanwhile, Enzo Li coughed his lungs out as he glared daggers at Zoey.

He only touched her phone to see the man she had been boasting about. However, Zoey was too selfish that she didn't want to share her 'darling', and keep him a mystery for now.

Still, since it was rare of her to boast about someone, Enzo Li's interest was piqued. Therefore, he fought his 'rights' to know her mystery man or rather, mystery victim. Unfortunately, Zoey's retaliation was as violent as ever. The last thing he could remember was that she was already head locking him.

"My apologies, you have to see our unusual bonding." Without showing a bit of shamelessness, Zoey courteously apologized with a smile. Her remarks however made Enzo Li's coughing grew worse — almost causing him to puke blood.

"It's fine, Miss Zhou." Paul Qian nodded his head in understanding. "Enzo is always like that." He added, revealing Enzo's ever so childish side.

"Zoey, just call me Zoey." Glad that he's matured enough not to mind, the side of her lips curled into a smile as she attempted to reduce the distance between her and Paul.

Well, Paul was friends with Enzo Li hence, if her relationship with Enzo wasn't labeled as friendship, then Zoey didn't mind being friends with Paul Qian. After all, she heard a thing or two about him and his position at the Xi Corporation.

Whether Paul would be her prospect love interest or an added person to her list of connections, Zoey clearly saw his value.

"Alright, Zoey. Call me Paul, no need to be formal too." Although she had already called him in the first name basis earlier, Paul Qian noticed the sudden change of her tone and how she addressed him so formally.

He guessed that she was probably carried away earlier and tried to correct herself. Unbeknownst to him, Zoey's sudden change of attitude was because she somehow got the gist of his personality.

Suddenly, Zoey's phone rang, catching the attention of the three. Unconsciously, the two of them turned to Zoey as she stared at her phone with a conflicted countenance.

'Huh? Did he miss me already?' Zoey wondered seeing that Matthew Xi was calling her out of the blue.



"...8 am sharp." With that said note, Matthew Xi ended the line without a second hesitation. Complicated emotions danced in his eyes as he doubt if Enzo Li's friend was Zoey.

Perhaps, it was because he had been hearing her voice for several days as she was the only person he talked with, that he thought he mistook other people as her. Still, a part of him, a strong gut feeling was telling him that it was truly her.

"Is it you...?" He whispered, staring at her photo that she set up as his wallpaper. Yet, no matter how much he asked her smiling picture, he wouldn't get an answer right?

Therefore, Matthew Xi was pushed into a dilemma: ask her or let it go? Definitely, asking her was easier instead of having uncertainty that would keep him awake throughout the night.

Having to decide what to do, Matthew Xi unhesitatingly dialed her number. After two rings, Zoey answered. However, that instant, he nearly coughed out blood by her greeting.

"I miss you too, darling~"

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