'I bet the person from the other end had a shock too!' Enzo Li assumed inwardly as he peered at Zoey's departing back in disdain.

"I pity the guy," Enzo Li murmured as he clicked his tongue and shook his head sideways. Well, since Zoey was boasting how she caught a fish, he somehow got the gist that Zoey, squeezed herself into the man's life.

"Do you like her?" All of a sudden, when Zoey had left the living area to answer the call, Paul Qian inquired. Glancing at Enzo Li, he tilted his head to the side with a questioning look.

Upon hearing his inquiry, Enzo Li let out a series of coughs. He wanted to ask "what did you say?" but, he didn't because the question was not something his ears wanted to hear again.

"You two seemed pretty close." While Enzo Li was trying to recover from the 'verbal attack', Paul Qian shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

With the brief time he talked with Zoey, Paul Qian must admit that his impression towards her wasn't that bad. Perhaps, one of reason why was because she and Enzo Li seemed comfortable with each other.

Knowing Enzo Li, though he appeared to be the friendly type of guy, he rarely trusted people. But tonight, Paul Qian witness how relaxed he was around Zoey.

"No way!" A solid, disdainful retort immediately slipped out from Enzo Li's mouth as he peered at Paul Li with disbelief.

Him? Liking Zoey? Hell no! He would rather be single forever! Or, that's what he believed.

Paul Qian scrutinized Enzo Li's over reacting countenance. "But she's taken." Yet, instead of pushing the discussion aside, Paul Qian reminded and he shook his head sideways as if her heard Enzo Li's denial otherwise.

Paul Qin heard Zoey called someone with an endearment lovingly. Therefore, he had the urge to warn Enzo Li. After all, prevention is better than cure.

Moreover, Zoey didn't seem she was flirting with Enzo Li or showing a bit of interest in him. If anything, Paul Qian could confidently say that th way Zoey looked at Enzo Li was akin to a sister looking at her brother.

That was just his observation so far. Hence, Paul Qian just warned Enzo Li. If there's nothing going on with them, then cool. But if Enzo Li happened to secretly like the woman, Paul Qian could imagine this childlike friend of his going far far away.

"Uh, no. She's not." Although frustrated at Paul Qian's assumption, Enzo Li corrected. "She's never been taken or will she ever be." For some reason, Enzo Li's extra attitude since earlier calmed down. Bearing nonchalance, Enzo Li cast Paul Qian a glance as he shrugged his shoulder.

There wasn't many elite men left but, Zoey never bothered to think about dating those rare ones.

The reason? Simple. Zoey was very particular about people's statuses. Although she never actually prioritize it in the name of love, she remained adamant on not squeezing herself to those kinds of men.

"Oh..." Nodding his head in understanding, Paul Qian didn't really understood what his friend said. But, he didn't probe further as he wasn't that interested anyway.

"By the way, I went to Brother Matt's place but he wasn't there." Enzo Li completely diverted the discussion to something else. Fortunately, he was reminded that he planned to drop by in Matthew Xi's place with Zoey because his own place wasn't clean when they arrived.

Thankfully, Zoey was annoyed and helped him cleaned his place. Still, he received a request for payment seconds before they started cleaning.

The request was, of course, made by Zoey as she wouldn't clean someone else's for free. She's a busy woman on a work leave, after all!

"He said he'll stay in my place for a while. I'll moved out until then."

"Eh?! Why?" Surprised by the news, Enzo Li gasped as he knitted his brows. How could that be possible?

"No idea," Paul Qian shrugged his shoulder as he too had the same question. Nevertheless, there was no need to fret about it because they wouldn't get the answers anyway.



"Hehe, you miss me, don't you?" Zoey chuckled as soon as she left the living area and headed to the balcony.

"That's sweet though~" Pleased, Zoey added with a huge grin on her lips. However, after several seconds, Zoey only received nothing — just faint indistinct noises.

"Darling...?" Knitting her brows, Zoey retracted her phone away and glanced at it before placing it back on her ear. "Are you there?" Zoey asked but to no avail, no one answered.

"Maybe it's unintentional..." Concluding in an instant, Zoey murmured as her lips curled down. "I got my hopes up for nothing," she added before ending the call abruptly.

Little did she know, Matthew Xi had to hold his breathe back so she wouldn't hear him. Although he set it up on a speaker phone, he was still afraid to breathe so loud; she might find out.

Matthew Xi was simply curious if she was the one he heard from Paul Qian's background hence, he acted out of curiosity. However, the moment she answered, she assumed that he missed her?!

Deep down, his instinct told him that Zoey wouldn't stop talking about it if she knew he was there listening. Therefore, despite that he had his own reason why he called, he was wary that she would take it the other way around.

He realized that rather late though.

"What am I doing...?" He whispered as he pinched the space between his brows. Glancing at his gorgeous wallpaper, he blinked his eyes as he didn't utter a single word.

Just then, a notification popped in and he immediately saw her short message. "1st date on March 19. \u003c3 See you, darling~"


Unlike how Matthew Xi imagined her bearing a bright smile as she sent the date of their first date, Zoey had a rather bored look.

She stared at the engagement party invitation on the email and rolled her eyes. "These people will regret for inviting me." She scoffed before a sly smirk curled on the side of his lips. "Can't wait to show off my darling~" Zoey happily whispered as she skipped her steps back to the living room.

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