Zoey swiveled her office chair with a cup of hot coffee held by both her hands. "What a refreshing morning…" sniffing the aroma of the coffee, Zoey whispered before taking a sip.

Four days ago, after setting her date with Matthew Xi, there wasn't anything interesting that happened that night. If anything, that's worth wasting her precious sleep, that was being friends with Paul Qian.

She got to know that he worked under some important figures in the Xi Corporation. Although it wasn't disclosed who, the most important for her was that she left a good impression with him.

After that night, nothing special happened anymore. Well, maybe not entirely because she's exchanging chats with Matthew Xi, barely. Now that it reminded her…

"Right," Zoey snapped as she placed down the cup of coffee on the desk and skipped her steps towards her room to get her phone. Since it was early, Zoey was still in her pajamas matched by an oversized shirt, her hair tied up in a bun, some baby hair dangled in the side of her forehead and some strands on her back.

Zoey plopped down on her soft bed — her long-time lover — as she excitedly opened her phone. Going to their chat logs, there wasn't really anything in it. Aside from;

"Good morning and have a nice day!"

"Don't forget to eat \u003c3" and then,

"How's your day? Goodnight~"

The only time Matthew Xi responded to her was a mere "goodnight" for a whole day. Well, it wasn't like Zoey had flooded his inbox as she only sent three messages a day. Why three? There wasn't any particular reason, she was just busy as her leave was over and she was back to work.

Besides, Matthew Xi responding even once was enough for Zoey. In contrast, she somehow liked him even more.

[To: Darling Browny

Morning~ wanna meet later?] Since there was only three days before their date, Zoey somehow thought that they should at least shop together. After all, she hasn't told him that they would attend an engagement party on their first date.

After a minute of not receiving any response or seeing that he opened her messages, Zoey composed another text.

[Since our date is coming up, I am thinking of telling you where we are going."

Of course, this was just an excuse for her to see her baby darling. She really didn't mind if he would be surprise or if he was underdressed at the said event.

Zoey stared at her messages for a minute of inactivity, "He's still sleeping?" She wondered as her chats weren't put on read yet.

Glancing at the top of the phone's screen, it's already ten minutes before six. Hence, Zoey thought that people should be awake at this time. After all, she had been up for nearly an hour and would start prepping for the day when the clock hits six.

She still has time to enjoy her coffee before she could start her day and roast everyone in the office. It was just a shame that she wouldn't be able to see her darling until the said date. But, thinking of the wait, it was only three days, and he's all hers. Reasons Zoey was fine with it.

Little did she know, she wouldn't need to wait that long.


Meanwhile, as Matthew Xi consumed his coffee, he glanced at the messages notifications shown on the phone. He didn't need to open it as he could read them.

It has been four days, and he usually received messages from her at this hour. Matthew Xi was rather surprised that Zoey woke up early than he thought. Fortunately, Zoey wasn't as persistent as he expected as she only sent him three messages at most.

It was the first time she sent two messages at the same time. He would be lying if he said he wasn't intrigued. What was she doing the whole day? Working? Matthew Xi imagined how she would look like when she's working but to no avail, all that came to his mind was Zoey constantly harassing everyone.

Once again, Matthew Xi read her last chat and furrowed his brows. Now that she mentioned it, aside from the date, everything on their first date was vague. There was no place, no time, and who would pick who. Well, the latter was already obvious as he could foresee Zoey ringing his doorbell anytime on the 13th.

However, why does he feel that there would be something unprecedented that would happen on that day? Was he just overthinking about it? Was this one of her tricks to make him see her and be harassed?

Just then, Matthew Xi heard Zoey's terrible singing voice as it was set as his ringtone. Glancing at it, he saw it was Paul Qian that was calling, hence, without further ado, Matthew Xi answered.

"Mhmm… I'll go to the office today." After listening to Paul, Matthew Xi nodded his head as he finished the coffee. "No need to pick me up. I have to drop by somewhere first." He added before he cut the line short.

Fortunately, Paul Qian was considerate to let him occupy his place for quite some time. He even fetched Matthew Xi's car under his boss's instruction. It was not like Paul Qian had any choice but to obey his boss, anyway. Regardless of how many questions he has in mind.

After Matthew Xi cut the line short, he finally opened Zoey's chats and typed; "Laters," and sent it without a second hesitation. Surely, Zoey always win as he fell to her 'tricks' again... or maybe, he just liked being harrased by her?

Either way, Matthew Xi was worried on her plans on their first day. He must have a heads up at least.

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