Witch containment diary

Chapter 101 Making the Witch’s Egg

A witch's egg is gestating in Kati's belly, full of vitality, and connected by blood with Zhang Su. This idea excited Zhang Su.

Seeing Zhang Su looking so happy, Katie also chuckled and turned her head.

The broken memories are like mirrors, reflecting the different pasts of the princess, the soldier and the flying dragon. But the new concept of "mother" is extremely new and cannot be encompassed by any identity in the past.

Witches can give birth, but without love, the children born will be humans. A witch's egg can only be created if it is combined with love, whether that love comes from a man, a woman, or another witch.

If Katie can bring new blood to the Mancias family, she will have accomplished something others have failed to do.

"I love you, Katie, I love you." Zhang Su took Katie's hand and folded her hands in his palm.

He felt like he was listening to the pleasurable rhythm deep inside Cady's heart. She was very happy, and Zhang Su couldn't help but smile. This was really the best news he had heard in his life.

"But -" a trace of doubt flashed across Katie's face, "I checked the files and found that no new dragon eggs have hatched in 17 years."

Zhang Su thought of the dragon eggs that had not hatched in his previous life.

It is so big that just being born is a burden, but it is as silent as a pebble.

At that time, Kati was suffering a lot and had kowtowed and begged a thousand times, but the baby dragon was still not born. Through perspective, she could see that there was only a wriggling mass of flesh and blood inside. It had plenty of energy and blood, but had no chance to see the sun.

"The incubation pool - I know why the devil destroyed the incubation pool of the Mancias family. It must be a special place. Without it, it would be difficult to hatch dragon eggs." Zhang Su said.

There was no chance to solve the problem in his previous life. In this life, he had to send the eggs to the Sierra Madre Mountains to rebuild Kati's home. Only that manor and that pool of water had the ability to hatch the Mancias Dragon Witch.

Katie smiled miserably. Take back the hatchery? Too difficult.

The devil killed all her family members. When the tragedy happened, Katie was still a pampered princess and she didn't know how to save her family property.

She has been wandering for a long time. If she goes back now, she will see that the oil mine in Mancias has been authorized by the Foundation to facilitate the human defense plan to make huge profits. There is no reason to ask others to spit it out.

Katie would be even more heartbroken if she went back. Before the massacre, the Dragon Witches were the pillars of protection for mankind. After the massacre, they became feudal bandits trying to plunder oil.

The land deeds and business contracts have become waste paper. They will never let the Dragon Witch clan go back to take a bath in oil and take away trillions of family assets. They will be afraid even if they only claim an old house.

The worst outcome is that they destroy the hatching tank. After all, they knew what Katie wanted, and they couldn't hide the news about the witch's egg.

No one dares to file a lawsuit with the Human Defense Plan. They can't win unless they ask the devil to hold a trial. Katie secretly said.

"Forget it, the Sierra Madre Mountains are too far away." Katie shook her head.

"Don't worry, leave it to me." Zhang Su still made a promise.

His little witch is being conceived, and he needs her to fly under the blue sky.

Katie knows that Zhang Su will do his best, but there will naturally be difficulties.

If it were so easy to lay a dragon egg, Katie's two surviving relatives would have left behind a dozen croaking dragon witches.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but comfort herself by saying, "What's so difficult about raising a witch's egg?"

The Insect Witch can give birth to thousands of babies at a time, each of which is a small derivative, and she only needs to give birth to one.

"We have to do something to celebrate." Zhang Su murmured, "Have a meal in the city? Fly around in the wild? Go to the beach? Play for a few days? You decide."

"Stop joking." Katie scolded, but at the same time she felt very happy. Zhang Su was actually so happy.

Her sense of smell was very good, and Zhang Su had the scent of Yoshio Akazawa on her body, which made her irritated. Fortunately, it dissipated after a few days, and Katie could barely let it go.

If one day Zhang Su smells of the lotus mist of Anxinyuan, the smell of Shuili's machine oil, or the smell of Mrs. Rena's peach shampoo, then Katie will have to talk to him.

"I have to do something for you, let me think about it, let me think about it... I want to give you a ring and engrave our names on it, just like getting married." Zhang Su was very serious.

Katie felt flattered.

She thought that she was just an animal, and Zhang Su should treat her like a pet, as coldly as ever. However, this was not the case. He was willing to do a lot for her, treating her like a real princess. It was as if Zhang Su had become younger and had many romantic ideas.

But why should she receive such courtesy?

The memory was tearing at Katie's heart, like a knife blade. If Katie had been weak-willed, she would have screamed and shot herself one night, and it would be over.

Katie is actually hard-hearted and prefers to describe herself as indifferent. If she gives birth to a baby dragon in the future, the child will regret having such a cold-blooded mother.

"Go away!" Then her magic power went to her head and transformed into a dragon-headed human body, trying to scare Zhang Su.

Katie was now bursting with magic power, with scaly heads, sharp eyes, and a mouth full of fangs that were even more like a shark. However, when she saw Zhang Su, his eyes became even brighter, as if he was witnessing a treasure in the world.

What is this guy thinking!

Maybe he would like her no matter what she became, Katie thought vaguely.

In the hazy moment, she picked up another fragment of memory.

Katy Mancias does not need a ring, a ceremony, or a trip. To be pregnant with a witch's egg, the celebration should be to drink strong alcohol until she passes out.

As for the kids. Katie thought vaguely. Since it was a witch's egg, there must be a whole eggshell to protect her.

On the other side, the kitchen.

"Miwu~" Yuanzhi Kitten is here to help everyone cook!

She jumped into the kitchen where breakfast was being made, where four witch prisoners newly recruited by Zhang Su were chopping vegetables and preparing ingredients. It was no easy task to feed 40 mouths at one go.

The kitchen is in full swing, preparing food for nearly 40 people, which is a lot of work.

Zhang Su reviewed the work intentions of the witches yesterday and sent four prisoner witches to cook. Kawabe Yonoko is one of them. She is fat and fat, but her cooking is delicious.

She was busy in the steaming kitchen, surrounded by the aroma of simmering broth and roasted meat.

The morning jog had left her chubby body in agony, but the sizzling sound of cooking food gave her a sense of relief.

Yonoko Kawabe performs the stunt of shaking a pot.

"Meow~!" She heard a cat meow.

Yuanzhi Kitten stood on the stove, and the splashing oil burned her hair.

Even though he turned into a cat, Yuan Zhi still comes to help out of habit.

"Fish thief! Go away, go away!" Kawabe Yonzi panted and stretched out her fat hand to slap.

Yuori quickly showed her paws and scratched Yoniko's fat arms, which frightened her.

"Meow meow!" Yuanzhi protested in a cat's way. She felt that her soul was reborn in the kitten's body.

Then she pointed to her hair with her paw, where there were spots burned by the hot oil.

Yuanzhi put on a miserable look again, biting her lips pitifully, and her little ears folded back in pain.

"Oh - I'm sorry, I'm sorry -" Kawabe Yonzi turned around, grabbed a rag, soaked it and wiped off the hot oil efficiently.

After all, it was just a drop of oil, and Yuan Zhi soon felt no pain and no traces.

"Meow!" Yuanzhi was very happy.

Yonoko Kawabe opened a can of tomato soup and planned to pour the contents into the pot.

She reached for a bottle of mirin soy sauce, a jar of salt, and an unopened pack of vinegar kombu. The items all appeared in her hands automatically, and she hadn't discovered why yet.

Yonoko Kawabe stretched out her hand again and automatically grabbed a packet of miso seasoning. She saw a kitten's paw out of the corner of her eye.

"Hey!" Only then did she see that it was Yuanzhi Cat who kept picking up the condiments.

Kawabe Yonoko was happy, now she knew that Yuanori Cat was here to help in the kitchen.

"Meow meow!" Yuanzhi raised a paw to signal that you're welcome.

"Eat this for you." Kawabe Yonzi rewarded Yuanori with a large piece of fish.

She was tearing it apart, and Kawabe Yonzi found that the cat's movements were particularly clumsy, as if it was biting meat for the first time in its life. The claws kept beating the meat, but could not tear it off. It was not as powerful as when it scratched people.

Put your paws out from those pink pads! Kawabe Yonoko cheered in her heart, but unfortunately she couldn't communicate with Yuori's soul.

Yuan Zhi's kitten's mouth spread the fish all over the table, as if salted fish could be resurrected.

All is forgiven for kittens. Yonoko Kawabe comforted herself. Maybe it was used to hunting mice and had never seen fish thrown in front of it.

This led to a reprimand from Mrs. Reina.

"Why is this? It's not breakfast time yet, Yuori! You should eat on time like everyone else." Mrs. Reina scolded.

"Ah? The kitten has a name?" Kawabe Yonzi was surprised.

"I'm sorry, she is our adopted child, a kitten witch." Mrs. Rena said hurriedly.

"Sorry, I gave the food to the kitten." Kawabe Yonzi said hurriedly.

"Meow!" Yuanzhi said, poking the fish flesh with his small claws.

"How can we change her back to her original state?" Mrs. Reina was very worried.

"When you run out of magic power, you will turn back into human form." Another prisoner witch said disapprovingly.

Mrs. Reina remembered that the other party was called Delia, the elemental path, and now she was making fire and water in the kitchen very easily.

"...I'm going to make you fat...to make you fat like me." Kawabe Yonoko turned to the bubbling soup pot.

According to today's menu, the breakfast staple is a bowl of rice bowl with tomato sauce and a piece of pork chop for each person.

Thanks to the donations made in the past few days, An An Hospital has plenty of food, and all three meals are particularly sumptuous. After Kawabe Yonoko noticed this, her morale for cooking became even higher.

Yonoko Kawabe hummed a song and went to marinate the pork. Then she put the whole piece of meat into the hot pot, sizzling and bubbling. This time she was careful not to let the oil splash out, so as not to burn the kitten.

Kawabe Yonoko's nose inhaled the fragrance in the air, enjoying it so much that she almost drooled.

But no, we can't eat now, there are so many hungry witches and children. Yonoko Kawabe tried hard to control her appetite.

Mrs. Reina was also cooking, and she was pleasantly surprised to find that Kawabe Yonoko's cooking talent really solved a lot of troubles.

She thought it would be very difficult to prepare breakfast for so many prisoners, but Kawabe Yonoko consciously took over the responsibility of serving the breakfast as soon as she arrived.

Kawabe Yonoko's fat arms easily carried the pot and spoon as if dancing a musical instrument, and she was also extremely skillful in pouring soy sauce and mayonnaise.

Mrs. Reina wondered if she had seen her on a food interview show.

Yuan Zhi picked up the knife, held the radish with her claws, and slowly cut it. But by the time she finished cutting the radish, breakfast was ready.

On the plate, there is a spoonful of rice from Sichuan side, a large piece of brown pork, and a spoonful of gravy, as fragrant as you want.

Mrs. Reina then put the side dishes on it and decorated it with red radish strips, green broccoli and golden corn, making it look particularly appetizing.

Enori jumped on the food cart, and Yonoko Kawabe strode over, using her broad arms to push the cart together with the cart into the kitchen.

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