Witch containment diary

Chapter 102 The light of reclamation

"Meow meow!" Yuanzhi greeted, stepping on the edge of the dining car and grabbing the small armrests with both hands.

Yonoko Kawabe used her huge body to block Enori.

The other prisoners had to look carefully to see the tiny Eori cat under Kawabe Yonoko's huge body and see her cute, sparkling eyes.

They all praised this breakfast. The well-seasoned tomato juice poured over the rice was super delicious. The pork chop provided protein and calories for the whole day, which was very filling for them after running laps.

"Ah... I feel like there is hope for living..."

"The food here is much better than in other prisons!"

"Are you lucky enough to be in a good place?" They have all been in prison several times, and they know that no matter how bad a place is, as long as the food is good, they can stay!

After a hearty breakfast, it’s time to get back to work.

With this new labor force cultivating fields, feeding animals, and sewing clothes, An Yin's output will increase exponentially, far beyond anything ever achieved before.

Farming is the way to survive.

Since Anxin Hospital was abandoned, the fields have been in a state of abandonment, but Zhang Su will not let it remain abandoned.

In four years, the world will be flooded by demons. In addition to continuing to dig warehouses and store dry food, Zhang Su also needs to cultivate this field.

Now we are just growing conventional crops. In the future, Hongyan Bodhisattva may be able to provide some spiritual rice and fairy fruits.

Among the 28 newly imprisoned witches, 12 were assigned to farming positions. They all wore prison uniforms, were equipped with an extra pair of labor protection shoes, and carried farm tools on their hands and shoulders. They arrived in time at Zhang Su's request.

Zhang Su looked at the overgrown fields.

Previously, Akasawa Yoshiyo cultivated more than 2 acres of land, and the monk fields near An'an Temple totaled 30 acres. Most of the area was covered with thorns and weeds, growing vigorously and intricately.

Seeing such an uncultivated scene, a row of witches knew that the next step was heavy physical work, so they stood gloomily under the open sky.

Zhang Su divided them into a group, with the older witch as the leader.

"Weito Yumei... you will lead everyone in farming." Zhang Su ordered.

[Memory: Eto Yumei. A complete necromancer, he once served as a corpse recovery officer, specializing in manipulating corpses so that dead soldiers could continue to serve. She had a deep relationship with her husband and insisted on insuring him for 40 years with an insurance coverage of 4.8 billion yen. Later, he tried to assassinate him and defraud him of the insurance, and he was imprisoned]

"Yes." Yumei Eto said briefly. She was already 62 years old and had more than 200 years to live as a witch. She didn't feel that prison life was any torture.

It is the most difficult to transform such a witch. Yume Eto already has her own world view and will not accept anything else.

"Line up and get the tools." Zhang Su asked them to hold hoes, shovels and shovels respectively to perform different field work.

As the warden, the first thing Zhang Su has to do is to let them work hard and reform through work and discipline.

Many of them are suffering, deviant, and unruly, and labor can make them feel fulfilled and not let their thoughts wander.

Zhang Su himself also picked up a hoe and taught them how to cultivate the land.

He squinted his eyes, facing the bright summer day, and took a deep breath.

The smell of earth made him feel friendly. In the land planted by Yoshio Akazawa and Xiaofeng, beans and wheat are growing, and everything is green.

"Let's start." Zhang Su began to demonstrate farming.

The witches fanned out across the fields, reluctantly wielding farm tools and cutting away grass roots.

Zhang Su smashed the hardened soil with a hoe, which was very easy for him, but the witches were not physically fit enough and always struggled.

Therefore, although Zhang Su is very powerful, he mainly shows his skill.

"Look, farming is easier this way." Zhang Su guided them in farm work.

Although they lack experience, Zhang Su's movements are scientific and very efficient. As long as they learn to imitate a little, they can gradually master the rhythm.

The weather was very hot, so Zhang Su planned to let them work until 10:30 and take a break, and then continue working after 3 pm to avoid the sun's strongest hour.

"...Plow from here to the end of there, follow the traces of the field ridges, here." Yumei Eto gave the order simply, she always looked absent-minded.

Although she is over 60 years old, the witch's youthful appearance is always present, so she does not look ugly.


"So tired..."

"It's so heavy..." The witches sighed as they worked. Some of them had never been exposed to heavy physical labor before being imprisoned. They believed that bread and grain grew automatically from the supermarket shelves. They didn't expect that they could use it for themselves. Hand farming.

After the hard soil softened, Zhang Su guided them to sow seeds of various melons, vegetables, fruits, and beans. This sunny hillside was full of potential.

By about 10:30 in the morning, the progress was very stable. Zhang Su stopped and wiped his sweat. Farming was also an exercise in luck for him. He felt that his Qi had increased from the previous 20 to about 25.

Every time he cultivated, he transferred a certain amount of Qi into the earth through the hoe, so the soil was immediately broken and chaotic, and the originally hard wasteland was quickly reclaimed into soft soil.

The qi was transmitted through the hoe he had many times, and as a result, it would break down soon, but Zhang Su also gained some experience in transmitting qi through this.

When the time comes to rely on these instruments, you will reach a pure state where nothing can harm others.

"It's time to rest. Let's go back." Zhang Su checked the time on his phone. The witches let out a burst of relieved cheers, quickly put the farm tools back at the entrance of the farm, and then hurried back to the prison area.

When they were lying in prison last night, many of them hated prison, but now that they have the opportunity to go back, they are extremely excited.

Although some people were so excited that they threw their farm tools to the ground, Zhang Su did not scold them, but went to put them away himself. They have suffered enough today, there is no need for Zhang Su to teach them any more.

Zhang Su looked at the fields.

Now nearly 10 acres of land have been initially cultivated, and some seeds have been sown. In time, they will bear fruit.

They all have a lot to learn, and if they can remain careful and patient, this farm will become a major food producer in the future.

"Thank you for organizing everyone." Zhang Su brought a bottle of water to Wei Teng Mengmei.

"Thank you, Lord Warden." Yumei Eto took the water, and there was a strange sense of calm in her words, as if nothing could interest her anymore.

She still looks like a petite woman, with pale skin without any signs of aging, and black hair hanging loosely on her shoulders. Her eyes gave people the feeling of being accustomed to reading people's hearts. When she stared at him, Zhang Su had the illusion of being seen through his soul.

"Anxinyuan is a peaceful place. I hope you can live a good life here and strive for a reduced sentence." Zhang Su said.

"I am serving a life sentence. It is already difficult for me to commute my sentence." Yumei Eto said calmly, her words unexpectedly low and melodious.

"It is said that the witch in the path of the dead can talk to the dead." Zhang Su chatted.

"Yes, this is one of my many powers." Yumei Eto said slowly, "I hope I have the opportunity to show it to you."

"I'm looking forward to it." Zhang Su felt that her magic power might be of great use on certain occasions in the future.

Eito Yumei walked away, leaving a faint smell of potion in the place, like the smell of antiseptic medicine, which made people feel sick.

He stayed away from this atmosphere and went to see Animal Farm.

Compared to the much older Yumei Eto, Zhang Su is still used to witches who are younger in real age, such as Sayuri who is currently working on the farm.

Zhang Su walked towards the animal enclosure under the west wall, his boots squeaking on the gravel road. He felt that his shoes were somewhat damaged after these days of experience, and he needed to buy a new set of clothes.

The midday sun shines through the towering pine trees on the chicken coops and cowsheds, and the rosin mixes with the stench of manure.

Sayuri let the smell of the fields calm her hunger, and she ran her hand over the belly of the Holstein cow, wondering why it kept gurgling.

She put a licking brick for Xiaohua, which was made of salt. The cow could lick it to supplement its nutrition. Then she walked through the rows of animal sheds and fed the chickens.

"Cuckoo quack..." A chicken suspected that Zhang Su killed one of their good brothers yesterday to feed her blood, raised its wings and pointed at Sayuri.

"Cuckoo!" These chickens were angry and hurriedly flew over and started chasing Sayuri.

"Ah - how annoying!" Sayuri quickly waved her hands, punched and kicked, trying to drive away these chickens.

A brutal chase suddenly broke out here!

"There are monsters bullying people!" Xia Xi was raising green caterpillars in the back, and quickly sent the green caterpillars over, "Come on, green caterpillars, destroy those fire chicks!"

The green caterpillar came on, and the rooster used pecking, and the effect was outstanding! The green caterpillar was pecked to death.

"Ah! Xiaolu..." Natsuki fell to the ground, lost in thought.

"Are you okay? It's just an insect! Just catch it again! There are many strong insect types!" Seeing Natsuki's appearance, Sayuri quickly went up to help her.

When her hands touched, Natsuki felt that Sister Sayuri was very kind, so she released some magic power to warm her.

"It hurts!" Sayuri was shocked, "What kind of magic are you!"

"Sun!" Natsuki began to glow.

"Ah - stay away from me -" Sayuri shivered and hurriedly avoided Natsuki's running. Her pale blood-sucking body would be boiled by the magic of the sun!

"Oh! Big sister! Don't go!" Natsuki ran after Sayuri. She still had a lot of light to share with her, as much as she wanted.

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