Witch containment diary

Chapter 103 Sayuri’s Rescue

"Help!" Sayuri ran wildly, while Natsuki quickly chased after her.

"Don't run!" Natsuki opened her arms, "Just take a photo and you'll be fine!"

Her sunshine has warmed everyone in the hospital, and now it can also bring endless surprises to Sister Sayuri.

In a hurry, Sayuri saw a big pine tree.

It stands like a giant in the corner of Anxinyuan, with branches growing horizontally on both sides and densely covered with green pine leaves.

Yes, my legs are long, but my child’s legs are short, so I’m afraid he won’t be able to climb up!

Sayuri quickly jumped up the tree, grabbed the lower branches with both hands, put her feet against the bark of the tree, and used friction to push herself up.

But because I didn’t have much experience climbing trees, I ended up clinging to the bark of the tree like a giant beetle, unable to climb any higher!

"Found you!" Natsuki pointed at Sayuri.

Sayuri felt desperate, turned around and saw Natsuki, and felt lucky again.

Because Natsuki is a little one, although Sayuri only grabbed the first branch, she climbed to a place out of Natsuki's reach.

"You can't catch me!" Sayuri shouted, "I can't get up!"

"Oops!" Natsuki jumped hard, but she couldn't jump high enough. She couldn't even catch Sayuri's clothes. It would be nice if she could grow taller!

"Hmph..." Sayuri secretly rejoiced. Encouraged, she climbed up a little harder.

"Hey~" Natsuki raised her finger.

Sun rays!

Give sister Sayuri light and warmth!

A ray of scorching sunlight magic instantly hit Sayuri, and she screamed. Her whole body fell down like a piece of plastic board and fell to the ground, twitching endlessly.

"I have burned out and turned into snow-white ashes..." Sayuri passed away peacefully.

"Why, why is this like this!" Natsuki pushed Sayuri and found that she didn't move!

Xia Xi cried and ran to find Zhang Su.

When she saw the teacher who was much taller than the others, she rushed over and hugged Zhang Su's thigh. With tears in her eyes, she raised her head and shouted to him: "Sister Sayuri is dead!"

"There is such a thing!" Zhang Su was puzzled, "What happened?"

"I took a photo of Sister Sayuri..." Natsuki was so scared that she didn't understand why someone would be hurt by the warm light.

"It's okay, I'll go take a look." Zhang Su picked up Xia Xi.

Xia Xi looked small in Zhang Su's hands, stretching one hand forward to show him the way.

Zhang Su came to check under the pine tree. Sayuri put her hands on her heart and left everyone with a calm expression.

He investigated the situation for a while, and then summoned the medical robot Bai Jue.

Bai Jue came from the medical cubicle. It buzzed and stretched out its mechanical arm. The tubes were all black, just like an octopus using its tentacles to catch prey. He almost entangled Sayuri and held up her head with one hand. , and filled her mouth with a plasma bag with the other hand.

"Is this blood?" Natsuki was in shock, staring at the dark red liquid flowing in the transparent plastic bag.

"That's right." Zhang Su knelt down on one knee, "Sayuri is a blood channel. You don't need to eat, but you have to drink blood to stay alive."

Sayuri's body was originally black and gray due to Natsuki's sunshine, but after drinking the blood, the super self-healing power of the blood pathway came into play, and her skin healed quickly, and the new skin was still smooth and pale.

"Blood! Fresh blood-" Sayuri opened her eyes and sat up straight, like a ruler.

"Alive!" Xia Xi's eyes lit up.

Sayuri smelled the smell and immediately turned towards the other spare plasma bag Bai Jue was holding.

Zhang Su pushed Sayuri back with one hand.

"I want to drink blood——!" Sayuri went crazy.

"Xia Xi, shoot her again." Zhang Su turned around.

"Hi!" Natsuki rubbed the sunshine ball with both hands.

Sayuri quickly lay down.

"In ancient times, witches of the blood path were nocturnal. This gene continues to this day, making blood witches afraid of the sun. Natsuki, your sunlight magic is hotter and more powerful than ordinary sunlight. For Sayuri, It's very dangerous." Zhang Su said softly.

"Yes, I'm sorry!" Natsuki quickly apologized to Sayuri.

"It doesn't matter." Sayuri waved her hand, not wanting to argue with the brat.

"Then, give me a hug~" Natsuki stretched out her hands to Sayuri.

Hum hum, it fell into my hands! Sayuri picked up Natsuki roughly and put her arms through Natsuki's ribs, like a torture device.

"Suffocating-" Natsuki struggled.

"You should be like this, holding your back with one hand and supporting your bottom with the other." Zhang Su gestured.

Sayuri had no idea what to do, Natsuki stepped on Sayuri's body, but couldn't find a suitable foothold. In the end, he wrapped his arms around her neck and hung on her body.

"Are you from New Tokyo?" Natsuki asked.

"Yes." Sayuri grew up in the bustling streets of New Tokyo, suppressing her thirst for blood among the crowd.

"Wow..." Xia Xi felt very amazing.

New Tokyo!

A very magical and huge city in the distance, with endless good things, and the great Sayuri actually came from that place.

"It's amazing." Sayuri raised her head.

"Is New Tokyo big?" Natsuki asked curiously.

"It's not as interesting as here." Sayuri said.

"There must be more entertainment activities in the city." Zhang Su disagreed.

"It's just eating, shopping, spending money, etc. It's boring as hell. You have to ask for money from your family. It's not as comfortable as being in prison. Besides, when you work in the countryside and are unfamiliar with people, it doesn't matter if you eat someone secretly." Sayuri felt that prison Life is very strange.

"Eat people!" Natsuki was shocked, "Don't eat children!"

"She was joking, she just drank a little blood, just like the vampire witch anime played on the TV." Zhang Su comforted Xia Xi.

"Ah..." Natsuki touched her neck worriedly. She had the material for her nightmare tonight.

Sayuri raised the corners of her lips and couldn't help but smile.

She looked at the rolling, lush mountains in the distance and felt extraordinarily calm, and even the sunlight was no longer so anxious.

"Here, I'll pay tribute to you! Don't eat me!" Natsuki was in awe of Sayuri, so she decided to give Sayuri the Ansuan Kaguo picked by Little Bee.

"Feed me." Sayuri opened her mouth.

Natsuki stuffed it in, and Sayuri took a bite. A pair of blood-sucking fangs made four obvious notches on the fruit.

The sweet juice dances on the tip of the tongue, mixing the sweetness of apple and the soft taste of mango.

Sayuri suddenly felt that her magic power had developed and was extremely strong. It seemed to be a great fruit!

She liked it very much and ate it all in one go.

"Not bad." Sayuri was very satisfied.

"I love eating too." Xia Xi also gnawed on a piece of fruit.

Golden juice flowed from her mouth, and Natsuki felt that her magic power was growing with the sunshine every day. This midsummer might be a good opportunity for her to grow from a childhood witch to a growth witch.

In a good mood, Sayuri returned to the small animal farm and pointed at one of the chickens.

"It was that chicken that killed your little green!" Sayuri said righteously.

"Cuckoo!" The rooster stepped forward with one foot, and the other 40 hens and the newly hatched chicks were waiting.

"A chicken was killed for you yesterday, and it cannot die again today. And you are here to raise chickens, not to kill them." Zhang Su stood on the edge of the fence.

"But Xiaolu died in the battle, what should we do?" Xia Xi was puzzled.

"Let's raise another one." Zhang Su said.

"No, no—I want that little green—! Little green was killed by the fire chicken...little green would have turned into a big butterfly!" Natsuki whimpered.

No, it's a child throwing a tantrum! Sayuri looked up at Zhang Su. If not handled properly, it will leave a lifelong shadow on the child!

Zhang Su was thoughtful.

"Did you discover that the little green one was a green caterpillar by watching a cartoon?" Zhang Su asked.

"Yeah! Yeah! It looks exactly like a green caterpillar." Natsuki nodded vigorously.

"But the hidden characteristic of the green caterpillar is to escape. When it encountered an enemy, it rushed forward and was finally defeated. This means that it is not a real green caterpillar! It shows that you still have to find the real green caterpillar." Zhang Su said seriously Talking nonsense.

"Oh - so that's not a green caterpillar, it's an ordinary caterpillar!" Natsuki thought thoughtfully.

"Go, brave insect trainer." Zhang Su sent Xia Xi away.

She jumped up and down and went back to find the insect net.

Sayuri breathed a sigh of relief.

"Children are so fooled," said Sayuri.

"You should grow up quickly." Zhang Su said.

"Hmph..." Sayuri held a bag of chicken feed, stood in the shade, and threw a large handful of chicken feed into the distance.

The life of a chicken is so simple.

Sayuri stared at the empty space within the fence. Chickens can live with just some feed and water, and she feels that the life of humans and witches is much more painful than that of animals.

"Cuckoo, quack, quack." The rooster heard what Zhang Su said just now, and confirmed his guess that the brother did die trying to fatten Sayuri yesterday, so he called for everyone to go on a hunger strike to protest.


"Cuckoo!" They all agree that the chickens' hymn is a hymn of courage!

So to Sayuri's surprise, the chickens didn't rush over to peck at them.

"Eat! Why don't they eat?" Sayuri was anxious.

"You can't force it. What is your job in New Tokyo?" Zhang Su asked.

"I work the night shift at a convenience store. The person I was going to attack was also a bachelor who came to buy a discount lunch box. I almost ate him." Sayuri showed her sharp teeth.

"You can learn how to work on a farm and then go to work in the countryside." Zhang Su instructed her how to milk Xiaohua.

"Moo Moo?" Xiaohua turned to look at the chickens.

"Cuckoo, cuckoo." The rooster made the little flower swear to die.

"Moo moo." Xiao Hua felt that Sayuri was a material that could be made, which reassured the roosters.

Sayuri took a stool and sat down, and Zhang Su gave her an iron bucket.

"Quick, what should I do?" Sayuri was eager to try.

"First pat the little flowers to calm your emotions, wash your hands with disinfectant, and then squeeze them slowly. Soon, you will get used to it." Zhang Su said.

Sayuri touched Xiaohua's fur. It was so hot. The animal's body temperature was so high that it felt like touching a huge stove.

She dug deeper and deeper.

"Hey, isn't this the same as p()hub's?" Sayuri smiled.

Xiaohua shook her head and knocked her away.

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