Witch containment diary

Chapter 104 Get the hat from the dragon's mouth

"Ah - such fresh pain -" Sayuri rolled on the ground, and Zhang Su pulled her up.

"Moo!" Xiaohua was hurt, so she was very angry.

Zhang Su went to pat the little flower to calm it down. It then turned its head and reluctantly allowed Sayuri to approach again.

"You have to apologize to it." Zhang Su said.

"Yes, yes, I'm very sorry." Sayuri clasped her hands together and bowed to Xiaohua.

Zhang Su asked her to sit next to Xiaohua. Xiaoli pinched her here and there, and the fragrant milk with dense foam and perfect quality poured into the iron bucket.

"So tired..." Sayuri complained.

"It takes 5 or 6 minutes each time." Zhang Su said.

"Xiaohua? Are you okay now?" Sayuri looked at Xiaohua's opinion.

Cow Little Flower swayed its ears and let out a moo. It seemed that Sayuri didn't press it properly, so it walked away. But Sayuri was happy.

"Look, look, I did it!" Sayuri proudly lifted the iron bucket and showed it to Zhang Su. Two-thirds of it was filled with milk.

"Send it to the kitchen, you might get it for lunch." Zhang Su observed Sayuri carefully.

There was a bright smile on her face, and she looked particularly innocent at this time.

"Let me taste it first." Sayuri put a little milk in her mouth with her index finger, "Hmm~ It's so sweet~"

"Are you also afraid of the sun at home?" Zhang Su took her to the kitchen.

"Our whole family lives in the basement, and I sleep in the coffin." Sayuri patted the dust on her clothes.

"If you can only go out at night, how can you go to school?" Zhang Su asked.

"Isn't it just a convenience store or a security guard after school? I'm very smart, so I don't need to study. I go directly to the convenience store to work. I practice catching people at night. If I meet a strong man like that, I take it home as a long-term meal ticket. , when asked by the Countermeasures Bureau, they said they were husband and wife, just like my mother." Sayuri disagreed.

"I feel like your dad is in a bad situation..." Zhang Su was helpless.

It turns out that she never went to school, which seems to explain Sayuri's beauty that is untainted by knowledge.

"I am the creature of true love." Sayuri said confidently.

"In short, Mrs. Reina and I will take turns teaching. If you are interested, you can come and listen. There are many textbooks." Zhang Su said briefly.

"Ah...!" Sayuri said lazily, "I don't have to take exams, so I might as well feed the animals. Dealing with people is so annoying."

"If you want to try another way of life, come to me at any time." Zhang Su said.

"Oh~" Sayuri said listlessly.

She knew very well that the best way for a vampire witch to live was to stay alone and occasionally get some blood.

Time flies and the sun sets.

After Natsuki finished dinner, she jumped around on the playground and felt the wonderful light of the sunset on her body.

After a busy day, there are new green caterpillars in her insect net. Given time, they will emerge from their cocoons and become butterflies.

She stopped, looked up at the sun, and suddenly thought that although the sun was setting now, after sunrise tomorrow, Sister Sayuri would still be illuminated by the sun, looking pale and depressed.

If only there was a way to protect Sayuri...

Inspiration struck, and Natsuki gasped in excitement at her thoughts.

Let’s get Sayuri a beautiful big hat! In this way, Sayuri will no longer be afraid of the sun.

Excitement arose spontaneously, and Natsuki couldn't wait to return to the school building.

The children gathered here, and Reio groomed Yuori's kitten.

"Meow!" Yuanzhi meowed suddenly, spit out a fur ball, and then his body grew bigger, startling Reio.

"I've changed back!" Hayho shouted, "I knew this day would come!"

Everyone was happy and Yuori transformed back into a human form on the tatami!

"H-Hello everyone..." Yuanzhi was nervous. She couldn't remember what she did after turning into an animal.

"I finally changed back. Come on, get dressed quickly." Komurohua fumbled to change Yuanori's clothes.

"Qing Yuanzhi, there is no problem. Next is this child with eyes full of excitement and joy." Saho sat cross-legged on the ground and turned to look at Natsuki seriously, "If you have anything to do, report it in the morning. If you don't have anything else, go ahead."

Natsuki eagerly jumped among them.

"Listen, everyone, I have the best idea." She explained her plan to make a hat for Sayuri, but she was so excited that her words were incoherent.

"You are so thoughtful. Have you ever thought about how much time and effort it will take? And do we have any fabric? Money?" Reio smiled and poured cold water on it.

"Who is Sayuri? You seem to have some impression?" Yuanzhi forgot what he encountered when he was a kitten.

"I reject Xia Xiqing's proposal. Why waste time on that strange vampire girl? She is not our friend, and she does not study with us." Saho disagreed.

"But she is a very powerful person, she is... my friend." Natsuki couldn't explain clearly.

"I'm your friend, not everyone's friend. Find your own way." Saho pushed Natsuki away.

"I will find the hat." Natsuki feels like she can do it by herself!

She put the insect net back in her cabinet and walked outside.

"I'll go with you! Natsuki!" Murohua followed Natsuki, and the dog Pepper guided Murohua.

"Well! Komurohua, come with me!" Natsuki held Murohua's hand and went downstairs.

"Will the teacher give us hats?" Shihua asked.

"There might be hats in the warehouse. The things the teacher bought are all in the newly built warehouse." Natsuki was very optimistic.

Arriving at the large stone warehouse of Anshinin, Natsuki put his whole body weight on the door and pushed it open.

The inside had been enlarged, full of shelves, very deep, and several rooms deep.

Natsuki swallowed, she felt like this warehouse was like the unfathomable stomach of a monster.

A strong smell of alcohol wafted out of it.

"What? What's inside?" Xia Xi looked around, unable to see the end left or right.

Although I tried hard to be brave, once I got close to the warehouse, all my nightmares and fears seemed to come true.

"There is a monster...the monster is coming!" Murohua listened, feeling scared.

Pepper was so frightened that she whimpered.

Heavy footsteps approached.

"Ouch!" Katie recovered her dragon form and staggered out of the depths of the warehouse. She looked down at Natsuki, Murohua and the puppy.

Jet black dragon!

"Monster! Monster!" Natsuki was so scared that she hugged Shihua tightly. She had never seen Cady transform into a dragon.

"You...want...what?" Katie's voice was hoarse and looked particularly scary.

"Ha-hat-hat-hat-" Natsuki stammered.

A muffled grunt came from the back of Katie's throat.

She celebrated with wine. She had been drinking here for who knows how many hours. The wine made her eyes bloodshot and she felt nauseated. She hoped that she would not spit out the witch's egg. It should come out from the other direction. .

The hat, the hat was somewhere... Katie couldn't remember.

She was about to take them inside, so Katie craned her neck towards them.

Natsuki was scared to death.

"Coming!" Natsuki shouted.

"Run!" Murohua quickly let Natsuki slip away.

"I won't leave you!" Natsuki shined sunlight on Katie, but she was not afraid.

"I'll eat both of them the same...!" Katie opened her big mouth, picked up Shihua and Xia Xiga, then turned around and crawled towards the warehouse.

Pepper barked, unwilling to give up her little master. She swooped from behind and grabbed the tip of Katie's swaying tail.

Shihua sniffed the scent of the dragon carefully.

"Yes, it's Katie... Natsuki, it's Katie, we are safe." Murohua comforted.

"What if it eats Katie?" Natsuki yelled.

"Woo..." Shi Hua was frightened and cried instantly.

With two children in her mouth, Katie strode across several rooms and strolled along the aisles between the shelves. Every step caused the warehouse to shake slightly.

On both sides are rows of towering shelves, made of alloy pipes and mesh fences. They are arranged in an orderly manner and have everything you need.

When she reached the depths of the warehouse, she suddenly felt dizzy and nauseated. She lowered her head and put them on the ground before she vomited.

Katie growled lowly, then curled up on the ground, wrapped her tail around herself, and enjoyed the drunken feeling.

"I survived...! Seize the opportunity and run away!" Natsuki pulled Murohua away.

"Woof woof!" Pepper jumped back and surrounded Shihua's feet.

"Puppy, hat!" Murohua calmly pointed his fingers around.

Pepper looked around for a moment, and then took them to one of the shelves in the warehouse. There were several hats of different styles piled inside. Many of them were given to the witches who were farming, and some sun hats and straw hats were left behind.

"This is good." Natsuki took off a fashionable big straw hat.

Natsuki put it on herself and completely covered her eyes. Only then did she understand how Shihua usually felt. She vowed to take Shihua with her in the future.

"Have you found it?" Shihua fumbled.

"Found it! Dog, take us and run!" Natsuki held Murohua's hand.

Pepper glanced back at the giant dragon Katie, and quickly fled to the warehouse in three steps and two steps at a time, followed closely by Murohua and Natsuki.

Coming outside, Natsuki wiped away the cold sweat.

"If that dragon really eats Sister Katie, I will fight it." Natsuki clenched her fists.

"Maybe Sister Kati can turn into a dragon, just like Yuori can turn into a kitten. There must be similar characteristics." Murohua thought.

"When I saw that silly kitten, I knew she was Yuan Zhi, and the dragon was swaying when walking and stumbling when talking. It really might have been Sister Katie. In that case, we have to keep it a secret." Natsuki felt a little relieved when she thought of this.

Besides, Sister Katie is invincible and will not be eaten by the dragon!

The next day.

Sayuri was feeding small animals outside in the sunshine, and Natsuki and Murohua came nearby hand in hand.

"Are you afraid of the sun?" Natsuki asked Sayuri.

"You ask questions knowingly, but be careful I suck your blood." Sayuri opened her fangs.

"Then why don't you work at night?" Shihua raised his hand and felt the sunlight with his palm.

"...I would like chickens and cows to learn to stay in bed during the day and come out at night, but they are active during the day and rest at night, unlike me." Sayuri threw feed into the chicken pen.

The chickens were all staring at the feed.

"Cuckoo." The rooster told everyone to hold on.

Sayuri is the culprit who killed her good brother, we cannot let this bloodthirsty monster do whatever he wants!

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