Witch containment diary

Chapter 105 Sacrifice to the Authentic Bodhisattva

"Cluck, cluck..." But other chickens think that it is a small matter to be disobedient, but a serious matter to starve to death.

Some chickens have succumbed to the temptation of feeding rice and lowered their heads!

"Cuckoo!" Another rooster called on everyone to eat rice.

Anyway, they are already chickens in the farm. They will either turn into fried chicken wings or stewed chicken soup. This is their fate!

"Oh oh oh!" the rooster said angrily.

There is no change without bloodshed. In order to awaken the chickens, it decided to fight to the death.

It jumped hard at Sayuri, preparing to attack her.

The wings vibrated fiercely, the sharp claws whirled, and he took Sayuri's head directly!

"Ah -" Sayuri shivered when she saw a rooster flying towards her.

"Woof woof!" Pepper jumped up and caught the rooster.

After several tears, the rooster's struggle came to an end, leaving only a few feathers to prove its existence.

"It's so close, so close..." Sayuri breathed a sigh of relief.

Little did she know that a little yellow chicken was staring at her, its eyes full of anger, and its young body contained the willpower to shake the fate of the chicken farm.

"Besides feeding chickens, does Sister Sayuri have any dreams?" Natsuki asked.

"Of course I hope it will be evening soon." Sayuri said casually with lingering fear.

"Sister Sayuri, squat down!" Natsuki said.

"Huh?" Sayuri didn't understand, but she still squatted down and tried.

"It's tonight~" Natsuki took out the hat, put it on Sayuri's head, and covered her.

"Hat!" Sayuri was shocked.

"This is a gift for you to be able to work during the day!" Natsuki raised her head and said.

"Is this...is this for me?" Sayuri blinked in surprise, took off her hat, and looked at the beautiful hat in front of her.

"Of course! We risked our lives to get it." Natsuki put her hands on her hips.

Sayuri stroked the slender material of the hat. It was sewn but very protective from the sun. She knew that children of this age would exaggerate, but they had obviously tried hard.

She felt amazing that the children here did not regard her as a vampire, but as a friend. This thought made Sayuri want to cry.

In fact, it has nothing to do with work and rest. She dropped out to work after being spread rumors and insults by her classmates at school.

Fortunately, she had a straw hat. She raised her head and put the hat on to block out the sun. She felt much better and was more energetic in doing things.

"So beautiful!" Natsuki was very happy and hugged Sayuri happily.

"Little brat..." Sayuri rubbed Natsuki's hair. The straw hat was the first gift she received in her life.

"Natsuki, we are going to class." Muroka smelled Mrs. Reina's breath approaching the school building.

"Let's go! Sister Sayuri." Natsuki said goodbye to Sayuri reluctantly.

"Wait a minute -" Sayuri waved her hand, "I'll go to class later. I'm afraid I don't know as many words as you do now, but we can study together."

"Okay!" Natsuki shouted as she walked and twirled her body.

Sayuri cleans the chicken shed and finally throws the feed into the chicken farm.

"Eat it or not, chickens, you're all going to be in the pot anyway." She turned and left.

From then on, Sayuri also studied with everyone.

When people ask her in the future, she will say that she also went to school.

It was time for the monthly Red Flame Sacrifice, and Lian Wu approached the Bodhisattva Seat in the Anyuan Garden.

She held a large bouquet of flowers in her arms, and the fragrance of flowers overflowed. Lianwu had been choosing flowers these past few days, hoping that these flowers could convey her feelings.

Lianwu piled the candies, fruits and flowers on the ground, then began to clap her hands to summon Lord Hongyan.

Zhang Su looked on from the side.

Renwu seems to be getting more and more accustomed to the duties of a miko, it has become a part of her life.

"Whoosh, appear!" A small red flame appeared from the crack.

She got out of it. The Red Flame Bodhisattva was 1.3 meters tall. She was wearing a white skirt and her hair was tied with a red rope.

Hongyan is a little famous in this place. It is said that many years ago, many monks from Gozen Town and even Echigo came to worship Hongyan. However, since Hongyan started digging tunnels, the incense has been cut off.

She sat on the bluestone and stretched out her hand to ask for the offering.

"~" Lianwu offered candy to Lord Hongyan with both hands.

Hongyan chewed the candy contentedly. She tucked one white foot under the other leg and swayed.

"~" Lianwu presented flowers.

"This is what the Bodhisattva does every day when he wakes up. He accepts tributes, no more!" Hong Yan reached out and used her strange telekinesis to guide the bouquet.

They separate in the air and then return to the cracks, decorating her 10-meter-wide tunnel.

"It's very uncomfortable in the tunnel. Why don't you live in Anxinyuan?" Zhang Su asked.

"Nonsense, the tunnel is my little world, and this world is about to be destroyed by demons!" Hong Yan began to intimidate himself, imagining terrible scenes, "Uh, so scary!"

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid..." Zhang Su comforted Hongyan to prevent her from running back into the crack in advance.

"It looks very prosperous here." Hong Yan looked at the increasingly prosperous garden.

Little bees cultivate flowers and fruits around them. Thanks to the blessing of the red flame, all fruits grow at more than 10 times the normal rate and can be harvested every month.

Zhang Su speculates that the characteristic of the Ascended Witch is that she gains power through sacrifices, and her powers are flexible and changeable, depending on the will of the believer. The ancients believed that Hongyan was an expert in building, building, and cultivating plants, so she was also proficient in these areas.

"The pond is full. We plan to buy some fry and put them in." Zhang Su said.

"My power is bound to An Yuan. I can feel that this place is becoming more and more lively day by day. There are so many new witches here in the past two days, and they are all working hard. It feels really different. Come and touch your head. "Hongyan is very satisfied with Zhang Su's achievements.

"Touch your head?" Zhang Su was puzzled.

"Come on, come on." Hongyan stood on the green rock and stood on tiptoe with her bare feet.

Zhang Su had to squat down, very low.

"Yeah, touch your head..." Hong Yan stroked Zhang Su's hair, once, twice, three times.

A light and comfortable feeling spread throughout Zhang Su's body, and he felt healthier and more energetic than ever before.

"What, what is this...?" Zhang Su felt that the vitality in his body became more vigorous.

"I have added 10 years to your life. Mortals, you must continue to work hard in the future." Hong Yanzhi said proudly.

"Thank you, Lord Hongyan." Zhang Su's heart moved. Hongyan's ability is indeed an enlightenment for mortals, and it can easily increase his life by 10 years.

Her abilities far exceeded her childish appearance. Zhang Su guessed that Hong Yan was a witch who had ascended to the throne at least 6 or 7 times, otherwise it would be difficult to perform such a miracle.

Lian Wu was shocked.

Why did Hongyan touch it like this?

She poked Zhang Su's lung tube again. Why did he accept it so honestly?

"!" Lian Wu also reached out and touched Zhang Su's head, then turned to look at Hong Yan with slight dissatisfaction.

Hong Yan didn't notice Lian Wu's thoughts.

"Okay, let's dig the tunnel." Hongyan finished enjoying the fun in the world and returned to the crack.

Zhang Su turned around and saw that Miss Lianwu was already unhappy.

"Sorry, Miss Lianwu." Zhang Su said hurriedly.

"!" Lianwu pushed Zhang Su hard, and Zhang Su also retreated to the edge of the grass.

"This is a blessing from Master Hongyan, I'm really embarrassed to shirk it." Zhang Su tried to figure out Lian Wu's thoughts.

"!" Lianwu didn't know why she suddenly felt uncomfortable.

The biggest problem is...

She saw Hongyan taking care of Zhang Su so closely!

Although Lord Hongyan is a god, but it is too much.

"Is it because of the closeness?" Zhang Su asked.

"!" Lian Wu nodded.

"Then if I say that I am willing to get closer to Miss Lianwu, wouldn't it prove my intention?" Zhang Su said.

"?" Lianwu didn't understand what it meant to be closer.

"This... I understand it naturally." Zhang Su said.

Lianwu thought it was reasonable.

Since she felt that Hong Yan was "closer" by doing that, and as long as she was "closer", she could defeat Hong Yan.

She dusted off the dust on Zhang Su's clothes and held Zhang Su's hand. She felt much better. This must be the closeness.

"~~~~" When Lianwu did these things, she felt a joy from the bottom of her heart.

She didn't know why, but she felt very, very happy.

Lian Wu finally hugged Zhang Su and put her head close to Zhang Su's chest.

Until she felt that she had enough "closeness" today, at least far more than Hongyan, then Lianwu walked away satisfied and relaxed. The movements are brisk, almost jumping in small steps.

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