Witch containment diary

Chapter 107 Airborne into a House

Dongmei's face turned red.

The materials were good, and they were all kinds of obsidian weapons captured by Zhang Su on the front line. They were naturally good materials for making knives. She was lucky and only broke them once, so she had such a sharp blade.

Dongmei doesn't think it's because of her skill. She doesn't even have the transmutation water necessary to cast a witch, so how can she be qualified to name a weapon?

Her eyes glanced at the knife.

Its curved blade has flowing swirling black lines, just like the famous wootz steel!

This is commonly known as "sword muscle" in Dongming Kingdom. It is actually different grades of obsidian forged together to form a forged pattern.

She was scared from the bottom of her heart when she thought that her ugly and tacky name "Dongmei" would be used to pollute this flawless blade.

"Hey - wait." Dongmei waved her hands repeatedly, "This is for powerful people, right? Who is it for?"

"You should be proud, Tomei! This is extraordinary craftsmanship. It will go down in history in the future, and then everyone will know that there is a craftsman named 'Tomi' in this era. Ichimon Norimune, Muramasa, Bizen captain Hikari, Nagaso Yakotetsu, Mikazuki Munechika...aren't the swords named after the craftsmen?" Zhang Su strongly recommended.

"No way! My little Dongmei's name is not impressive at all..." Dongmei waved her hand.

"It's better to let the person who uses the knife taste it." Zhang Su turned sideways, "Shui Li?"

Ninja Shui Li appeared in front of Zhang Su and knelt down on one knee. Zhang Su asked her to get up.

"This is your knife." Zhang Su pointed at the knife.

"Hello, this is the first time we meet. My name is Shui Li." Shui Li asked Dongmei for a knife.

"Yes, yes, my name is Dongmei." Dongmei handed the knife to Shuili with both hands.

Observing carefully, Shuili was wearing a synthetic fiber ninja suit from head to toe, with a mask covering the lower half of her face, and her eyes were blue and shimmering, mysterious.

My sword is actually going to be used by a ninja! This idea excited Dongmei.

Ninjas are all cool and powerful, just like the "Seven Shadows" in the underground dark zone of New Tokyo, they can kill people invisible.

Shui Li held the knife in both hands and swung it horizontally in the air, making a tearing sound.

"This knife has incredible balance." She tested the knife's various functions.

Shui Li's original sword was bought from a second-hand store when it was on sale, and it immediately pales in comparison to this black sword.

Dongmei listened with fear, feeling even more nervous than when she was making the knife. Shui Li's voice was extremely cold and impartial, without the tone of excitement or admiration that Dong Mei longed for.

"Dongmei is too humble and doesn't want to leave her name on the sword. Then it can only be called the best tempered, hard, high-quality, heavy obsidian ninja sword." Zhang Su said.

"It's too unpleasant!" Dongmei didn't want to.

"Then, you should label it as your own work. This is the best ninja sword I can think of." Shuili's sharp eyes fell on Dongmei, making her shiver.

"I..." Dongmei was timid.

"Flawless material, elegant curvature, and sharp edges. This is a masterpiece. It is an honor to wield it. Please be sure to name it after you. From now on, I will take it across mountains of corpses and seas of blood to cast The sword master will also become famous all over the world." Shui Li turned the sword around and moved the handle to Dongmei.

Listening to Shuili's words, Dongmei's cheeks suddenly heated up.

A mixture of nervousness and pride arose in her heart. Now that Shui Li affirmed her, Dong Mei was no longer afraid. However, she didn't expect that this day would happen to Dong Mei who was a dirty part-time worker.

She took the knife back with trembling hands.

Looking at the blade in her hand, Dongmei thought to herself that she had spent all her efforts to forge this knife and poured magic into its birth. The name of the swordsmith should be passed along with the knife.

She injected the last casting magic, etched marks on the back of the knife near the tangent, and gave the knife a name.

"I come from the rural area of ​​Fukkei Town. From now on, this sword will be called 'Fukkei Tomei Yaokage'." Tomei carefully carved the name of the sword, which was meticulous and clearly identifiable.

"[Fujing Dongmei Yaoying], what a good name... I'll take it, thank you." Shui Li asked for the knife again.

Dongmei held a sword in each hand, bowed and gave it to Shuili, which was quite ceremonial.

Shuili held the knife and thanked her again, then disappeared in an instant, as if she had never been there.

Dongmei breathed a sigh of relief, she finally felt like she was somewhat useful.

"This is your reward." Zhang Su counted 400,000 yen to Dongmei.

"Such a lot of money! It's still settled in cash!" Dongmei was shocked.

"This money can help you start over in the outside world in the future. You are very talented and will not be unemployed." Zhang Su said.

"Go outside... might as well stay here." Dongmei smiled softly.

"It's not a good place here. There's still a lot of work to be done." Zhang Su looked at Anxinyuan, which was in ruins and waiting to be renovated.

"The thing I'm not afraid of the most is work." Dongmei is very motivated.

The next day, the foundation construction team sent by Sugisaki Studio arrived. They were going to prepare for the construction of the main building of Anxinyuan.

Near the school building, there is a relatively wide area of ​​land before reaching the farmland. The original building was damaged by wind and sun. Now the construction team measured the land, cleaned up the remains of the ancient building, and then began to lay the foundation.

On this land, Zhang Su plans to build the main building of Anxinyuan, which will also be the most important activity center of Anxinyuan in the future.

The casting witch Dongmei also came to help. People from the construction team heard that there was a casting witch in Anxinyuan, and they also left a box of high-performance polymers for her to use.

After forging the knife, Dongmei became more motivated and worked harder.

In Dongmei's hands, the polymer is quickly melted, deformed, and turned into a workpiece that meets the needs in the blink of an eye.

In this way, workers don’t have to worry about the factory parts not matching the actual conditions, as long as Dongmei hand rubs them, they can match the on-site requirements.

The hard-working staff worked in coordination. They drove excavators and tractors into the mountain gate, broke ground for the foundation, and sprayed polymeric materials into the hollows. The liquid quickly hardened into a smooth white platform.

As long as the foundation is laid, the building will be airdropped directly, seamlessly connected to the polymer foundation, and very strong.

"It's so advanced. It's indeed the technology of military units, which is very different from that of civilians." Dongmei clicked her tongue in surprise.

"After all, Anxinyuan may be attacked by demons in the future, so the construction quality must be improved to the highest level." Zhang Su said.

Although Dongmei was a witch prisoner, Zhang Su changed her into regular clothes in order to make Dongmei more decent.

Wearing a hard hat, reflective vest and overalls, she felt like a normal worker, mingling with the others and not looking like a prisoner at all.

Zhang Su is very happy that Dongmei can find her own value. She was depressed and restless when she was first imprisoned, but now she is full of energy.

"Does Anxinyuan have a badge or something?" Dongmei was very interested.

"There is a symbol of 'Anxinyuan', which is inlaid on the door. It is written in ancient Chinese script as Anxinyuan, and the family emblem of Anxinyuan is a curved moon pattern on a black background." Zhang Su said.

Dongmei was very serious and inspected it carefully. Then when she came back, she rubbed it with a polymer hand. The three characters were blended into a row, and the family emblem of Anxinyuan was on the back.

"It can be set on the cornerstone of the main building. When archaeologists dig it out in the future, they will know that this place was formerly called An'yuan." Dongmei's imagination has developed by leaps and bounds.

"If we are reduced to being archaeological, then the people who come to dig probably won't understand the actual meaning of these three words." Zhang Su said.

"It is said that the rooms you ordered are all empty. Why are the interiors not matching?" Dongmei asked.

"I have my own way." Zhang Su said mysteriously.

Immediately afterwards, four "White Bird" helicopters appeared in the sky. They were transporting houses commissioned by Sugisaki Studio to be built by the factory.

In this era, if you want to build quickly on rugged mountains, you need this kind of modular construction, otherwise transporting materials will be a hassle.

Modularity, rapid response, and airdrop are architectural concepts refined by humans in the war against demons.

Zhang Su had seen on the front line how the "Shenwu" robot pieced together giant defense buildings like building blocks.

Demons will not wait for humans to spend half a year or even ten years building a line of defense. Beauty demons can hear the news, phase demons can remove key structures, and trick demons can prepare evil spells.

What mankind needs is rapid construction, and the culmination of this concept is the modern architectural style in front of Zhang Su.

Falling from the sky!

Enori, Hayao and the others came closer, raised their heads and shouted in awe at the four giant helicopters in the sky.

They feel that there should not be anything shining brighter than the sun in the sky, and there should not be anything bigger than clouds. Now these helicopters have completely covered the sun, making the sunlight eclipsed, and what hangs under the belly of the helicopter is even more spectacular than the clouds.

"Building, they are putting down the building! If it doesn't rain, put down the house!" Natsuki raised her hand.

The helicopter projects onto the ground, dividing it into a dark green safety zone, a bright yellow sputtering zone, and a dark red danger zone.

Zhang Su asked the children to quickly retreat behind him and avoid the bright red marks on the ground. If they are crushed, they will be unable to save!

Soon, smooth prefabricated houses fell from the sky, and the huge components drifted downward. Under the control of the pilot and AI, they landed accurately and docked with the previously built foundation.

Thick steel cables lower the white building modules, and with a soft hiss from the hydraulic system, the module panels are lowered into place.

"What are you building!" Hayho yelled, "It's too big!"

"The house fell from the sky, I've only seen it on the news...!" Sayuri looked into the distance.

"Hug!" Xia Xi ran over.

Zhang Su picked her up. Xia Xi was a little afraid of such a huge building at first, so she felt more at ease when she was by Zhang Su's side.

The boxy modules were stacked and transported by helicopter. Sugisaki Studio hired 12 "White Birds". Transportation and fuel expenses accounted for 8% of the total construction cost.

After several rounds of transportation, the building took shape in front of them, giving Anxin Hospital endless potential for further expansion!

"~?" Lian Wu followed the sound and walked timidly to Zhang Su, holding his hand and pointing at the huge new building in front of him.

"Don't be afraid..." Zhang Su said softly, "This is our future."

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