Witch containment diary

Chapter 108 Yuehuayuan 2:00

Compared with the surrounding ancient Anxinyuan, the new building looks like a model of postmodernism embedded in the ancient building complex. The exterior wall is made up of smooth white polymer, like a large piece of plastic or an ice cube.

"Is this our new home? Is this our new home?" Hayho shouted.

"It is an activity center. All kinds of activities can be held here." Zhang Su introduced.

"Okay~" Xia Xi moved restlessly on Zhang Su's arm, already eager to jump in and play.

"White Bird" is now building the final layer

It puts the last large module down, leaving just a square unit space in the building. With a loud "click", the module secures itself to the entire frame.

The helicopter decoupled, as if a big bird had just let go of its prey under its talons, then it tilted its body and slowly left.

A large number of drones are floating around, waving their small robotic arms to weld the building into units and merge them into a whole for final maintenance work.

Watching the building in front of me being assembled piece by piece, it was like Zhang Su's wish was gradually pieced together.

This building will become the comprehensive center of Anxinyuan, and everyone will transition into a new state of life, breaking away from poverty, insecurity and fear, and entering true modernity.

Eventually, even the drones left, taking to the sky in single file like a flock of migrating birds.

"It's done!" everyone shouted one after another.

The blueprint previously provided by Sugisaki Studio has now become a reality. Anxinyuan's headquarters building stands in front of Zhang Su, with sharp edges and corners and majestic momentum.

The construction team members on the ground still have a lot to do, part of which is exterior decoration, and the other part is inspection to ensure that these modular empty rooms are fully integrated without leaving any space.

As a modern modular building, it is so luxurious that the construction team also renovated its exterior, built cornices and tiles on the top, built balconies and railings, and installed wooden decorations on the exterior of the building to make it look retro. , does not look out of place in Anxin Hospital.

In the next few days, Zhang Su and other children also joined in decorating the new house.

"Cut something to pray for." Komurohua took out the paper.

"You superstitious guy, you can't get your luck by asking for it." Hayho criticized.

"Because it's so precious, it's good to increase the chance of blessing a little bit." Komurohua knelt on the ground and fumbled to cut out a suitable pattern.

She was very good at cutting window grilles before she lost her sight, and now she is also sketching patterns in her heart, imagining the outline of happiness in the darkest nothingness.

"Let's cut together." Natsuki sat across from Shihua and learned to cut.

They weaved fiery red paper-cuts and several rolls of rope, cut them into window grilles and prayer rings, and neatly pasted them on the windows. Through the glass, they could see nothing inside, and they couldn't help but start to think about the future use of the empty rooms.

The original temple-shaped witch asylum was still too small. It was not until this building was built that Zhang Su felt the potential of An An Hospital to become a hub shelter in the future.

The space on the surface was exhausted in this way, and Zhang Su wanted to dig deeper, build huge war preparations underground, and transform the unknown hilltop where Anxin Hospital was located into a qualified doomsday survival space.

In this way, when a natural disaster strikes four years later, he will have a safe zone large enough for the witches to fight external battles and collect supplies. They can also protect Anxin Home itself, help the survivors survive the crisis, and fight against the demons...

There was a flagpole in the corner outside the main building of Anxinyuan. They discussed it for a while and decided to hang carp streamers to make it look more festive.

Zhang Su carried the ladder over and put it on the flagpole.

"Here I am!" Haoho carried several colorful carps on her shoulders and was eager to climb up, trying to hang the carp streamer on the top of the flagpole. "I'm leaving." She was too impulsive and forgot her own nature. She just climbed up After four or five steps, I felt dizzy and rushed down.

"I'll do it!" Natsuki climbed up and reached out to hang the carp flag from the top. The iron hook in its mouth hung on the flagpole.

"Be careful!" Mrs. Rena shouted from below. She was really worried about these children.

The first, second... carp streamers were hung high.

When the strong wind blows, they suddenly make a hunting sound. The wind pours in from their round mouths, causing their tails to dance with the wind. They are bright red, cyan, tidal blue, ultramarine...

Four big carp danced at the entrance of the new building, which was particularly attractive.

Zhang Su put his hands behind his back and really felt that happiness and peace were coming to this place.

On the fourth day of renovation, Drone used grid wallpaper to decorate the exterior wall to ensure it looked like an ancient temple.

The roof has been further modified to form an elegant curve, and the tawny color of the tile roof contrasts sharply with the white grid sides of the building, while still retaining a retro style.

The most beautiful ones are Dongmei’s hand-rubbed bronze bricks. Her magic transforms ordinary red bricks into copper bricks, and then coats them with a layer of patterned bronze, transforming them from simple construction site materials into ancient temples. Cornerstone.

After much effort, the building finally stopped looking obtrusive.

Just like there is an extra hall in the monastery, it is indeed a great improvement compared to the beginning, as if it was passed down from ancient times.

Later, the construction team connected it to Anxinyuan's water, electricity, pipe network, gas unit and other structures. It took several days to repair every corner.

The main hall, the main building, the comprehensive activity center... Zhang Su thought about it and gave it a formal name "Yuehuayuan" to commemorate the original intention of Anxinyuan's architecture, which in the final analysis was to guard Yuehuaji.

Having this name also reminds me not to forget our roots. When we have the strength in the future, we still have to solve Yuehuaji's matter.

When the plaque with the three characters "Yuehuayuan" was hung at the entrance, the construction team ended their labor work and finally accepted the completion.

Zhang Su cut the ribbon to open the business and completed the construction of the entire magnificent building.

Although it is empty inside, just looking at the appearance is enough to make people mesmerized.

"So big...so vast..."

"Such a spectacular thing has appeared here..."

"What is it used for?" The witch prisoners also saw this building rising from the ground day by day when they were working.

When it first landed, it was just a pale matchbox of building blocks. Now it is carefully decorated with cornices, lattice walls, window grilles, shoji doors, carp streamers, blue bricks and red doors. It is as beautiful as you want.

When it was finally completed, its appearance was quite exquisite and magnificent, which shocked them greatly.

Even the most overworked witch prisoner in the courtyard will proudly puff out his chest when he thinks of the grandeur of Yuehua Garden.

late into the night.

The construction crew has left, leaving the rest of the interior to be decorated on its own.

Zhang Su brought Lianwu to the empty hall.

"Except for the dozen or so rooms next to this place, the hall alone covers an area of ​​800 square meters." Zhang Su walked around inside.

The sterile material made of polymer is so beautiful that walking on it feels like walking on the beach.

"!" Lianwu was afraid of the empty room and felt a little weird.

She patted her cheeks to relieve her tension. The white pants and red skirt of the miko uniform were still worn on her slim body because she was going to summon red flames here.

Zhang Su redeemed the fragments from the witch containment log. Due to the previous work of containing 28 witches and the accumulation over the past few days, he now has 187 fragments, and 8 more will be added every day, indicating that the current situation of Anxin Hospital has really entered the stage. On track.

"I'm coming too!" A crack opened from the center of the room, and red flames poked their heads out, then jumped to the ground.

"What do you think? How should we decorate this hall?" Zhang Su asked.

"What? Are you actually asking for my opinion?" Hongyan walked around on the ground.

Zhang Su tried to feed Hongyan some technological files. She was now able to produce most products of the industrial era with higher efficiency. Hongyan was thinking about various blueprints.

Because of the head-touching incident, Lian Wu had no special respect for Hong Yan, the god she served.

She still looked at her a little angrily, but Hongyan didn't notice Lianwu's attitude at all.

"This can be used for everyone to sit and have a rest. There can be partitions and private rooms. Over there is the front desk and service area, where you can put some snacks and so on." Hongyan gestured in a serious manner, carrying out a large-scale Partition.

"Well...over there are the toilets and self-service kitchenette." Zhang Su gestured.

"~!" Lianwu thought of something and started to raise her hands.

"A place for tea drinking? It's very good. We can build a leisure tea drinking area where you can prepare and brew tea." Zhang Su said.

"I love drinking milk tea, let's turn it into a milk tea area." Hong Yan was very happy.

"Oh? Where did Lord Hongyan drink milk tea?" Zhang Su asked.

"Sometimes I will eat your food." Hongyan said naturally.

Lian Wu patted her cheeks with both hands, once or twice, and then mustered up the courage to speak.

"That's," Lianwu said, "eating on the sly."

"Can the things done by gods be called stealing?" Hong Yan disagreed.

"Anyway, thank you, Lord Hongyan." Zhang Su said.

He saw that Hongyan had planned the entire space, and then asked Zhang Su for 100 containment fragments, and then started to work.

Under the influence of the red flame's divine power, everything around him was changing rapidly.

She is indeed extremely fast, and her movements cannot be seen. She seems to be able to take and copy things from different places, so that everything is quickly formed in the amber stream.

Furniture appeared out of thin air, tatami spread out on the floor, smooth wooden decorations hung around, and a white light floated to the ceiling, blooming into paper lanterns, bathing the room in the warm glow of dusk.

Zhang Su felt very good. The decoration he exchanged from Hongyan had a natural sense of intimacy, which made him feel extra satisfied.

For a long time, Anxin Hospital has given people a relatively depressing feeling, and everyone's mood is not high.

But with the existence of Yuehuayuan, whether they are witch prisoners, children or staff, they will have enough leisure and entertainment space to improve their mood at work, so that they can have higher work efficiency.

If the previous Anxin Hospital was "1.0", then the existence of Yuehuayuan is to upgrade the whole to "2.0"!

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