Witch containment diary

Chapter 109 Preparing to Purchase Tea

"~" Lianwu saw everything around her. Although she didn't know what was happening, she quickly got used to it.

The light faded and everything took shape.

"Dangdang--" Hong Yan finished decorating, spun for a final moment, and then stopped, feeling dizzy and almost falling.

"!" Lianwu stretched out her hand to support Hongyan.

Her hand pressed against Hongyan's shoulder. It was the first time in her life that she touched a god's arm, and it felt particularly soft.

He is indeed an amazing god, so even his skin is so delicate.

"Huhu..." Hongyan stood firm and calmed down.

Zhang Su looked around. Even though he was used to the miracles brought by the red flames, he still felt very shocked.

The original rough house was still bare and empty, but it has now been completely upgraded.

The ground is a rice-colored tatami floor, surrounded by Dongming-style patterned paper walls.

There is an alcove in the reception area at the front, and there is a statue of Lord Hongyan himself. He looks much more mature than this child.

The Red Flame Bodhisattva seemed quite powerful when it was in its prime. Zhang Su paid more attention to it. It was full of majesty and was called authentic.

There are calligraphy scrolls and flower arrangements hung on both sides. The long scroll on the right reads "The red flame is the strongest" and the long scroll on the left reads "Guard with peace of mind".

Across the reception area is an open tea room with a sunken fireplace for cooking and preparing tea. There is a freezer and self-service machine on the counter next to it for making milk tea.

With just a few clicks of a finger, Hongyan has ice machines, ovens, water purifiers, boiling water machines, coffee machines, sealing machines, fructose machines, tea extraction machines, smoothie machines, induction cookers, pearl pots...all available to satisfy Lianwu's needs. need.

The adjacent leisure area has many tables for playing chess, and a small borrowing area filled with books, all of which seem to have been reproduced one by one by Hong Yan.

There were piles of finely carved wood products and lamps around, which seemed to have been hand-made by Hongyan, because they had stickers on them showing that Hongyan thought highly of himself.

Hongyan even worked part-time as a plumber and installed paper lantern-looking lights in the room. The toilet was also installed, with a separate sink, shower area, toilet, and even a barrier-free toilet.

"It's amazing." Hongyan said proudly, waiting for praise.

"~" Lianwu felt very satisfied.

She stretched out her hands to pick up the Red Flame God, shook him and then put him down again, just like shaking a little doll.

"Hmm! What are you doing!" Hong Yan couldn't understand Lian Wu at all.

"~" Lian Wu smiled slightly and rubbed Hong Yan's cheek, feeling less angry.

"Huh...ah-" Hong Yan was sleepy, as if doing these things made her feel tired, "I'm leaving!"

Before Zhang Su and Lian Wu could say goodbye, she got into the crack and went back to sleep in her 10-meter tunnel.

Leave them this delightful relaxing space.

"!" Lian Wu felt that Hong Yan's ability was magical.

"This is just the tip of the iceberg." Zhang Su nodded.

If Shenming is allowed to take a roll, work hard, and instill more knowledge of industrialization and informatization in her, she may be able to build an industry of drones, assembly lines, and robots in Anxinyuan in the future, and jump directly into the future society of 3.0 and 4.0.

Stock up on advanced raw materials, and with construction experts like Hongyan here, there is great hope for the future.

"~" Lianwu pointed to the area where milk tea was made.

"What, do you want to start a business making milk tea yourself?" Zhang Su thought it was amazing.

"!" Lian Wu pointed at her arm. She also wanted to try to work on her own.

"But you don't speak, how should you receive everyone?" Zhang Su asked.

Lianwu patted her cheek.

"That's okay." She nodded vigorously.

Just do it.

Miss An-yuan Lianwu’s tea business has begun! She began to import spices, tea and milk so that Xiaohua would not have enough milk.

Zhang Su also closed Yuehua Garden to the outside world.

After all, everyone knows that this place is empty. If such a huge facility appeared overnight, everyone would be shocked, so he announced that it would open in 5 days, which is relatively reasonable.

Lianwu thought of ways to prepare materials.

"~,~,~" Lianwu contacted Ito Tea Co., Ltd., the largest tea company in Dongming Country.

Ito Tea has a large tea garden located in Shizuoka Prefecture, the capital of tea in the East. It engages in everything from tea cultivation to product development, manufacturing and sales, providing excellent quality and variety.

Lianwu remembers that her father ordered tea from this company when he was a child. He must be a good person.

She dialed the business cooperation number on the official page.

New Tokyo.

At the Ito Tea headquarters, secretary Mizutani Rie was doing cold light whitening on her teeth when she suddenly received a call.

"Hello, this is Ito Tea Co., Ltd." Mizutani Rie said casually.

"~~Tea~" Lian Wu whispered.

"Tea? Do you want to order tea?" Rie Mizutani asked.

"Looking for Ito Shuhei~" Renwu said the name of the other party's boss.

The other party comes to Lianwu's house every year to give gifts and greetings, humbles himself in front of Lianwu's father, and begs for investment.

"That's our boss, he's very busy." Rie Mizutani smiled, "Just tell me if you have anything."

"Buy tea~" Lian Wu said.

Mr. Ito, give me some tea!

"How much?" Mizutani Rie asked.

"100 kilograms~ Go to No. 135 Gozen-machi, Echigo District Ansin-in..." Hasumi mustered up the courage to say.

It was difficult for her to speak such long sentences in one breath.

"Such an amount can be purchased at our official online store." Rie Mizutani said casually.

She felt that the other party had made a complete typo. Ito Tea was the exporter of most of the tea in Dongming Country. Small businesses were really looked down upon, and this was the headquarters!

"Oh~" Lianwu thought it made sense and hung up the phone.

"Rie, who is it?" Shuhei Ito, the boss of Ito Tea, who is keen on business opportunities, couldn't help asking from the other end of the office.

"Customer, only ordering 100 kilograms." Mizutani Rie said, "An unfamiliar number was sent to the countryside of Echigo, to a place called Ansinin."

"Unfamiliar number? Weird... Ansin?" Ito Sohei's heart skipped a beat and he couldn't help but check the telecommunications list and asked Mizutani Rie to play the phone recording.

Hasumi's unique voice came, making Ito Shuhei tremble.

An, An An Yuan Lian Wu!

Hearing Lian Wu's small movement, his whole body almost exploded.

"Call back, call back quickly," Ito Shuhei said hurriedly.

Compared with the power of Ansin Hideyuki, the little Itocha was like an ant. The other party was a legendary entrepreneur who formed the Satsuki Chamber of Commerce and challenged the old Tomei Zaibatsu.

Lian Wu was learning to make milk tea when she received a call right away.

"~" She answered.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry to bother you during my busy schedule. Is this Hasumi's niece?" Sohei Ito tried his best to be polite.

The secretary next to her, Mizutani Rie, was shocked. She had never seen her boss speak in such a condescending manner, at least not in the company, and indeed in the hotel.

"~" Lianwu doesn't like to talk, and today's Paipaifa has been used and its effectiveness has declined.

"Are you, are you angry with uncle? I'm so sorry! You should answer the phone in person, are you buying tea? What kind of tea do you want... No, no, uncle has all kinds of tea here and will deliver it to your door, Echigo No. 135 Ansinin, Gozenmachi? It will be delivered today!" Sohei Ito said quickly.

"~" Lianwu nodded, Ito is indeed a good person!

Ito Sohei couldn't see Hasumi's expression at all through the phone.

Hearing the silence on the phone, his heart froze. He was not familiar with Lian Wu, and had only seen her when giving gifts during the Chinese New Year. He had loved reading since he was a child. He was undoubtedly extremely smart, and he came from a famous family, so every move he made must be full of hidden secrets.

"No, I'm sorry, niece. Uncle Ito is really sorry and will definitely make up for it." Ito Shuhei was extremely helpless.

He was a little frustrated, and seemed to have angered An Yuan Lianwu, which was not good.

But there is no benefit in getting angry, so it is better to ship the goods.

"Send!" He quickly ordered, "Send the tea to Anxin Hospital! Send a ton!"

Sohei Ito spent a lot of money and directly hired a military "White Bird" helicopter to airlift tea to Ansin.

He didn't take any money, but gave a lot of gifts.

There are tea sets, tea cups, tea cups... and a full 2 ​​tons of tea leaves of various colors, with a complete range of varieties, so you don't have to worry about running out of drinks, or you won't be able to get rid of the mist.

This is the only thing Ito Tea can do! Have tea!

The children sat on the ground and pointed at the sky.

"Look, another 'white bird'!" Natsuki said happily.

"Hmph, I really don't know what I got this time." Hayho leaned back. An Yuan received so many gifts, all she had to do was lie down and enjoy them.

Lianwu was very happy to see so much tea brought.

She was also worried that she would not have enough tea to buy. Now it seems more convenient. Everyone can drink a few more cups, and the quality is very good, such as Ginhao, Maojian, Gyokuro, Sencha, Bancha... everyone is in a good mood.

Sohei Ito called again.

"Miss Anxin, how are you? Have you received the gift?" he asked.

"~" Lianwu said.

Still not talking! Ito Sohei almost died suddenly.

After the expectant phone call, he could only get a long silence, which made him feel even more desperate.

How can I get her to take a stand?

Continue giving gifts? Apart from tea, Ito Tea Company really has nothing else to offer!

It was like facing an unshakable black mountain. Miss Anyuan Lianwu was indeed mysterious and unpredictable.

It is said that Lianwu did not even go back to the family meeting where their family's life and death depended! He obviously has his own plan.


Having said that, the collapse of Dongzhou Industry seems to be behind the operation of Anxinyuan Lianwu, which has led to the current passive situation of the Anxinyuan family.

I don’t know where she stands...


Asking for tea as a gift now is like asking the ancient daimyo to send gold or a sword when they recruit the city lord.

Was she planning to test her loyalty?

It seems that Renwu really wants to tear apart the business landscape of New Tokyo. For such a weak woman, such courage is really amazing.

But Ito Tea will not waver.

"Sorry, niece Renwu, I am still loyal to Hideyuki-sama." Sohei Ito said calmly.

"~" Lian Wu nodded on the other end of the phone, that's good~ go help dad.

"Although we are just tea merchants in Dongming, I also have my own backbone, which is to stand on the side of the Satsuki Chamber of Commerce and support Lord Hideyuki when he is in danger." Sohei Ito said firmly.

"~" Lian Wu said.

"If you will go back to New Tokyo, will you meet me at Hideyuki-sama's residence then? Let's talk about it then." Sohei Ito said helplessly.

"~" Lian Wu gave a thumbs up.

"..." Ito Shuhei felt that his blood pressure was too high. Why was Renwu talking to the secretary fine before, but now he was silent.

He had no choice but to end the communication.

"I'm just here to buy tea." Secretary Rie Mizutani said.

"It's smaller, the pattern is smaller! Anxinyuan Hideyuki-sama is about to hold a 'Gatetsuki Conference'. All 5,000 member companies will gather to discuss whether to renew the contract and continue our alliance. Lianwu called at this juncture. You're testing my intentions." Sohei Ito sighed.

"But, the Ansin family's Dongzhou Industry is over, and Hideyuki-sama's Satsuki Chamber of Commerce will also be disbanded." Rie Mizutani guessed.

"I thought so before, but look at the heroes of the Ansin family! The head of the family, Hideyuki-sama, is an investment genius, the eldest son Ryuichi is ambitious, the second son Kyoji is shrewd and capable, and even the daughter Renwu is young but scheming, and everything is under control ! This family will not disappear from Dongming’s history easily.”

"That's true..." Mizutani Rie was in awe. The real wisdom lies not in saying more, but in saying less.

"...What's more, Ansin Hideyuki has never failed in his investment in his life, except for the wall of Dongzhou. Hideyuki-sama will lead us to the next trend." Sohei Ito said.

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