Witch containment diary

Chapter 110 Lianwu’s Milk Tea Shop

The sun shines through the bamboo curtains and illuminates the tea room of Yuehuayuan. Lianwu silently walks behind the counter and starts preparing tea.

Zhang Su was lucky enough to be the first customer. He sat across from the counter and watched how Lian Wu learned to make milk tea.

"This is my job!" Lian Wu was very happy.

Milk is good, tea is good, add them together and add sugar, that’s a lot of happiness!

Her hands are nimble and steady, and her delicate fingers put the tea leaves into a filter bag, and then put it into a boiling kettle to steep, allowing the tea polyphenols and caffeine to gradually precipitate.

A steaming pot of black pearls, made with tapioca starch, simmered in a pot nearby.

After preparing the ingredients, Lianwu poured a large cup of milk into the cup, then poured in a large cup of tea, pearls, and finally added sugar.

Stirring them together in this way, it became the milk tea in her mind, and then served it to Zhang Su.

"Hurry up." Lian Wu opened her eyes wide, anticipating Zhang Su's reaction.

Zhang Su thought it was amazing.

Milk tea is the essence of urban industry. It brings joy to students and coolness to social animals. It is a high-fat and high-sugar reward for hard work. The gross profit margin is high, and the business model is mature...

However, in Anxinyuan, in the hands of the wealthy Miss Lianwu, the milk tea is mixed with the most expensive tea and the most real milk. It is impossible to make a profit and returns to its most essential attributes!

"Thank you for the hospitality." Zhang Su tasted the taste and drank half of it in one gulp, like a whale swallowing.

To be honest, it is very different from the traditional concept of "milk tea"!

Because there is no non-dairy creamer, but expensive tea leaves and real milk are used, the technology and hard work are lost, and the taste is not so fragrant.

However, the tea is fragrant and the thick milk is sweet, making it very refreshing to drink.

"It's great." Zhang Su had to praise, "This is the best thing I've ever had."

"Tell me, tell me more." Lian Wu poked Zhang Su's forehead with her finger.

"Actually, it's different from what I imagined. There are no flavors, creamers or non-dairy creamers. They use real tea and real milk. On the contrary, the taste is different, and the texture is waterier and astringent. Milk tea is a real industrial blending product. , it will be fragrant and mellow, we might as well just drink tea like this!" Zhang Su honestly said.

Milk tea made from pure milk actually tastes very light and has a strong fishy smell. Still need creamer, non-dairy creamer, chemical additives, etc.

But Lianwu wants to have fun making milk tea, so she does whatever she wants.

"Just drink some, idiot~ This is not consumer grade, this is my craftsman spirit~ Just let us enjoy this high-end stuff~" Lian Wu made a face at Zhang Su.

"It is indeed very healthy, very healthy. It would be better if there were more tricks." Zhang Su admitted.

This drink, milk tea, is super healthy. Milk is a good thing, tea is also a good thing, and stirring them won't hurt anyone.

Under the guidance of Zhang Su, Lianwu also continued to work hard to make the special healthy milk tea of ​​Anxinyuan, which was brewed by the witches of Anxinyuan herself.

It was about to open. After Zhang Su tasted it, Lianwu prepared tea soup, brewing a little bit of black tea, green tea, oolong tea and four seasons spring tea. The people from Ito Tea sent a lot of tea, even very expensive ones.

Zhang Su originally wanted to select the most expensive teas and save them for entertaining guests later.

But then he thought about it, isn't the most important thing about Anxin Hospital the people here? Why should we leave it to outsiders and not drink it ourselves?

So he let Lianwu soak it and play with it. The milk tea mixed with tens of thousands of yen per kilogram of special tea leaves and fresh milk is brewed for everyone to drink for free in Anxinyuan. It is amazing.

Next came the cooking of small ingredients, red beans, taro balls, sago, passion fruit, grass jelly, pudding... Lian Wu boiled them separately.

They originally look like small pellets in the package and are dry. They will swell after cooking and then have to be cooled.

There is also a milk cap. Lian Wu uses a blender to beat the milk until it becomes sticky, and then makes smoothies.

"Are you so tired?" Zhang Su saw that Lianwu had never done any physical work.

"The feeling of hard work... is very wonderful. Working originally had nothing to do with me, but I also want to know what it feels like to work." Lian Wu worked hard.

"Why? The amplitude of the stock market's fluctuation in one second is greater than the profit of an entire milk tea shop in one month." Zhang Su said.

"Yeah, so I think it's amazing. Why is there such a difference? Some people sweat like rain and still have no money, but some people can easily live a life of glory and wealth?" Lian Wu said with a smile.

"Maybe it's because Miss Lianwu can inherit the family business from her father." Zhang Su said.

Lian Wu also thought about this matter, but then thought of what his father said: Of course inheritance will cause inequality, but if inheritance is abolished and everyone's assets cannot be passed on to the next generation, then people will not work as hard as they do now. , and may even sit back and watch the world perish.

Even people with little money don't want an organization to take away all their money. People are selfish.

They need two rules to ensure a sense of security. The first is to ensure that their labor can be exchanged for money, and the second is to ensure that they can decide how to use their money. As long as these two things remain in place, society can continue.

Lian Wu became lazy. She lay on the table, waiting for customers to come in, and drew circles on the table with her fingers.

"Wow, big room!" Hayho is the world's number one explorer and bravely visited the newly renovated Yuehua Garden.

"What are you here for?" Zhang Su teased her.

"Hoho, this place belongs to me." Hayho ran around in the hall.

She ran quickly, touching this and that, full of interest in this huge playground.

"~!!!!!!" Renwu waved his hand silently, trying hard to let Saho find himself and Xiaoxiao milk tea counter.

"Come here quickly." Zhang Su gathered Zaosui's thoughts, "Come and drink milk tea."

"Milk tea? What is it?" Zaho came over to take a look.

Zhang Su himself observed that Zaosui seemed to have become clearer due to Zhang Su's teachings.

She combed her black hair straight and let it hang below her shoulders. Her face was still childish and round, and her eyes looked out sharply.

The student uniform of Ansin is maid-style, so Hayao wears a black and white apron puffy dress that has been washed and smells like soap, and a white ruffled tiara that goes above her knees.

She climbed onto the high stool and sat on it. As soon as she sat on the chair, she kicked off one of her leather shoes and kicked the counter with her white socks.

"Milk tea is a drink." Zhang Su tried to make her understand, "It's very delicious."

"Have a drink, will you? Come behind the counter quickly." Hayho urged.

"Miss Lianwu did it," Zhang Su said.

"Ms. Renwu!" Hayao was shocked. The witch Renwu with miraculous abilities turned out to be a master of milk tea.

"!" Lianwu started to work hard.

Renwu made a cup of milk tea with black tea and fresh milk and served it to Zaho, adding half of the pearls to it.

Hayao drank with difficulty, but the pearl blocked the straw, so she couldn't drink it anyway. She had to take off the cap and pour it out to drink.

After she drank it, she suddenly felt full of energy.

"Hi!" Hayho jumped down.

Perhaps because the sugar in the milk tea activated her nerves, and the caffeine made her magic more active, she started punching and kicking the air, and then went to play with the children.

"?" Lian Wu looked at the direction in which Saho ran away.

"Nothing will happen...probably." Zhang Su shook his head and continued to wait for the next customer.

Saho told Natsuki about the milk tea, and Natsuki told Sayuri.

Sayuri heard that there was actually a free supply of milk tea in the prison, so she came over after feeding the chickens.

"Yo yo yo, it's true!" Sayuri was very happy when she entered the door.

"Change your shoes." Zhang Su reminded.

Sayuri kicked off her dirty shoes, which were stained with mud, and came into the house barefoot.

"I'll come..." Sayuri is an expert in urban life, "Let's have a cup of glutinous rice and crispy pop. It's so delicious. It's so good that you can't finish it. The brown sugar pearl milk tea with soy milk, rice mochi, taro balls and Oreos. Remove the sugar and make it over ice. It’s a really delicious milk tea!”

"...You'd better go back and drink blood, the plasma bag has arrived." Zhang Su said.

"...!" Lian Wu thought of a way to satisfy the string of modifiers Sayuri said, adding enough ingredients and candies to the milk tea.

Sayuri happily took a sip, an expression of satisfaction immediately appeared on her face.

"The last time I drank it was... seven or eight months ago. I didn't expect to be able to drink milk tea like this in prison. It's amazing! And the tea tastes so strong!" Sayuri praised.

"...!" Lian Wu was very satisfied, at least he was a good customer.

"You have to continue working after drinking." Zhang Su said.

"No problem." Sayuri hugged the milk tea, contentedly.

"~" Lianwu gestured to Zhang Su.

"Adding blood to milk tea, blood milk tea? Just like the blood of diabetics?" Zhang Su objected.

"That makes sense. No wonder my mother has been feeding my father a lot of sugar. It turns out it was to make him suffer from diabetes." Sayuri realized.

"Where is your family? I have to call the Metropolitan Police Department and ask them to rescue your dad..." Zhang Su was helpless.

"My mother is a beautiful woman in New Tokyo, and my father already makes too much." Sayuri disagreed.

"Then I need to know where you live." Zhang Su said.

"Okay, I have fed 40 chickens and cleaned the chicken shed. I want to drink the plasma bag~ If you give me the blood, I will introduce my mother to you~" Sayuri made a face. After all, Zhang Su looks thick-skinned and can survive even sucking two mouthfuls of blood. He is a rare good person for their family.

"I always feel like your workload is not yet full." Zhang Su plans to expand small animal breeding farms and increase meat, egg and milk production.

"Speaking of which, this place is really good. Maybe I can continue working here after I am released from prison?" Sayuri asked.

"That's too much to think about. After all, we are also a public institution under the Human Defense Project. You have to go to college first, then take the exam, and then be assigned here. Otherwise, you can only work as a temporary worker." Zhang Su explained.

"Temporary workers are not bad either. Hum!" Sayuri walked away easily.

She avoided a dog, and the dog led Komurohua to Yuehua Garden.

"Pepper, come in." Komurohua said softly.

"Ouch." Pepper stepped forward into the room and led Shihua into the first floor hall of Yuehua Garden.

"It smells so good." Shihua sniffed, and Pepper also sniffed, her wet nose trembling slightly.

"Here. There is a seat." Zhang Su guided.

"Pepper, seat." Murohua said to the puppy.

The guide dog Pepper walked forward, held Murohua's hand with her paws, and asked her to find a seat so that Murohua could sit on it without bumping or falling.

"!" Lian Wu quickly slapped her face.

Once, twice, three times, four times.

"Hello, Komurohua, milk tea, welcome." Lianwu said.

"I want milk tea, thank you very much!" Murohua said hurriedly.

Pepper climbed onto another chair and sat.

"How is Shihua doing lately?" Zhang Su was concerned.

"Thank you for taking care of me. It's very good. I'm studying hard now, and my magic power seems to have improved a bit." Shi Hua groped in the air.

As a witch who protects the path, Murohua's greatest ability is to transfer the damage suffered by others to herself.

Sometimes Zhang Su would find that Shi Hua had bumps on her body, which were not necessarily caused by her. It could also be that she had transferred the wounds of other children to herself, thus protecting everyone's safety.

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