Witch containment diary

Chapter 112 The Evolution of Gorgeous Treasures

Priscilla carefully picked up a jet-black jewelry. Its material was not obsidian, but jet jade.

She listened carefully and heard the strange cry of the soul. It seemed that the devil had stolen beads from a certain world of practitioners and was originally installed on the soul-suppressing flag.

Demons only eat souls as fuel, while some cultivators from other dimensions directly transform human souls into ghosts for convenience in martial arts battles, which is why they scream like this. Priscilla was knowledgeable and far-sighted, and she was also familiar with it at this time.

This kind of demonic treasure is full of evil spirits and exudes all kinds of abnormal smells, which is unpleasant.

However, they are truly rare treasures! Its craftsmanship is so ingenious that it can shock even the most inexperienced people, even the craftsmen of Zurich jewelry stores have to bow to it.

"It's so precious. Generally speaking, only demons at the level of big leaders or legion commanders have this kind of collection. It's really an honor for me to be able to handle this kind of material." Priscilla looked at it with hot eyes.

For her, Anxinyuan is a treasure place for training techniques. She must master all casting techniques in order to solve the mystery of the broken position.

"If you need anything, please just ask." Zhang Su respects talents, and Priscilla is well versed in professional knowledge and will become a rare help in the future.

With Priscilla's help, the captured demon jewelry can finally be recast into treasures that humans can use.

The frontline will continue to transport loot to Anxinyuan. In each battle, a large amount of materials can be plundered from the demons to support the war.

"The magic attached to most demonic accessories is very clear and easy to understand." Priscilla began to analyze the demonic treasures brought by Zhang Su, quickly wrote down notes, and recorded these demonic accessories by category.

A small crown that can enhance the power of demons, a bracelet that makes people prone to parricide, a gem that can make people unconditionally angry three times a day, a necklace that enhances intimidation capabilities but reduces wisdom, a ring that summons imps...

It's useful for demons, but it's troublesome for humans and needs to be replaced and refined many times.

"It seems that demons can easily take materials from other dimensions as their own." Zhang Su speculated.

"This is the power of demons. Supernatural creations from other dimensions usually have their own mana marks. A layman would think that the running circuits of golems are the same as human circuit boards. Some people also compare the operation methods of magic crystals and fairy urns. Confused... However, the differences between the dimensions are still too big, we can only extract the energy and then make good use of it." Priscilla said.

"The only form of supernatural energy we can use seems to be 'magic'." Zhang Su said.

"There is also 'Qi'. If they are prepared for you, I will disintegrate them again and then re-carve them into treasures that can be driven by 'Qi'." Priscilla reminded.

"That's exactly what I want." Zhang Su nodded.

"...Most of the forgers of demon treasures are craftsmen. The trick demons are responsible for coming up with ideas, and the blazing demons melt the raw materials and then shape them. They are all closely connected to the power of hell, so the first step is to cut off This connection." Priscilla concentrated on it.

"How long will it take?" Zhang Su asked.

"Just leave these here with me, and I'll see what I can do. Give me some time." Priscilla had to completely remove their evil marks first, and then transform them.

"By the way, Miss Priscilla doesn't work alone. I have another person here, Dongmei? Please come in." Zhang Su invited Dongmei to come in.

Dongmei put her hands on each other, as if she didn’t know where to put them. She looked as gray as if she had been plucked from an oil factory, while Priscilla was bright and fashionable.

"H-Hello!" Dongmei stuttered a little.

She is a foundry witch who drives screws in the workshop, while Priscilla is a foundry witch responsible for professional projects in the Human Defense Plan. Their power and status are very different.

"It must be the casting witch." Priscilla saw the burn marks on Dongmei's hands. The casting witch used her hands to polish the treasure, and it was burnt by many furnaces, leaving her skin intact.

"Yes." Dongmei hid her hands behind her back. Priscilla took better care of herself. Dongmei's hands were similar to those of a burnt corpse.

"Where did you go to school?"

"Dongming National College." Dongmei raised her head.

"Is it a junior college?" Priscilla didn't want to mention her degree from ETH Zurich.

"We study for 5 years, the first 3 years of classes, 1 year of training, and 1 year of assembly line internship. Strictly speaking, I am studying in a kind of university, not a junior college!" Dongmei said seriously.

It's a college degree. Priscilla judged in her heart.

"What kind of work did you do before?"

"I have rotated through several positions, including machine tool operator, structural design, and process supervisor. I originally studied materials. In order to do mechatronics, I learned some other skills. I mainly made molds, rubbing, and various lathes. , parts, etc., make a wrench, knife, rub the cylinder... I will do whatever the factory asks me to do." Dongmei said.

When she recounted her story, she discovered that she was so confused! Ever since I entered the manufacturing plant, I have been driven and driven without thinking about what to do.

"I see..." Priscilla smiled at Dongmei.

"What about you? Have you never been to a factory?" Dongmei asked.

"I first studied for a doctorate in mechanics, and then went to the Institute of Witches in Paris to study casting classics. I found that artificial intelligence and automation were the direction. I worked in a Swiss watch shop for a year and saved enough money to make money. After that, I joined the human race according to my personal interests. Defense plan, trying to explore strange materials from different dimensions in the battle against demons... Then, fate made us meet." Priscilla said easily.

Dongmei held it in for a long time and could only think of one word.

"Awesome," she said.

"Come, sit next to me." Priscilla invited.

Dongmei walked over nervously and sat down dejectedly.

Zhang Su felt very strange when he saw the calm Priscilla and the unlucky Dong Mei sitting together. Although they were both casting witches, they were very different, and now they were sitting at the same workstation.

Priscilla carefully looked at the jewelry seized by Zhang Su. Under the sunlight, those gems exuded a faint and evil light, making people want to avoid looking at them.

Zhang Su also observed attentively. If these accessories were handled carefully, they would be even more powerful for him.

"Dongmei, as you can see, these gems have been carefully cut and then set on rings or necklaces." Priscilla picked up a demon necklace.

This necklace is inlaid with a jet black gemstone, which can strengthen the demon's soul power.

Priscilla's deft hands turned the strange ornament over and over again, and its shadow squirmed on the table, as if it had a life of its own.

Dongmei swallowed nervously, but her eyes were still fixed on the necklace. From certain angles, it looked like a twisted devil's face.

The witch's alchemy workshop that Zhang Su prepared for Priscilla was well-equipped and fashionable in style. It was completely different from the factory workshop where Dongmei worked.

Dongmei carefully observed Priscilla's every move, hoping that she could learn something from it.

The Forge Witch becomes stronger by making high-quality items. As long as Tomi makes some more exquisite things, she is expected to evolve into a complete witch.

"The devil likes to collect these jewels. If we want them to be used by us, we must first melt them with a specific reagent. This is my 'water of migration'." Priscilla took off a small one from her neck. Black bottle.

It was about as long as a finger, and it had been buried deep in Priscilla's chest, making it difficult to detect.

Zhang Su heard about it.

The water of migration, commonly known as "water of change", is a magic potion and an important tool for casting witches.

It can easily disintegrate the molecular structure of an object and melt any substance no matter how solid it is.

The Forging Witch can then reshape them into what she needs.

Priscilla carefully poured a drop of transmuted water onto the dark stone, which hissed violently like acid etching.

Soon, under the action of the changing water, the dark gem cracked and shattered into porous gray rock, losing its original magic.

"How did it... turn into stone!" Dongmei drooled at the Transmutation Water. The Human Defense Project would allocate them to excellent forging witches, but Dongmei was far from qualified.

Such a good gem, a drop of potion dries it to look like a stone.

"Don't worry, we are forging witches and can restore them easily. It's your turn." Priscilla handed the black finger bottle to Dongmei.

Dongmei took a deep breath and took out a ruby ​​​​from the devil's jewelry.

She originally thought that the gem would be as hot as fire, but it was very cold, like a piece of ice, like a mouth, gnawing at her fingertips! It made her shudder.

"...Be firm, the devil's jewelry can feel the fear of mortals." Priscilla warned.

Dongmei gritted her teeth, mustered up her courage, and poured down the black vial with trembling hands.

The water of migration dripped on the ruby, quickly eroding it away, and poisonous mist curled up.

Dongmei coughed and watched as the gem shattered into dim fragments.

"The next step is to recast." Priscilla released her amber casting magic power and wrapped the gem fragments in the palm of her hand.

They are reorganized on a microscopic level and transformed into the form desired by the Forging Witch.

Dongmei did the same, forcing herself to use casting magic to recast the ruby ​​fragments.

"It's...very hard." Dongmei found it too difficult, like putting together a thousand pieces of a puzzle at the same time.

The rough forging process is very demanding, but the fine gem carving requires extremely high control.

"...Experience it well. Over time, you will feel like you can use your fingers." Priscilla said lightly.

Zhang Su saw the jet-black gem reshaping in Priscilla's hands.

The imprisoned soul was released, and the power of the gem began to change.

"Master Supervisor, what kind of enchantment do you want? Its original magic power is used to enhance the soul power of demons. If it is turned into a human treasure, it can be changed into three types - stabilizing the mind, enhancing memory, or improving eyesight. , to facilitate observation of difficult-to-see objects." Priscilla asked.

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